Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Write a story about your favorite Christmas memory. Make sure you include who, what, where, when and how. It doesn't have to be a novel, but it does have to be more than a paragraph.

Due on Wednesday, December 21st at midnight, but DON'T WAIT until then. You WILL forget and I WILL NOT accept it late. This is the last blog until 2012. :)


  1. My favorite Christmas memory is always decorating the house and putting up, and decorating the Christmas tree. My family (Dawn-mom, Bryan-dad, Jaycie-sister, and my grandmother; Grace) always gets a tree from Lowes, and normally waits a day or two to set it up, so that it is on a Sunday. We put up our outdoor decorations first; this year. I was in charge of everything, I even bought the tree myself.
    Our outdoor decorations are big red bows, green wreaths with a red bow, two merry christmas signs, a white light tree, and outdoor lights. I wrapped the lights around the stoop and put up the signs and the ribbons along with the aid of my sister. My family and I turned on the lights and we went to a pleasant dinner, to come back and see our beautiful outer house appearance.
    My family set up the tree the next morning, in the living room. We put the ornaments and the lights around it. My two favorite ornaments are, a golden angel, and a silver, purple, and blue colored snowman. When we finished my father put the angel on top. It was such a wonderful Christmas memory! Whats funny is, is that it was this year, only just a couple weeks ago. Our house always looks festive. I wish everyone a Merry Christmas!!!

  2. My Christmas memory was last year when I was in 8th grade. My sister, Becca, and I got up real early and pretty much jumped on my mom and then jumped on Marisa. We all gathered around our tree and passed out all the presents. This was the only Christmas we had a lot of presents, we usually have a minimum amount but this year was the greatest. I got all the things I wanted especially band tee-shirts. Everyone was amazingly happy. After that we made hot coco and watched a whole bunch of Christmas shows and movies. Then we went to my Aunt Sheri’s and made home made pizza’s instead of ham and turkey.

    The day after Christmas we had a miracle with great snow. Becca and I went out and took pictures and built a mini snow man and named it Little Bobert. He was already melting after we put a scarf and hat on him. 2010 Christmas was a very eventful one and I was happy all the way through it. Can’t wait for another one like that.
    Merry Christmas all <3

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  6. My favorite chrismas Memory was when i live in Philadelphia. We dont really celebrate it but the rest of our family does. We have shared alot of memories in Philadelphia. We Helped my grandmother (shirl) put up the chrismas tree and we aslo helped my great-grandmother (shirley) cook chrismas dinner. The cool thing about this is that my little brother (fatman,s) birthday is on chrismas. We love to go up north so we could watch the snow fall and watch all of our favirte chrismas movies like How the Grinch stole chrismas. We love to sit and drink as many cups of hot chocolate. those are my favorite chrismas memomories

  7. My favorite Christmas memory was last year with my bestfriend Maitlyn. It was so much fun because during Christmas break when it snowed, i went to her house after it snowed and while it snowed, and we went sledding on the overpass near her house, the only reason i got to go to her house is because her dad came and picked me up in the state truck because he works for the state, because my parents didnt want to risk getting out in the bad weather.
    While at her house, it was so fun and funny. It was so funny because her mom took millions of pictures of us, my mom and brother came later that day, so they could play too, my dad had to go to work that night because he's a firefighter, it took us like 5 minutes to climb to the top of the overpass because we were so tired of climbing. This was one of my favorite Christmas memories because i spent it with my besfirend and i had alot of fun. The next day, my dad, brother, and I went on the fourwheeler, and my dad hooked up a sled to the back and road us on the road and in the fields, it was really fun. I hope we get alot of snow like we did last year, but i doubt we will :( I have alot of great Christmas memories, but this is one of the best ones that I can remember.

