Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Atmosphere turns dangerous

Choose an atmospheric phenomenon and describe how it can be damaging. Explain how that particular condition develops and why. Find a historic event that is an example of when it was especially dangerous.

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  1. http://www.mapsofworld.com/referrals/weather/weather-phenomenon/heat-wave.html.  

         The atmospheric phenomenon that I chose is a heat wave.  Heat waves are a segment of time during which the temperature of a certain place is higher than it is supposed to be.  Heat waves can cause lots of damage in many different ways such as severe loss of crops, power-outages from too much air conditioning use,  and even deaths from hyperthermia.  Heat waves can be caused by unusual placement of a jet stream.  Jet streams generally are warmer on one side than the other so if the jet stream is out of place it can make an area that is usually cool, very hot. That is what a jet stream is.  Also areas that have little geography and high static pressure can cause heat waves because the air and ground heat to excess.  A catastrophic heat wave event was the heat wave of 1936. It began in the end of June with a drought spreading across the Midwest.  Cities were recording record breaking temperatures and it is known as the hottest summer ever.  Many people died, it was the most deaths in this country caused by a weather event.  It finally ended in September when the temperatures went down and the rain came. Many will remember this event as the heat wave 1936.

  2. My atmospheric phenomenon is hurricanes. Hurricanes are severe tropical storms that form in the southern Atlantic Ocean, Carribean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, and in the eastern Pacific ocean. They rotate in a counter-clockwise motion around an "eye" gathering heat and energy through contact with warm waters. Evaporation in sea water increase their power. On land, heavy rain, strong winds, and heavy waves can damage buildings, cars, and trees. The heavy waves are called storm surges and they can be very dangerous. Hurricane Katrina hit on August 2005. It was the most destructive and costly disaster in the U.S. The damage estimated at $75 billion in New Orleans and along the Mississippi coast. There were about 1,200 reported deaths, along with 1,000 in Louisiana, 200 in Mississippi, and 7 in southern Florida.

  3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tropical_cyclone
    The atmospheric phenomenon that I chose was Tropical cyclones. Tropical Cyclones cause heavy rain, strong winds, large storm surges, and tornadoes if strong enough. It is created by a low-pressure center and a whole bunch of thunderstorms that produce those strong winds and heavy rain. An event in history that a Tropical Cyclone struck is 2009 Hurricane season, Tropical Cyclone Freddy. A level 2 Tropical Cyclone in February 2009.

  4. http://library.thinkquest.org/3805/events/Bliz.htm
    My atmospheric phenomenon are blizzards. Blizzards are severe snowstorms that are characterized by strong winds. To be a blizzard, a blizzard must have winds about 35 mile per hour, with drifting snow which reduces visibility to 400 meters or one-fourth of a mile or less and must last for a prolonged period of time, at least three hours. When a bunch of polar air and warm air meet, the polar air forces the warm air up and settles in the atmosphere, where the water vapor forms snow clouds. Then winds and low temperatures combine with the snow to create a powerful blizzard. In a blizzard it's hard to see or breath which is why it can kill you. My event is called The Great Blizzard of 1888, also referred as the The Great White Hurricane, this blizzard is one of the most severe in all United States recorded history. This storm dropped from between 40 to 50 inches of snow in the Northeastern US. The whole country side was immobilized, they where literally trapped in there houses for a week. After the blizzard there was severe flooding and thee were fires that left the people in debt of 25 million dollars. Over 400 people died and over 200 got a severe cold. Many remeber this day, many don't but blizzards aren't a joke they can damage property, the environment and you!

  5. The atmospheric phenomenon I chose is heat lightning. Heat lightning is caused by hot temperatures causing a difference in sound frequencies causing a stroke of lightning to come down and striking. It normally happens on hot and stuffy days. Due to the sound frequencies the lightning is soundless. One event was on July 29, 1916 when it started a forest fire killing 233 people.

  6. http://www.livescience.com

    For my atmospheric phenomenon i choose a tornado. A tornado is a dangerous, rotating, column of air that makes contact with the earth and a cumulonimbus cloud. Many times tornados are called twisters or cyclones. They come in many different shapes and sizes. they are aproximently 250 feet across, and travel a few miles before dissipating. probably one of the worst tornados to occur, was the one in Iowa on April 11, 1965. The air began to get humid, cooler, and drier higher in the atmosphere, mixed with moist, causing warm air near the surface. This tornado killed 250, and injured 1,500 people.

