Monday, September 12, 2011

Can I get a job?

Research a career in Earth Science. Answer the following questions in your comment:

1- Are jobs open in that field?
2- What is the education required?
3- What is the entry salary?
4- What locations are jobs available?
5- Any other information of interest.

DO NOT REPEAT ANYONE ELSE'S RESPONSE!!!! You may use the following links for ideas:


  1. The Earth Science career that I chose is marine biology. This study involves the many oceans and the organisms that live within them. There is a wide variety of jobs that are open in the field. The jobs range from studying plankton to bottlenose dolphin. The education required to be a marine biologist is a Bachelors of Science in Biology, Masters of Science in Marine and Environmental Science, and a Masters in Public Administration in Environmental Planning. Some important courses for marine biology are biology, zoology, chemistry, physics, biometrics, and mathematics. The entry starting salary is usually about $33,000 per year. As you grow in your education and experience, the salary rises. Some locations that jobs would be open are many aquariums, animal research centers, coastal research centers, and other aquatic research centers. A very exciting part about working as a marine biologist is getting to interact with animals on a daily basis along with being outdoors in the ocean. This is definitely a good career if you enjoy marine animals and being in the ocean.

  2. The job I decided to choose is the hydrologist. This job is the study of water. The possible jobs in this study are like the problems of quality , quantity, and/or the availability of water. The education required for this occupation is mathematics, statistics, geology, physics, computer science, chemistry and biology. On the other hand , they may need experience in these areas. Economics, public finance, environmental law, & government policy. The starting salary of a Hydrologist is about anywhere between 59 or 61 thousand a year. Deserts, lakes, oceans, snowy mountain ranges, and swamps are familiar places to Hydrologists. This study deals with, well, the hydrosphere. And is a great career for those who like water, and enjoy learning and teaching about the different things it has to offer.

  3. The job I picked in the Earth Science branch is a Geologist. A Geologist studies the earth in depth and the solid study of earth. There are many job openings in this field. A four year college degree is required to become a Geologist. The entry salary is about $83,000. Locations the job is available in is outside usually studying the earth by viewing many areas or in a lab studying their findings or testing them. Environmental Geology is the fastest growing field in geology. Environmental geologists study threats to the environment and develop solutions to environmental problems. Topics include flooding, pollution, urban and sustainable development, and natural hazards.

  4. Meteorologists are scientists that study the atmosphere. They examine the affects of the atmosphere on the enviroment, predict the weather, or investigate climate trends. Meteorologists are able to use computers and math to interpret weather information such as temperature, wind speed, and humidity. You'll need at least a bachelor's degree. A graduate degree is neccessary if you hope to conduct research. There are job openings every year. The millitary services need about 500 new observers and 60 new meteorologists each year. When a job opening occurs within the National Weather Service, a vacancy announcement is published with specific information on the job opening, duties, pay and location. The average yearly salary for meteorologists both employed by the government and in the private sector is about 77,000 per year. Some meteorologists earn less than half that amount. But the salary vary according to specialization, how much education they have, and sometimes where they live. Goverment economists expect job growth for meteorology to be faster than the average for all careers through 2018.


    The Earth Science career I choose is an Ecologist. An Ecologist someone who studies the household, which we now interpret as studying the relationship between organisms and their environments. For some situations, a college degree at the bachelor's or master's level is sufficient whereas for others a Ph.D. is necessary. Ecology as a career is one most people enter because they enjoy nature; it is not a career to pursue for money or social status. According to a poll of the Ecological Society of America, about a third of professional ecologists earn between $30,000 and $50,000 per year. About 20% make between $50,000 and $70,000. The amount varies with an individual's age (time in the profession), field of interest, and type of position. Whether someone works for a university, environmental consulting firm, government agency, or corporation can make a big difference. I don’t know of any openings to be an Ecologist.

