Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Spheres of Influence

Research a current event that discusses recent concerns in one or more areas of Earth Science. Think in terms of the major spheres. Post the source of your article and write a summary paragraph of the topic.

Make sure to read over previous posts so that you do not repeat another TOPIC or ARTICLE.


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  2. http://www.sciencenews.org/view/generic/id/333576/title/Magnitude_5.8_earthquake_hits_Virginia
    On august 23 at 1:51 pm a 5.8 earthquake struck Virginia and effected all of the east coast. The epicenter is in central virginia. Tuesday the U.S. Capitol Building and the Pentagon were evacuated. It is rare for the East Coast to get struck by earthquakes and won't ever get a big one. Later on that day there was a 2.8 aftershock in Virginia. Rumors are spreading that is is a fore shock to a bigger one coming.

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  4. http://www.windows2universe.org/earth/Atmosphere/troposphere.html

    The troposphere is where most weather storms happen. The higher up you go the less dense the air is and colder. This layer makes up more than half of the atmosphere. Water vapor, which is found in the troposphere, is the reason that their are clouds in this layer of the atmosphere. The boundary separating the troposphere and the stratosphere,the layer above it, is called the tropopause. This layer isnt heated directly from the sun but from the heat radiating from the ground and the ocean.

  5. http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/I/IRENE?SITE=GAGAI&SECTION=WEATHER&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2011-08-26-17-14-29

    Hurricane warnings are in effect from North Carolina to Massachussets. Rain and tropical force winds already affecting North carolina. There are official warnings of dangerous because of irene. People in storms path or still being affected stock up on supplies to be at home. Irene can cause billions of dollars in damage. the entire eastern seaboard is under a mandatory evacuation. Airlines have canceled more than 2,000 flights.

  6. http://newscenter.lbl.gov/news-releases/2011/08/22/permafrost/

    By the end of the 21st century, billions of tons of carbon trapped in high-altitude permafrost could possibly be released into Earth's atmosphere. It's caused by the planet's climate changing, and would accelerate global warming. Also, studies showed that soil in high-altitudes could become a source of carbon dioxide by the end of the century, again due to climate change.

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  11. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/44228490
    Greenland's glaciers keep shrinking as higher surface temperatures have created record mass losses in 2010 & 2011, researchers announced this week.The difference between the snow and ice is a glacier's mass balance. It accumulates and how much of it melts and sublimates (when a solid turns directly into gas). " It is the most sensitive way of measuring the climate effects on a glacier," the researchers said.

  12. http://www.kschroeder.com/archive/blog/1076342899/1083599129/1083692209/1083693271/1083697671/1083711072/1083864204/index_html.html

    The anthrosphere is part of the environment of humans and is modified by them. While the technology is evolving there are also different impacts on human activities. The anthrosphere also interact with spheres of influence minds with the geosphere, biosphere and hydrosphere.
    With the environmental research of these last 20 years served to understand the magnitude and impact of these material flows leaving the anthrosphere.
    The moderately to put this one controlled the emission of factories, cars, feedlots and bakeries.

    I would like to say that all spheres of influence must be balanced so that if one has a problem it will affect another sphere and that sphere another... as kind like a food chain all areas must be balanced.

  13. http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/NaturalHazards/view.php?id=51729&src=nha

    During 2011 Mt. Etna in Sicily, Italy has been having random volcanic tremors. The explosions consist of thick white gas and ash and the lava flows beneath the summit. The ash cloud was produced by lava underneath the summit "fountaining". Etna's thick white gas and ash blew to the southeast, towards the city of Catania. The TVAAC estimated the ash reached an altitude of 14,000 feet , 2,000 feet, above the 10,925-foot. Also the picture in the article was taken at 11:40 by the MODIS on the terra satellite.