  7. The atmospheric phenomenon I am choosing is called a drought. A drought is when there is extended period (such as a few months or even years) of little to no rain. This can be very damaging to a widespread area, but especially to areas that rely on agriculture as food and as a profit. A drought can be caused by a continuous amount of high pressure systems carrying a lot of wind, which takes all of the water vapor out of the air. The lack of water vapor in the air makes it so there is very little rain or any precipitation. A historic event of a drought was in the 1930's called the Dust Bowl. The combination of high winds, a drought, and lack of root systems in the Great Plains resulted in dust storms that were very harmful if not deadly to many people.

  8. The atmospheric phenomena I chose was a hail storm. Hail storms can be dangerous because they can dent cars, bust windows, and injure people. Hail forms in strong thunderstorm clouds, particularly those with intense updrafts, high liquid water content, great vertical extent, large water droplets, and where a good portion of the cloud layer is below freezing 0 °C (32 °F).[1] These type of strong updrafts can also indicate the presence of a tornado.[7] The growth rate is maximized where air is near a temperature of −13 °C (9 °F). Hail can also be very small to the size of a softball.

  9. The atmospheric phenomenon I chose was a thunderstorm. A thunderstorm is a transient, sometimes violent storm of thunder and lightning, often accompanied by rain and sometimes hail. Thunderstorms are the most thrilling and dangerous type of weather phenomena. Over 40,000 thunderstorms occur over the world each day. Thunderstorms form when very warm, moist air rises into cold air. As this humid air rises, water vapor condenses, forming huge cumulonimbus clouds. There are two main types of thunderstorms ordinary and severe. Ordinary thunderstorms are the small thunderstorms that may include little rain and small hail that may grow up to 12 kilometers high. Severe thunderstorms are capable of producing a baseball sized hail and very strong wind sometimes like a hurricane and can grow 18 kilometers high.

  10. http://listverse.com/2008/04/19/20-amazing-and-unusual-weather-phenomena/


    The atmospheric phenomena I have chosen is, ball lightning. This is a very rare type of lightning that is ball shaped, and moves slower than regular lightning. Ball lightning can be dangerous because, it can grow to be extremely large, and cause home damage and start fires. There was one case in which, the lightning was 8 feet in diameter, and took down an ENTIRE building! Ball lightning occurs during a thunderstorm, usually right after a lightning strike. It has been reported to have been active near the ground, without lightning dishcharge. It was sort of difficult to find a historical event dealing with ball lightning. Only about 5% of the world's population report sightinngs every year. An event dealing with ball lightning that had some exceptional damage occured in 1492. It happened on a perfectly sunny day in Florence, Italy. A large "ball of fire" destroyed Santa Maria del Fiore, one of Florence's most sacred churches.

  11. The atmospheric phenomenon I chose is a Typhoon. A typhoon is a hurricane that occurs in the Pacific Ocean. A typhoon is just a specific name for a really strong tropical cyclone. Warm waters are necessary to fuel the heat engine of the tropical cyclone. Tropical cyclones cannot be generated spontaneously. To develop, they require a weakly organized system with sizable spin and low level inflow.

  12. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acid_rain
    The atmospheric phenomenon I chose is acid rain. Acid rain is any type of precipitation with high levels of acidity. Acid rain is made by combinations of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxide. Acid rain can be extremely harmful to plants, animals in the ocean, buildings and most things out when the acid rain occurs. In 1996 there was hundreds of moose deaths from acid rain. Scientists say that this was the biggest linked acidification of a warm blooded animal.

  13. http://fairbanks-alaska.com/northern-lights-alaska.htm
    the phnomenon that i have chosen is aurora borealis. there is little know about this phonomenon it is believed that it is caused by radiation emitted as light. it is also called the northern lights. it was named after the Roman godess of dawn

  14. My atmospheric phenomena is monsoons. Monsoons are a seasonal change in wind direction, and typically bring with them different kinds of weather. These can be damaging when it brings along dry weather and creates a drought, or if it brings very wet weather and floods. In July of 2010 a monsoon caused a flood in Pakistan, and approximately 2/5 of it's land was underwater.

  15. http://weather.weatherbug.com/weather-glossary/N/NOAA.html
    The phenomenon that I chose is Blizzard Warning. This strom can develop by snow, strong winds and low temperatures will combine to produce a blinding snow. This storm can produce heavy snow, throughout the U.S. from December to March. Blizzards are most common in South Dakota, but can occur far south like in Texas or in the east where Maine is. Many blizzard deaths involve people that die due to hypothermia in their cars, in the street or wilderness areas. This storm can be dangerous because of heavy snow and winds go up to 50mph., which will create a whiteout blizzard. Also, a wind-chill to -30 degrees or -40 degrees can cause exposed skin to freeze in a minute or two. In N.Y.C. in 2010, was affected by one of the worst blizzards. Heavy snow fell from over 2-3in. per hour. Snowfall amounts exceeded 20in. in most of the immediate N.Y.C. area. It was really hard to make a forecast for this storm, 2 days before the storm there weren't any signs on the models of the storm and that the strom would be anything even close to being what it was.