  6. I chose Archaeology. Archaeology is surveying sites using a variety of methods, including field walking, geophysical surveys and aerial photography, working on field excavations or digs, usually as part of a team, using a range of digging equipment. Most archeologists are the ones who dig the fossils from the earth and study and identify them. At the very minimum you need a 4-year college degree, usually in Anthropology. Most jobs in archaeology require a Masters degree (M.A., M.S.), which usually takes another 1-3 years. Then to become a professor and to manage really large, interesting projects requires a Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy), which runs another 4+ years beyond the other two degrees. Archaeologists are usually in their early thirties before they are finished with school. A beginning archaeologist with a four-year college degree can usually bring in $20-25,000 approximately. The people who employ most archeologists is Cultural Resource Management.

  7. The career I chose was Astronomy. Astronomers study the nature of energy and matter using mathematics and physics. It is often very difficult to find jobs in this field. To become one you must take all physics courses offered in college and get a doctorate. Astronomers starting salaries are usually a little less than $96,000 a year. This job is available anywhere with an open sky. It is important to remember to work hard in college because few people actually become one. There are only about 6,500 in The United States.

  8. I choose an Attorney (Lawyer) as my career goal. Some people may wonder how an attorney can relate to the environment. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) places many restrictions on how business corporations can interact with our environment. They regulate the amount of allowable emissions (Pollution in various forms) that an industry can produce as a byproduct. As you can see this can become quite complicated where an Attorney with the environmental background would be required. Attorneys get paid approximately 130,000 Dollars a year, depending on whom you work for, if you work for the government you will probably get paid less then commercial. In order to become a lawyer you must at least have a bachelor’s degree, and must pass the Bar. There are only some jobs open around the U.S. It mainly depends on which area you live in.

  9. The Earth Science career I choose is a Marine Biologist. In the field, marine biologist study organisms of all sorts, on the surface of water and deep underwater. In order to be a marine biologist, you have to finish high school,have to major in biology. Pre-study biology at the university you attend. You have to attend a 3 to 4 year study of marine biology at a university, then you have to graduate that school. After that you can get a P.H.D which is optional. A marine biologist has a starting salary of about $35,000 a year. Some places of study are aquariums, open oceans, lakes, lagoons, rivers, ect. A marine biologist would be a fun job if you like the outdoors. There is a lot of work in this field, so if you want to do it you are almost guranteed a job, after all the school of course.

  10. The career in earth science I chose was a astronaut. An astronaut is someone who study the solar system. The word astronaut comes from a Greek term meaning space sailor. To become an astronaut you have to have a bachelors degree in engineering, biological science, physical science, or mathematics. A beginner astronaut make $65,000 dollars a year and more experienced astronauts make $100,000 dollars a year. This career has opening in NASA's all other the world. To be a astronaut you have to pass many health requirements.

  11. My career is a Mineralogist. They study the chemical makeup and interactions of naturally occuring, inorganic minerals and make infored decisions about rock formations. They analyze, identify and classify minerals and precious stones according to their mode of origin, composition and structure. They study the propertities of minerals and develope industrial and environmental uses. Mineralogists work in both the public and private sectors. They are employed by mineral and mining companies, geochemical companies and many more. But I do not know if there are any jobs open at the moment. People in this field should have a unatural love for math and science- especially chemistry & physics. They should be able to make quick logical desicions, adapt from an office environment to a lab or mine site and be to supervist and lead others. The entry salary is $36,580. The average salary- $67,470, and the maximum salary-$133,310.


    If I were to choose a job dealing with Earth Science, I would choose to be a chemist. I would choose a chemist because they are an integral part of the way other scientists answer questions such as, "What is the main chemical in the rocks that I am studying?" or questions of that nature. The amount of jobs out there for chemistry are plentiful, depending on the amount of education you are willing to take. The most education you can have to make you job possibilities endless is to have a Ph. D. in chemistry. The average annual salary for a chemist is around 46,000, with a bachelor's degree, while the entry salary is about 30,000. A chemist can be used just about anywhere, as all there is to be done is find the chemical properties of the surroundings.

