Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Fall 2011 Reflection

Write a reflection of the semester. Include some insights on "if I knew then what I know now" and best advice for incoming Spring 2012 students. This blog is not for a grade, but is honest, informative feedback.

Best wishes for the rest of your high school career at NHS! Keep in touch!


  1. "If you knew like I knew" be prepared at all times for this class. The work hits you like a tornado. You have to be on your A game. Your a honors class that is why she expects more from you. If I knew then what I know now I would take lots more notes than I did and be more focused than I did. Take it from a 9th grader she know her stuff:)

  2. "If I knew then what i know now"-----Well first off, do your blogs on time and don't procrastinate. Its very important because you can forget so easily, well if your like me. :D Mrs. Moss is really friendly so don't be scared or anything. The only times she'll get mad is if you don't do your work and stay on task. She does a lot of projects but there usually real fun. (: The tests are kinda hard so do your best and study really hard. So just have a great year with her, because I'm going to sure miss her!

    -Sarah =3

  3. "If I knew then what I know now" -- Usually science is my worse subject, and I somehow growed with her as my teacher. It made me push myself harder, and helped me hold my bladder longer. :) anyway you will see what I am talking aobut 'cuz if you are like me, you will need all the extra credit you can get. Don't do things too late 'cuz you will pay the price. Like do your blogs as soon as you can so you don't have to worry about it any more that week. And one more thing before I go, I want you to know that I thought that I wasn't going to like science, but let me tell you that Mrs. Moss makes it way better. So don't fret because Mrs. Moss is awesome and Im going to miss her very much. And even though I am not much of a fan with Science, but I just might take physical Science just to get another class with her.!!!!!!!!! (((:

  4. Mrs. Moss' class is pretty awesome. If you are in the honors class for her, then you will get honor class level work. A few tips that will definitely help you are to complete your blog right when it is assigned, study for tests, and FINISH YOUR STUDY GUIDES. If you finish your blog first you don't have to read a lot of blogs before you and you don't have to worry about it anymore. When Mrs. Moss shows you a picture or diagram, pay close attention because it will probably be on the test. Mrs. Moss also gives lots of study guides. They are no fun and they take forever. You get to the point where you want to take the study guide and rip it in half. On test day they are a big help because that is where Mrs. Moss gets most of her test questions. You also have to turn in the study guides for a grade on test day. Keep your average up the whole semester because if you do, you can be exempt from the final which can lengthen your summer vacation. Mrs. Moss is my favorite teacher and I kept a grade around 100 the whole semester. It is not a hard class as long as you do your work and not annoy Mrs. Moss (she can get really mad).

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  6. "If I knew then what I knew now,"-----Well lets get started then!!! First of all, Mrs. Moss is such a wonderful teacher. She is nice and sweet, and ALWAYS! has a smile on her face. If you are in her honors course, like me, just remember to realize you're in a honors class so behave like a honor student. There will be a few perks though: If your class follows the rules, you can listen to your ipods during quiet work, take pictures of things to study for, and use them on quizzes, and when your not working you can work on study guides. Study Guides are a little tedious but they're a very good concept. You can read and retain the knowledge, and you'll be able to study them for a big test. This brings me to another great point ALWAYS DO YOUR BLOG'S. Your blogs are very important, they come around just about every week. They do count and you are not allowed to copy someones response. You are also given numerous extra-credit projects that you can even do in school. They are good for bumping up your grade, but don't rely heavily on them. If you follow these tips you will succeed, tremendously. My grade has stayed above and around a 100%, just by doing what I'm suppose to do, I also did every extra credit assignment I could do. :) Oh, and by the way, If you keep your grade above a 90 throughout the semester without any unexscused absances, you can be exempt from the final exam. Mrs. Moss is an excellent teacher and I'm really going to miss her. Please don't be one of those people who goof around because she will embarrass you and you will have big consequences. I honestly feel like you will like her, she is one of my Top 3 best liked teachers of all time. She may soon be one of yours too.

    Blair Gregory

  7. If i knew what I know now i would have payed more attention to the movies in mrs.mosses class and would have always been doing my work in her class. She gives each assignment for a reason not just for a grade. i do like the fact that we were not assigned seats we choose our own. My advice to each and every student going into mrs. mosses class is to always show up onn time and to only ask questions when you are confussed. If you have alot of questions to ask mrs.moss try writting them on a sheet of paper and handing them to her at the end of class just like what I do with my question log in her class. We have had a few issues in her class but all in all i had a good semester and have learned alot.


  8. Haha, Mrs. Moss was great! I didn't think I was gonna like her at first. But she's amazing. I'm the kind of student who likes to get on a teacher's good side, but it's not hard with Mrs. Moss. She is a great teacher. If I knew then what I know now, I would have done all my study guides right when I got them. When you get 5 minutes at the end of class to do some study guide, take advantage of it. Because honestly, I was caught up 'til 12:30 one night because I didn't take advatage of that time. Do your blogs, and take any advantage of extra credit. Stay on task, and don't ask stupid questions, or you'll get a stupid answer, or she'll get mad at you. That doesn't happen too often. Do not abuse your authority to use iPods and phones and stuff, there will be consequences. And they sucked. But I learned so much with Mrs. Moss. I loved the way her class was run. Oh yeah, by the way, she LOVES when she walks in after the bell rings, and the room gets dead silent. Loves it... And if you see her in the hall, smile and say hi. It'll make her day.. Hugs too (: aah , Mrs. Moss rocks. She was an inspiration to me. I'mma miss her . But do your work, and take advantage of her extra credit assignments, but do your mandatory work, first. Like blogs and study guides. When she says take notes, TAKE THEM ! Cause you can use them on the test, makes life a whole lot less stressful. And keep all your returned work until after that test because it's based off your work. I had an amazing semester with this woman. I hope you do, too.
    -- Sarah Elizabeth , (: <3