  16. The atmospheric phenomenon I chose is tornadoes.A tornado is a violently rotating column of air which descends from a thunderstorm to the ground. No other weather phenomenon can match the fury and destructive power of tornadoes. Tornadoes can be strong enough to destroy large buildings, leaving only the bare concrete foundation. In addition, they can lift 20-ton railroad cars from their tracks and they can drive straw and blades of grass into tree and telephone poles.The truth is that scientists don't fully understand how tornadoes form. Typically, tornadoes develop several thousand feet above the earth's surface inside of a severe rotating thunderstorm. This type of storm is called a supercell thunderstorm. The spinning of these supercell thunderstorms is visible via Doppler radar.Most tornadoes occur in the deep south and in the broad, relatively flat basin between the Rockies and the Appalachians, but no state is immune. Peak months of tornado activity in the U.S. are April, May, and June. However, tornadoes have occurred in every month and at all times of the day or night. May 22, 2011 A tornado steamrolled over Joplin, Mo., on Sunday night, knocking out a hospital and causing many deaths across the city, according to various reports.

  17. I have chosen the atmospheric phenomenon tropical storm. A tropical storm is an extreme thunderstorm that is caused by low pressure wind rotation. Most tropical storms turn into hurricanes but do not cause as much damage as one can. Tropical storms bring heavy rain and winds. Tropical storm Allison caused major damage to Texas in 2001. Thunder storms cause tropical storms an tropical storms cause hurricanes so always be on a look out for those warnings.

  18. The atmospheric phenomenon that I chose is a Downburst. A Downburst I created within thunderstorms by significantly rain-cooled air which upon reaching ground level spreads out in all directions and produce strong winds. There are different types of Downburst, Dry Downburst and Wet Downbursts. Dry downbursts are associated with thunderstorms with very little precipitation while Wet downbursts are generated by thunderstorms with large amounts of precipitation. Unlike the winds in tornadoes, the winds in a downburst are not rotational but are directed outwards from the point where they strike land or water. One the strongest downburst recorded occurred on the date August 9, 2009. It plowed eastwards, all the way through Iowa, through extreme southern Wisconsin, extreme northern Illinois, all the way across Lake Michigan, through west Michigan and finally dying out in central Michigan. The winds in Michigan were said to be 75-80mph.

  19. The atmospheric phenomenon I choose would be Haze. Haze is made up of smoke, dust, and other pollutants that after an extended period of time- aren't able to disperse. These particles come together when they literally have nowhere else to go. They all cling together because they air they float around in is dry, and because they cannot disperse, creating haze. Haze is very harmful not only to the atmosphere but humans, and plants/animals as well. The pollutants, smoke, and dust are all harmful particles to the atmosphere because they together, can help to create a hole in our ozone layer, which then will precede to animals and plants dying out. In 2005 a giant haze formed over Malaysia, due to the farmers burning off their fields to prepare for the farming season. The haze was so bad that people were advised to stay indoors with windows and doors closed.

  20. The atmospheric phenomenon I choose is zonal flows. Zonal flows occurs when winds moving from east to west are more powerful then usual and the north south winds are weaker then usual. Zonal flows occur when the east west winds are dominant. In this environment extratropical cyclone are weaker then usual. These wind move faster and cause little damage to an areas weather patterns.

  21. Gale Winds are the atmospheric phenomenon I chose. It is a warning of frequent winds, in the range of 34 to 47 knots (39-54 mph), either predicted or happening, and not directly connected to a tropical cyclone. It is developed by kinetic energy that is in motion. On February 4, 2011 , Glascow, Scotland had damage done by Gales. There were 6,000 properties that were out of power after the winds. They weren't exactly strong enough to be called a tropical storm , or cyclone, but still strong enough to cause damage.


  22. The astonomical phenomenon I chose was wind shears. This is when winds change direction or speed with a change of altitude for short distances. Wind shears can be caused by either a thunderstorm or air cooling in a valley.
    Wind shears can be dangerous because they can change the lift and altitude of an airplane very quickly. Delta Airlines flight 191 crashed from a wind shear on August 2nd, 1985. This killed 8 of 11 crew members, 126 of the 152 passengers, and one person on the ground (135 people).