  8. My favorite Christmas memory was when I was like 6 years old. It was very fun because I went to my grandma's house that Christmas in Plymouth, and all my family came down and we when someone asks me which is my favorite holiday I say Christmas because I get presents+ food WOW! It was so fun because I got to eat just like it was Thanksgiving. I got everything I wanted which was icecream maker, cotton candy maker, and dolls, lol remember I was six at this time so the gifts are a litte kiddy, but I could use a cotton candy maker right know, I love cotton candy. What good times! When I woke up the middle of night I got up to see if the cookies and milk were gone I made for santa, but when I got up I saw my cousin eating them. I was really upset because I had to put out more, but I got over it. That morning I was happy to see all my family, food, and gifts. I was really happy for gifts, but know I realize it is not all about gifts it's about family coming together on this day. That is what I am looking forward to see this Christmas(:
    Merry Christmas To All<3 Enjoy!

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  10. Hmm, all my Christmases were pretty much the same.. There's one that sticks out. The year my grandfather died, we were still mourning at Christmas time. But we all followed our traditions still. Every year we would go to my nana's house on Christmas eve to spend it with my dad's side of the family. (This was when Santa still came.)
    That night the whole family was there. It was the first Christmas in a long time we've all shared together in a while. And I was old enough to recognize people. So, I technically met my cousins that I NEVER see. I had my cousins Alexis, Courtney, Jordan, Casey, Chris, Jessica, and Megan. And my uncle Steven, and aunt Mellissa. Including my nana, her husband Gerald at the time, and My mom and dad. I remember my dad and uncle Steven dressed up as Santa and tried to say they were better than the other... Those were the good days.
    That year I got my first Webkinz, and a Hannah Montana CD.. I was in love with her. I also got lots of clothes and some other little things that I wanted. Right before we left, the Christmas music was playing and it was almost time to go. My mom was helping my nana clean up the kitchen and I looked out the front door, and I could have sworn that Santa was riding around. It was really late, so of course it made since to me that it was him. I called my sister, and my cousin Alexis, who is my age, to the front door. We ran outside and we believed 100% it was Santa.. Who else? In the sky at 11:30 at night... Seriously. So we waited by the chimney to see if he would land. But sadly, he didn't. We guessed it was because we were awake, but we had to leave not too long after. But it was just straight up the best year of my Christmases so far..

  11. My favorite christmas memory would have to be when I was a lot younger. On Christmas Eve my family and I would get together and have a big dinner. Everyone would pass out gifts and I couldn't wait to open them. My Grandma Audrey would dress up as Santa Claus. All the children would come and sit on her lap and tell her what they wanted. We would sing christmas carols and watch movies. I also sat cookies and milk on a table waiting for santa.
    On christmas day I couldn't wait to get out of bed.I woke everyone up in the house. I would go in my uncle room and try to get him to wake up. After that I went in the living room and I had a couch full of gifts just for me. They looked so pretty in their decorative wrapping paper. That went away when I ripped the paper open to see what was inside. I got everything I had asked for. I still have the little stuffed dog that I had got. On christmas I would get presents from my dad too. That made me extra happy.

  12. My favorite Christmas memory took place when I was seven years old. I was dressed up as a donkey in my church's Christmas pageant. My job was to simply pull the camel on wheels and look cute. This was quite an easy job for me, I am just too darn cute. My older brother Joe was the shepherd and my older sister Francie was supposed to be Mary. I began to proceed down the aisle with the rolling camel. Sitting on the camel, was my sister. I am a small kid and my sister was fairly larger than me. Francie helped me start some momentum and the first problem arrived. The cart did not have a steering wheel. We clipped the bench to the left, which sent us toppling over. We got up again and continued down the aisle.
    The worst part of the pageant came during the final scene. My sister “Mary” lost the baby who was intended to be Jesus. I did my donkey duty and started a search party for the missing Jesus. The baby had crawled behind the altar out of sight. After a ten-minute delay of awkward silence, Jesus was finally found and the pageant continued. This will always be a memory of mine. The list of things that can go wrong at a Christmas pageant is endless. That sums up my favorite Christmas memory.