  13. The Earth Science career I chose was a Forest Ranger. The study for this job is to maintain the man-made objects in the park. There are many job openings in this field. For this job you would have to do office work mapping, computer input, or planning. The education required for this job is a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university, Associate’s degree with a 2 years experience. You must major in forestry, forest technology, environmental science, natural resource management, biology or a related field. The entry salary is about $21,894-$39,393 per year. Some locations for this job is in urban, suburban’s, and rural areas. More than half of the Park Rangers work in areas east of the Mississippi River. The neat thing about being a Forest Ranger is that you get to enjoy the outdoors and you can do hiking trails. This would be a great career if you love the outdoors.

  14. the job i choose is Climatologist. as a climatologist you study the long-term weather and temperature trends. there are job openings in that field for comanies in the business of studying atmospheric phenomena. the education required is atleast a bachlors degree in metorology. the mean salary is $39.46 per hour. states that offer many jobs in this field are calorado, alaska, maryland, and north dakota. An exciting part about this is you get to study how things work and learn to predict future weather patterns.

  15. The job I chose was a land surveyor. Land surveying jobs involve conducting land surveys to determine lines of property, and to find locations to construct things like roads, lots, and streets. The surveyor's job also involves detailed measuring of structures like lakes, ponds and streams as well as certain air spaces. There are many job opening for land surveyors. To be a land surveyor you have to have a degree in science and land surveying. The entry salary for a land surveyor is 25,000 a year and could rise up to more than 85,000 a year. Salaries also depend on what state you are in. Locations the job is available in is usually always outside. If you want to be a land surveyor u must love the outside. This is a definitely a good career for people who love the outdoors and like to measure different objects.

  16. The job I chose was a graphic designer. Graphic designers are able to display images of deep space using computer software and personal talents. Being a graphic designer requires lots of creativity. There are jobs available in this field. A bachelor's degree is usually required to become one. The entry salary ranges from about $10,000 through $30,000. There are lots of websites for graphic designer jobs. All of which are high paying, along with a School of Graphic Design. Creative people are always needed in a field where original designs are required on a daily basis. I want to study graphic designing for a career in Earth Science because I am very creative and I think that will help me when I'm working in this field. There are lots of steps designers must follow before an idea can come to life. They have to create designs, page layouts, illustrations, and graphics with help of computer design tools and software packages.

  17. The Earth Science job I chose was an Atmospheric Scientist. Atmospheric scientists study the atmospheres of the planets. They monitor their climate, movements, clouds, and atmospheres. A bachelors degree in meteorology is the minimum requirement for most jobs in this feild. Others require a masters and some require a Ph.D. Most employees in this feild work for the government. A few of them work for private companies. The average salary of Atmospheric Scientists in 2008 was $81,290. The average in 2009 for Atmospheric Scientists employed by the government was $93,661. Jobs are available all over the country.

  18. The career I would choose to have, dealing with Earth science, would have to be, a solar physicist. The education required for this career is an undergraduate and a graduate education (most solar physicists have their PhD's). There are many jobs available in this field. Some, are handling a ultraviolet spectrometer, to working with spacecrafts and inside observatories. The average salary for a solar physicist is around, $70,000 a year. The locations for this career vary. Mainly, a solar physicist would work in a center such as NASA, or a labratory. Many people in this feild get to travel all around the world. Another interesting thing about this career is, that the physicists are charge of their own time. They can accomplish all of their work, whenever they would like to do so. I thought that I wanted to go into the medical field, but after reading about Terry Kucera's career as a solar physicist, I may have just changed my mind!

  19. The career that I would have chosen would be Forest Ranger. You may not think that Forest Rangers have anything to do with science, but it does. The Rangers look out for the safety caused by nature (and man). NASA's Earth Science program send forest rangers valuable data, which they use to create safe zones for people to go. They also manage the environment to safe our natural resources for future generations. You need to be a four year college graduate to eligible for this job. They usually make around $30,000.00 a year. some rangers specialize in different fields. Most go around their park helping campers with anything they need. They are usually very skilled in outdoor living and wildlife. Mostly all the time jobs are available at national parks. I would like to be a park ranger, maybe later in my life.