  23. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gale_warning
    Gale winds are simply high wind warnings. They are announced when the wind speeds have reached 39-54 miles per hour. This will only be announced if the winds have been steady for at least a hour. The purpose of this warning is to give time to all the boaters to be safe and to initiate all storm precautions.

  24. I choose lighting because they are very deadly and killer winds they are develop by long dry weathers and lighting can strike trees houses and electrical lines which can cause smoke to go up to the ozone which can make a big hole in the ozone the worst lighting storm was in 1934 in Paris and killed thousands so as you see they can be very dangerous

  25. http://lilomag.com/2010/08/29/top-10-awesome-natural-phenomenon-in-the-world/

    The atmospheric phenomenon I chose was Red Tides. Red Tides occur naturally and have a higher-than-normal focus of the microscopic algae Karenia brevis. It produces a toxin that affects the central nervous system of fish so that they are paralyzed and suffocate. As a result, red tide blooms (reproduce in dense concentrations) often result in dead fish washing up on Gulf beaches. When they bloom, they are visible as discolored patches of ocean water, usually a reddish color. It is not caused by humans rather than temperature, salinity, and when nutrients reach certain levels, which only increase Karenia brevis. Some experts believe high temperatures combined with a lack of wind and rainfall are usually cause red tide blooms, but no one is certain. This can be dangerous to anyone with asthma, heart disease, or a lung problems.

  26. http://www.dawn.com/2011/01/11/17-killed-in-accidents-caused-by-dense-fog.html

    The atmospheric phenomenon I chose was fog warnings . Fog is a low laying could that lays on earths surface. Fog can be dangerous to traffic , because it is hard to see in fog. At least 17 people were killed in road accidents in Punjab, Sindh and Balochistan on Monday as most parts of the country remained covered in dense fog amid a severe cold wave.

  27. My atmospheric phenomenon is a Tsunami. Another term for this word is "Seismic sea waves". And they are caused by sudden changes in the seafloor. Generally earthquakes and more rarely large landslaide. Tsunamai's can sometimes be mistaken for "Tidal Waves", but they are not caused by tidal action. All oceanic regions of the world can experience tsunami, but the Pacific Ocean is especially vunerable because of the many large earthquakes within the "Ring of Fire". On January 27, 2000- several hours after the last big earthquake on the Oregon coast, Japanese researchers have found written records of a tsunami that struck a coastal village about 300 miles northeast of Tokya. Deborah Carver, a researcher from Kodiak, Alaska said a few stories describe a huge earthquake in which elder tell the young they must run for high ground because of floodwaters that will follow. After spending a cold night in the hills, they find that all traces of their village and neighboring villages have been washed away.

  28. The atmospheric Phenomenon that i choose was a Special Marine,forecast winds of 34 knots or more associated with squall or thunderstorm and expected to last for 2 hours or less. They warn you 24 hours before the conditions get bad. This storm is mostly high winds occuring at sea. This storm happens when when a hazard is approaching advisory level.

    the first "helpful links"

  29. I chose freezing rain as me atmospheric phenomenon. This happens when it rains and surface temperatures are below freezing, this causes the ground to be frozen causes damage to vehicles, unlucky people who slip, and especially . One day In 1994 the plane American eagle flight 4184 to take on heavy body freezing causing the controls to die. The plane crashed into a field, killing everyone on board.

  30. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gale
    The astonomical phenomenon I chose is called a Gale. A gale is a very very strong wind. Most scientists use a Beaufort scale to measure a Gale. Gales can go up to 54 mph, which is really fast winds.

  31. The atmospheric phenomenon that I chose is acid rain. Acid rain is when pollution from almost any point or non point source pollution is raised into the atmosphere into a form of a regular rain cloud. If the city is very dry the chemicals can even be incorporated in smoke or dust. Acid rain can damage many things such as: cars, buildings, metal and is sometimes harmful to life. Asia just had a down pour of acid rain recently.

  32. The atmospheric phenomenon i chose was tsunamis. They are causes by a sudden change in the sea floor generally by earthquakes and large landsides though rarely. The largest one was on July 9, 1958, in Lituya Bay, Alaska the wave was as high as 1720 feet. Above sea level sweeping many trees and vegetation with it it's the biggest one known.

  33. http://weather.weatherbug.com/weather-glossary/A/Advection%20Fog.html?zcode=z6286 and http://www.theairlinepilots.com/met/fog.htm

    The atmospheric phenomenon that I chose was advection fog. This occurs when warm, moist air moves over a cold surface and the air cools to below its dew points. Advection fog can damage plants and it can decrease visibility. Advection fog is worldwide, in other words it happens all the time but it mostly occurs at the sea and in coastal areas.