  13. My favorite Christmas memory takes place every year. My mom and I bake cookies every year and make cookie trays for my neighbors and family. This is so much fun for me because my mom and I get to spend a lot of time together. We make chocolate covered cherries, chocolate chip cookies, peanut butter balls, sugar cookies, peanut butter cookies (which I always burn), brownies, and all different types of hard candy. We do this every weekend after Thanksgiving all the way up to Christmas. My neighbors came over last weekend and her two little children helped me make sugar cookies while the mothers made chocolate covered cherries. I will never forget this because her little three-year-old son poured the bowl of flour all over my head. This is my favorite holiday memory.

  14. My favorite Christmas memory was last year when it snowed. Me and my family went outside and made the shortest snowman. We decorated it with glasses, a hat, and a scarf. After we got finished making our snowman we had a snowball fight, and that was fun. Our hands and feet felt like they were frozen; so we came inside and made hot chocolate together to warm up. Then we decided to bake some chocolate chip cookies. After we baked the cookies we all sat down in the living room by the fireplace, and talked about all the cool things we got for Christmas.

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  16. My favorite vacation is when my family and I went to San Diego, California to visit my big brother A.J last year. We stayed in California for about three weeks. My brother took my sister and I to an amusement park that was by the beach. We had a lot of fun there and my brother bought us a lot of tickets so we could go on a lot of rides. He also took us to this mall that was by the border of Mexico. We could actually see Mexico out of my brothers apartment window and if you looked out there at night you would see a LOT of lights on in Mexico. Another place he took us was Sea World. We saw a lot of shows about the many animals that live in the sea. My brother also took me to a book store that loved but i didn't get as many books as I wanted but i was still happy. I was sad to leave my brother but I might get to see him again next year.

  17. My favorite Christmas memory was when I was 11. The night before Christmas my dad was working overtime and we didnt know whether or not he'd be home in the morning. So that night (because we had family coming in) we cooked all night, we made the ususal Christmas dinner and set up our house while listening to lots of Christmas songs.
    That night as I had fallen asleep I hoped to wake up more to my daddy being home rather than a new trampoline. Well I of course had woken up early, maybe around 6am-ish. I waited until 8am for my dad to finally pull into the driverway, (it was the longest two hours of my life). Later on that day I had to take the trash out, well next to the trash can was a giant wrapped up box. To my surprise it was the new trampoline I had wanted that year.

  18. My favorite Christmas memory would definitely have to be back when I was about 6 years old when me, my brother alex, and my cousin peter, were all at my grandmother's house. My grandma always tries to get everything that we want, which is really nice of her by the way, and we had all asked for a different game that year. I wanted Mario Kart, Alex wanted Backyard Football, and Peter wanted Madden Football.
    My really sweet grandma, wanting to be funny, gave the Madden game to me, the Backyard Football game to Peter, and the Mario Kart game to Alex. We all opened the presents, started laughing, and switched the games. I really enjoyed that Christmas, and I haven't forgotten it since.

  19. To start off i am adopted and when i was adopted i only knew i had 2 other sisters which are both older than me Brittany (16) and Krystal (15) and i am 14 and we seperated at birth. My mom found out where my other sisters lived and we pretty much knew eachother since we were born. We shared many Christmas' together all the time and went to church and it was amazing to know i had a little bit of connection with my real family.

    In 2006 the BEST news came to us sisters WE HAD THREE MORE, i was about ummm 9 and for me this was kind of weird because i didnt know what to think. The first time we met we went to the beach for Christmas and i pretty much connected with them really fast especially Amanda and come to find out i have a sister who looks so much like me Amanda she was 8. The other two Tiffany she was 6 and Alicia was 3. Amanda and me are the bestest of friends like in the whole world. We act the same and everything. And till this day we still are and i get to see Amanda Tiffany and Alicia next weekend and i love them soooo much i just cant explain it.

  20. My favorite Christmas memory was when I was 10 I went to bed with no snow on the ground and woke up to a white Christmas, but that’s not all. My last gift was a PSP game from my grandma but I didn’t have a PSP. I thought she just didn’t know and confused it but she didn’t.
    My family has a tradition to do a scavenger hunt for your last gift and it is usually the most expensive thing you didn’t expect to get. So while I was doing my scavenger hunt I knew it had to be a four-wheeler. I had been wanting a four-wheeler for a long time now. Once I got to my last clue I found a PSP there waiting for me. I was the happiest 10-year old ever.