  20. Politician/Lobbyist
    The environment is an important political issue. Year after year one or more environmental questions come up in virtually every election campaign. Earth scientists know a lot about how the planet's complicated systems work, and how we humans are affecting the planet, but they can't take steps to clean the air or protect against hurricanes -- only politicians and lobbyists who inform politicians can do that.
    Every good law that gets written to revise building codes, to withstand earthquakes, or stand up to tornadoes is the result of hard work by men and women in politics making use of Earth Science information. Every time people are successfully evacuated from hurricane paths and lives are saved by government-sponsored rescue teams, it can be traced back to forward-thinking and aware politicians or the people they appoint.

    Disaster relief committees, groups prepared for emergency's, and other community-sponsored programs need people knowledgeable about Earth Science to help plan how best to react to environmental threats. Similarly, government agencies that protect endangered species, keep drinking water clean, and crops healthy rely on educated activists and consultants, who are well versed in Earth Science areas.
    The average annual salary for a lobbyist is $46,000. The actual salary for a lobbyist will vary based on education and experience level, as well as the size of the lobbyist's employer, the lobbyist's geographic location, and the level of government they lobby. An experienced, high profile lobbyist who works in Washington D.C. lobbying congress will likely earn more than a relative newcomer to the field that works in a small municipality lobbying local government officials.

  21. Oceanographer is the job I choose because it would allow me to travel and I enjoy being in the ocean as well as seeing what goes on under the surface. Yes there are jobs available I this field because there is more ocean than land and need more help to understand it. You need either a master's degree or a doctorate in physical oceanography. With one to four years of experience averaged salaries are between $40,000 and $94,986 and with 10 years of experience averaged salaries of $145,451. London, England and Sydney, Australia are too places where u can get jobs in oceanography. We study the ocean as one ecosystem instead of just lots of small ones.

  22. The job I choose is a Chemist. There are jobs open that someone could apply for TODAY.Someone who wants to work as a chemist must have, at the minimum, a bachelor's degree in chemistry. However, most research jobs in chemistry require at least a master's degree, but more often a Ph.D. Those who want to pursue careers in chemistry should take courses in science and mathematics. Chemists earned a median annual salary of $68,220 in 2009. There are some open jobs as a chemist in Canada. Chemistry is the study of the different elements which make up our world, and how they interact to form the world around us. Earth science relies heavily on chemistry. The study of chemistry provides us with the tools to answer questions such as "What are the Earth and atmosphere made of? How have they changed over the years? How is human activity changing their composition?"

  23. Paleontologist job openings are always available. But to have a chance in this position you need good grades in high school and take as many science and math courses as possible. When your in college you should take all of the possible geology and biology courses available. A paleontologist with a college degree will make around $67,000 a year when starting. Jobs for paleontologist are all over the place and new locations are always being found.Paleontologist study fossilized remains of plants and animals for traces of evolution and development of past life

  24. The job I would choose would be a Volcanologist. Volcanologists study and investigate volcanoes and volcanic phenomena. They do this to understand volcanoes better so that they may be able to make good eruption predictions in the future. The location of where you would work is in the name, around volcanoes but also in an office using technology to help you learn more. The education needed for this career is to take mostly science and math classes throughout high school and it would be a good idea to have a bachelor's degree in geology when in college. Volcanologists have a salary of around $30,000 a year and can become as much as $50,000 a year through more experience. Even though volcanoes are dangerous, I believe that being a volcanologist would be very cool and interesting job.

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  26. The career that i would choose is, Weather Observer. Yes, there are jobs available in that feild. Weather observers will normally have a BSc degree with major in physics. The entry salary for this job is 40,000. There are jobs located in Miami, Big Spring Texas, Charlotte NC & etc. Weather observers must observe the different elements of the weather each day at the specified times with the aid of meteorological instruments, and also record these observations. Certain elements such as visibility and the amount and type of clouds, are observed without instruments and determined according to specific classifications. All this information is then compiled in weather reports with the aid of international codes, and transmitted nationally and internationally by means of the Weather Bureau's communication system. i think this is a good job to work in, it also seems to be very exciting working with the weather.