  14. http://www.windows2universe.org/earth/polar/cryosphere_intro.html&edu=elem

    Some parts of the cryosphere are only around during the winter time. Glaciers and ice sheets are also a part of the cryosphere and they can stay frozen year-round. Sea ice and icebergs float ontop of cold waters in polar oceans. Permafrost is filled with frozen water, which can be found in Polar Regions. On the Artic sea ice, you can find polar bears roaming around. When ice and snow melt, the water will become a part of the hydrosphere. Because of quantity of snow and ice that has melted over each summer is increasing because of the global warming. Darker ocean and land can be exposed when the snow and ice melt. Darker colors absorb and then can radiate more of the Sun’s energy, which will warm up the atmosphere. A lot of different organisms live in the biosphere rely on parts of the cryosphere for water and habitats. Each season, snow and ice melts and provides freshwater for many different plants and animals. This one is very interesting because the glaciers and ice sheets shape the land surface. This is what happens; they erode rocks of the geosphere as the ice shifts slowly crosswise the land. This is when the eroded sediments are put in other places.

  15. http://pubs.usgs.gov/fs/2011/3072/pdf/FS2011-3072.pdf

    In the past 3 decades the weather has changed significantly in Sudan. This effects many necessary things to live. Such as food, and shelter. The rain fall for Sudan has dropped 20% in since 1970. This causes crops to die therefore people to starve. The situation in Sudan is not getting better, the population is growing where the rainfall is lacking. This growth is expected to put Sudan at risk in the next 20 years.

  16. http://Theextinctionprotocal.wordpress.com

    On June 5, 2011 a volcano in the Caulle Cordon of south chile erupted, causing more than 3,500 people to evacuate the area. The National Office is stiil deciding whether it was an eruption or a Lithospheric fracturing. Apparently it recorded an average of 230 tremors an hour. The eruption was nearly 620 miles south of Chiles national capital, Santiago.

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  19. On August 27 Hurricane Irene, a ferocious and slow-moving storm, smashed into North Carolina, then slowly swirled its way up the Eastern Seaboard, flooding low-lying areas, knocking out power to as many as 1 million customers and forcing the densely populated regions of Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., and New York City to take unprecedented steps as they braced for impact. At least eight people are known to have died as a result of the storm in North Carolina, Virginia and Florida.Irene is expected to continue its northward path through New England before weakening early Sunday morning. The youngest victim, an 11-year-old.

  20. http://www.macroevolution.net/tree-growth.html

    Tree growth has declined seven percent today than in the late 1800s. Tree growth is also predicted to decline ten percent by the end of the century. Today’s ground level ozone pollution is declining the growth in trees in the northern and mid-latitudes. According to a study in the journal Global Biology Change, the ozone pollution is four times greater now than prior to the Industrial Revolution. If dependence on fossil fuels continues at this current pace, ozone concentration in the future will at least be doubled current levels by the end of the century. The ozone is the third strongest greenhouse gas, directly contributing to global warming. Also is an air pollutant considered most damaging to plants. But importantly, has the potential to leave behind more carbon dioxide.

  21. http://globalstewards.org/issues.htm

    The total carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is 455 parts per million which is considered a tipping point. This can potentially cause dangerous climate change. The IPCC's original projected climate change, was mainly changed by China's and India's increased reliance on the power of coal. During the 1990's the Carbon dioxide emissions grew by less than 1% per year. During the 2000's emissions grew to 3.5% per year. About 70% disasters are now related to climate. 2,400,000,000 people were affected by disasters relating to climate. Disasters are expected to increase. We will cause irreversible and huge damage to the Earth, unless we decrease the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to 350 parts per year.

  22. http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2011/03/11/world/asia/maps-of-earthquake-and-tsunami-damage-in-japan.html


    On March 11, 2011, a devastating 9.0 magnitude earthquake struck Japan's coast. The cause for the earthquake was a dramatic shift in the Earths plates, and with the coast being so close to the fault line it made things much worse. Just over 20,000 people were pronounced dead and/or missing. Not long after, Japan was hit with multiple aftershocks, the strongest being a 6.0 magnitude or higher.

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  24. http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2011/03/17/110635/health-concerns-in-japanese-tsunami.html

    TOKYO — Medical support is desperately needed at the shelters in the quake zone as the threat of influenza and other infectious diseases keep growing.

    Conditions appear to be worsening in the Tohoku region due to the lack of sufficient food, water, medicine and heating supplies. This is honestly true in the shelters along the Pacific coast — including in the Kanto region — which was ravaged by the earthquake and ensuing tsunami last Friday.

    There also has been growing concern about the victims' health in the difficult living environment that the people live in.