  27. The career I would go into dealing with Earth and Environmental Science would be engineering. Engineering seems fun to me because I like to fix things and build stuff. Engineering is a very steady job and the average Engineer makes about 30 to 50 thousand a year you can make up to more than a 100000 a year though. There are many branches of engineering such as; civil, electrical, mechanical, chemical, and more. Engineers fix almost anything even up in space they have engineers for fixing anything that goes wrong. Also most of my family has been in some forms of engineering and this is why I want to be one.

  28. The job I pick would be an Forensic Anthropologist. Yes jobs are open in this field. to become a Anthropologist you will have to earn a master degree at minimum and a doctorate degree for a higher paying job. It is also highly recommended to have a strong background in the subjects or commutation and statistics.Most Forensic Anthropologist have a Ph.D.Degree. The salary ranges in this career, for people entering this career the salary is about $35,000 - $50,000. This career has openings almost at any college or university in the untied states. Forensic Anthropologist is a good career to look into.

  29. The job I would chose was a Geophyicist. Yes jobs are open in that field. The education required for geophyicists is a Ph. D. degree for researching and teaching positions. A bachelor's degree is adequate for entry-level positions, and a Ph. D. necessary for most high-level research and college teaching. Employers prefer appliants with master's for positions. Geophyicists average salary is $108,118 they study physcial aspects of the earth and its atmosphere. Applying scientific princples in order to solve problems.

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  31. The job i would choose would be a glacial geoligist. If you would like a job in this field, then all you have to do is during your nest climate change contact the Sequence Staffing, and report on what you learned about the glaciers. As a glacial geoligist you are trained to study the physical movement of glaciers and ice sheets, which are the most sensitive indicators of climate change. Glaciology is the study of snow and ice and their physical properties. A glacier is an accumulation of ice, air, water, and rock debris or sediment. It is a large enough quantity of ice to flow with gravity due to its own mass. A glaciologist's work focuses on ice -- from glaciers to permafrost to polar ice caps -- in order to determine whether ice sheets are growing or shrinking. If you have a masters degree or Ph. D. you will not have any trouble with glaciology in that field.Glaciologists work in both the public and private sectors. They are employed by ice research companies, petroleum and mining companies, and geology and engineering consulting firms. Some glaciologists are self-employed and own their own research and consulting businesses. A glaciel geoligist average salary is about $73,990 per year. Which doesn't seem that bad to me.
    Glaciologists can also increase their salary potential and build professional credentials by taking on more challenging and complex assignments. As you get older in the field the more experience you have the higher your pay or earnings can be.

  32. The science Career choice I picked was toxicology. This field researches pollution, chemicals, and other substances and their harmful affects on biological life. (especially humans). The education requirements are a bachelors degree in chemistry and toxicology at the minimum to get this job. The pay for 1-4 years is between 45-73000 dollars. Jobs are available in many different states in the united states but are needed in more marine environments due ti pollution.

  33. The job i would choose would have to be a seismologists they study earthquakes and analyze the behavior of earthquake waves to interpret the structure of the Earth.The starting salary for this job is 32,000 to 72,000.For your education you could get a university undergraduate degree, and you have to have your masters and doctoral degree for the job.This job is currently not open, and you would have to go to Texas Tec, because thats where most people go to get that job. I think this job would be pretty cool, because studying earthquakes would be fun.


  35. The job i decided to do was writer.

    "Almost every major publication, from Time to the New York Times, runs regular features about the environment. Every month there are new stories about environmental problems, ranging from mudslides in California, to people whose lives have been affected by hurricanes and tornadoes.
    Journalism is only one aspect of writing which can involve Earth Science. Without informed research, Congressmen and Agency heads could not make educated decisions about how government should react to environmental issues. That research is changed from raw science into informative articles by professional writers. There are hundreds of articles written every year by the scientific community which must be edited, and those editors are all professional writers."