  25. http://abcnews.go.com/US/hurricane-irene-billions-damage-expected-east-coast/story?id=14385269

    Hurricane Irene has cost the US billions of dollars according to abc news. Irene is so bad deaths have happened from day one. It really is a tragic event for the east cost. Roofs from houses have been torn off, fences blown down, trees falling in the middle of streets, power outages.

  26. Landslides are large masses of rock, dirt, mud, and other debris falling down a mountain or cliff. These landslides can be very dangerous and even fatal. This was the case in Uganda early monday. Some workers from Red Cross said that torrential rains were the main cause of the landslides. They also said that 35 people could have been killed but they had only recovered 24 bodies. A similar event happened last year and officials had said that they would relocate almost half a million people to avoid this tragedy again. After the slide many roads were trashed not only because of the landslide but also from heavy rain. They said that another contributing factor to the slide was form the population growing and people cutting down trees. By doing this, the ground became more loose and created better conditions for landslides.


  27. http://news.yahoo.com/flooding-nigerias-south-kills-least-23-101049751.html

    On Friday, August 26, in Lagos, Nigeria at least 23 people have died by flooding caused by heavy rains. Most of the victims were children. They drowned in the Southwestern city of Ibadan. People in the city where left with no escape routes after the fierce uncontrollable rain damaged three bridges and made a dam overflow, where the water would flow to nearby neighborhoods. Floods also killed at least 15 people in the northern part of Nigeria.

  28. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/44305129/ns/weather/
    In Brattleboro Vermont, it has been reported that Hurricane Irene has left the most significant amount flood water in more than 80 years. Theres are more than 50,000 homes still without power. The states that had the most power outtages are reported to be: Virginia, Conecticut, Massachusets, New Jersey, and New York. In Brattleboro, there is reported that they have a minimum of 7 inches of rain. Many people are homeless, because of the wind knocking down trees into homes and power lines. Flood water has also washed out many of its roads. In a quaint town in New England, there has been a report of at least two deaths. Irene was downgraded to a tropical storm when it reached these states.

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  30. http://news.yahoo.com/mont-yellowstone-fish-safe-oil-found-150734026.html
    In Billings, Montana there was and Exxon Mobil Corp. gas leak that into the Yellowstone River. 42000 gallons of oil were spilled during the leak. Only 400 gallons were recovered. Scientist studied over 58 fish and no oil was found in their fillets. Although there was oil substance in the fish's livers. This could affect the fish eggs. The scientist say that the fish are still ok to be eaten. Researchers have also seen a drop in the fish population where the oil leak was located.

    The spheres affected by the event are the Biosphere, the Anthrosphere, and the Hydrosphere.

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  32. http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2011/25aug_sunspotbreakthrough/

    Stanford researchers think that forecasts made from the littlest actions may be possible in the future. But only for the sun. "We have learned to detect sunspots before they are visible to the human eye, this could lead to significant advances in space weather forecasting" Stathis Ilonidis, a PhD student at Stanford University. Sun spots can turn into flares & CMEs. They can cause power outages.They are islands of magnetism in the solar plasma. They are formed at the center of the sun and move toward the outer surface , kind of like a submarine moving to the top of the water. Scientists use similar ways to sensing an earthquake like sensing the vibrations from sun spots. Scientists can notice them about as far as 60,000 km beneath the surface, which gives them about 2 days advance to when it reaches the surface. Right now, Scientists detect five sun spots on the sun. Two are capable of releasing the most dangerous flames there are.

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  34. California's approval of a dangerous and controversial agricultural chemical, methyl iodide, came further into question last week when new documents showed the fumigant's registration process was flawed. The documents, which were made public as part of a lawsuit challenging the state's approval of the chemical, show the state's Department of Pesticide Regulation cut and pasted calculations from different risk assessments in order to come up with a less stringent set of restrictions on the chemical's use.

    The lithosphere and the hydrosphere are affected because they could be polluted by these chemicals.


  35. http://newswatch.nationalgeographic.com/2011/08/12/an-ocean-miracle-in-the-gulf-of-california%E2%80%93can-we-have-more-of-this-please/

    It's a miracle!!!
    In the Gulf of California, there has been a recent increase in fish. Their reaserch indicates that the fish biomass has increased by 460 percent. The gulf has been protecting its area and safegaurding the fish from fishermen.Cabo Pulmo National Park in Baja California, Mexico, was protected in 1995 to safeguard the largest coral community in the Gulf of California. They decided that the waters in front of their settlement were going to be a no-take marine reserve – fishing was banned with the hopes of bringing the fish back. In 2009 scientists went back to Cabo Pulmo to monitor the fish populations. When they jumped in they were astounded by thousands of fish swimming. The fish were so abundant they could barely see each other when they starterd walking around; they even saw sharks. This reef is the only healthy reef in the Gulf of California, and because of this it has brought divers which in turns gives the Gulf a boost in profits. Hopefully more reefs will get healthier, but we have to try and take care of them too. Without the scientists dedication and ours we can lose beautiful fish and coral to our greedy species. Change begins with one person taking an intrest in environmental affairs. Will you do your part?

  36. Almost 1.9 million children die each year from diarrheal diseases caused by contaminated drinking water, inadequate sanitation facilities and poor hygiene each year. It is the second largest cause of child mortality, after respiratory infections, accounting for 15 percent of child deaths globally, and 18 percent of child deaths in the poorest countries. Chronic diarrhea in early childhood contributes to decreased food intake and nutrient absorption, malnutrition, reduced resistance to infection, and impaired physical growth and cognitive development, with long-term consequences for educational attainment and income.

    The sphere affected by this is the anthrosphere becasuse its humans who are dying to this unsafe water.


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  38. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2011/08/110831-dam-removal-elwha-freshwater-science-salmon/

    The largest dam-removal undertaking in U.S. history, the project could serve as an inspiration and a model for similar enterprises in other parts of the country, conservationists say. Completed in 1913, the 108-foot (33-meter) high Elwha Dam is situated about 4 miles (6.43 kilometers) from the mouth of the Elwha River. About 10 miles (16 kilometers) farther upriver sits the 210-foot-high (64-meter-high) Glines Canyon Dam, which was completed in 1927. The dams played an important role in the early development of the Olympic Peninsula at the turn of the last century but today are obsolete, because most of the region's power is now imported via an electric grid from Portland, Oregon.

    The dams' removal had been proposed as far back as the 1970s, but was resisted by many of the local communities. Finally, a U.S. congressional act passed in 1992 paved the way for the U.S. government to acquire the dams and remove them in order to restore the river's ecosystem.

  39. A faint star in the constellation of Leo, has been found to have the lowest amount of elements heavier than helium (that’s what astronauts call metals) of all stars yet studied. It has a mass smaller than the Sun and is probably more than 13 billion years old. A widely accepted theory predicts that stars like this, with low mass and very low quantities of metals, shouldn't exist because the clouds of material from which they formed could never have condensed, said “Elisabetta Caffau (Zentrum fur Astronomie der Universitat Heidelberg, Germany and Observatoire de Paris, France)”, author of this paper said” it was very surprising to find, for the first time ever seeing a star in the forbidden zone which means, we have to look over some of the star formations”. Using to X-shooter allows them to measure how abundant the chemical elements were in the star. They found out that the proportion of metals in 20,000 times smaller than the sun.

  40. http://www.rsmas.miami.edu/news-events/press-releases/2011/new-study-shows-that-floridas-reefs-cannot-endure-a-cold-snap/

    On August 26, 2011 in Miami, Florida oceanographers discovered a number of coral fish to be dead. Coral reefs around these areas range to about 120 miles long and that is where the most catastrophic areas hot hit. Many scientists and oceanographers believe that the cold temperatures from around January seem to be the reason. You may remember iguanas falling from trees a while ago because of cold temperatures, and they believe this is the same reason. Ice-cold Arctic air swept into Florida causing waters to drop to 51°F (11°C). Usually climate patterns, coastal development, pollution, overfishing and disease are the cause of corals dying and this is especially a hard hit. We can’t really do much to protect these fish but we can just hope for the temperatures in the future not to be so cold.

  41. Katia weakened to a tropical storm in the open Atlantic Ocean on Thursday afternoon, but it could become a hurricane again in the next 12 hours, the National Hurricane Center said. Swells generated by the storm could affect the Lesser Antilles by late Friday.The maximum sustained winds of Katia, whose center was 930 miles east of the Caribbean's northern Leeward Islands, had decreased to 70 mph shortly before 5 p.m. ET, the hurricane center said. The wind-speed threshold for a Category 1 hurricane is 74 mph.listening to the center's five-day track forecast, the storm could reach hurricane strength again by Friday morning, and could become a major hurricane.

  42. http://www.cnn.com/2011/US/09/01/texas.oklahoma.wildfires/index.html?iref=allsearch

    A fire has been going on in Texas for some time. But things are finally looking positive for firefighters as the fire is starting to be contained. According to a spokesperson for the forest service, "the fire is over 50 percent contained", thanks to some help from aerial tankers. Many RV's were destroyed in the fire, but many more houses were too. The date is unknown for when the fire will be fully contained.

  43. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/09/110901142054.htm
    Understanding the flow and processing of carbon in the world's oceans, which cover 70 percent of Earth's surface, is central to understanding global climate cycles, with many questions remaining unanswered. Between 200 and 1,000 meters below the ocean surface exists a "twilight zone" where insufficient sunlight penetrates for microorganisms to perform photosynthesis. Despite this, it is known that microbes resident at these depths capture carbon dioxide that they then use to form cellular structures and carry out necessary metabolic reactions so that they can survive and reproduce

  44. www.nytimes.com/2011/08/10/nyregional/sewege-frequently-fouls-hudson-river-report-says.html?_r=l&ref=science

    The hudson river has been having more sewege levels recently mostly due to a fire at a treatment plant. Some other factors include industrial runoff and overflowed stomrdrains. This is a mojor problem for wildlife and the fact that there are more and more fishers, swimmers, and boaters in the river. The city has paid around 2 million dollars to fund a program called the Clean Water Act. even though this has been a helpful innitiative an astonishing 21% of the water samples have had unacceptable amounts of bacteria in them. Scientists are determinded to monitor the condition of the hudson and test it once a week.

  45. http://geology.com/usgs/elastic-rebound-theory/

    Recently scientist believe that the elastic rebound theory has caused the San Andreas Fault to experience movement over the years and also earthquakes. They also believed that it has will and can cause earthquakes in California through other faults. The elastic rebound theory is said to be the energy that causes earthquakes move. Plates on different sides of a fault are forced and shifted to make the energy in the earthquakes. Based off of this theory geologist believe a damaging earthquake will occur in less than 30 years.

  46. Today September 2nd, 2011 tropical storm Lee is expected to make land fall in the next 48 hours on the coasts of Louisiana. People there are preparing to embrace the estimated 20 inches of rain and 65 mph gusts. "Louisiana has declared a state of emergence" stated Governor Bobby Jindal. They have also issued a voluntary evacuation. This storm is traveling at a slow speed of 3 mph, which is why the 20 inches of rain is expected. A lot of Louisiana is below sea level so the storm surge added with the 20 inches of rain could be devistating. They are preparing for the worst just as we were one week ago.

  47. Human carbon dioxide dwarfs volcanic emissions.
    Volcano eruptions affect the climate. Anthropogenic emissions dwarf their impact by means of carbon dioxide. These volcano eruptions release huge amounts of volcanic gases such as, aerosol droplets and ash into the stratosphere. The ash falls from the stratosphere with little harm on climate change. Volcanic sulfur dioxide gas cause global cooling. However, volcanic carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas promote global warming. It is said that human contribution is 100 times greater than all subaerial and submarine volcanic emissions altogether.


  48. http://www.uc.edu/news/NR.aspx?id=14102

    Research shows that waste water recycling processes may take more greenhouse gases than what they were using for water-treatment. Despite this, there are good reasons to continue recycling wastewater among the water-resource tools for one area.

  49. post here haha having a good time lol :D

  50. i have a jolly rancher do you want one haha lol we are really slow

  51. we r slow your like the 2nd person who said that, yeah i want a jolly rancher haha:)

  52. lol we need to hang out one day lol it would be fun

  53. bloniiiieees oh yeah your nickname is gonna be hmmmm maybe like Dumb blonde