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  22. Well, my favorite Christmas memory, was last year when My mom the the movie the Christmas Shoes. And we watched together as a family. We heard about this amazing movie by one of my moms co-workers. But anyway we went and got the movie and I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT!!!! I was crying my eyes out. I probably went through a whole box of tissues before the movie was over. But I will never forget that movie, and then a couple of weeks ago, when my mom got home from work, she showed that she got the sequeal to the Christmas shoes! Its called a Christmas Blessing, and I am sooooo exicited to see it. The reason why I am holding it off is because I want to read both of the books first, and then I want to watch the first movie, the Christmas Shoes, and then the Christmas Blessing. This is my favorite Christmas memory.(:

  23. My favorite Christmas memory was when I was five. I had been sick the whole week before Christmas. I used to wake up around 4:30 to open presents and it was snowing. I went and woke my mom up and went to go wake Emma up and she wasn’t there. So I ran to the living room and my sister had opened everybody’s presents and was playing with them and took my moms lipstick and drew all over my American girl doll. I was really mad because that was my first American girl doll but Emma apologized and I ended up getting another doll. Then we played in the snow for the rest of the day.

  24. Christmas is my favorite time of year, everyone is usually in good moods and I love looking at all the lights and decorations. All of my Christmas's are alot of fun but last year was probably my favorite Christmas memory. It snowed a lot last year and a bunch of neighborhood kids came out and we all had a big snowball fight. James was there along with a lot of others. We were outside a lot of the day just having fun and playing in the snow. Last Christmas morning, I woke up and we opened presents and my family and I just hung out together having family time. Then later my sister and I went outside.
    After that, we came inside and warmed up some and then went over to my Grandparents house to eat and open more presents. I hope this Christmas is just as fun this year and hopefully it will get a little colder so it can snow! Whether it does or not though, I'm very blessed to have loving family and friends and all around just a great life!

  25. My favorite christmas memory was when I woke up and there was a little puppy in a cage in the middle of the floor. We named her lucy and she is still our dog to this day. I showed her to all of my friends and took her to my grandparents for Christmas dinner. She is a great dog and I thank " Santa Clause " for her.

  26. My favorite Christmas memory was when I was 5 years old and we had just gotten a puppy the year before. We had snow and I was walking my dog and it saw a raccoon and started chasing it while I was holding the leash. I don't know why I didn't let go. She dragged me into the rose garden.

    Then I went to drink hot chocolate.

  27. My favorite Christmas memory was when I was about 10 years old. I had woken up early that morning, but I wasn't too excited for the presents. The reason I was not was because me and my family were going to Florida. We packed everything the night before and hit the road at about 9. It took us a couple of days to get there because we drove, but it was well worth it. We were going to Orlando, but we first arrived in Jacksonville to get some rest. We evantually arrived in Orlando, and all I could think about was going to Universal Studios. We stayed at an expensive hotel for almost a week, and went to Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure. It was a great Christmas.

  28. My favorite christmas memory is when my aunt Lisa came home from the milatary. She barely comes home but last year was the best. I was so excited because she spent so much time with me and when i taklked too her i couldent wait till she came

    When she finally came hopme i was so excited. She had her son and daughter and they jumped around my neck. She stayed with her mom and i was over there almost everyday. Christmas day i had so much fun laughing and having a good time with them. I was so sad that she had to leave but every since then she started coming back more.

  29. My favorite christmas memory was when I was lying in my bed, tossing and turning, just waiting for it to be christmas morning. I would just stare at my clock to watch the minutes go by, while they keep getting slower and slower. I then fell asleep to be woken up by my little brother screaming "Its Christmas Cole! Get up! Get up!" We then flew down the stairs to find tons of gifts underneath the tree. We quickly tore them open to find.... Call of duty: Modern warfare 2!!! I was so excited! i quickly popped it into my playstation to play.
    I then called up Sam and Cameron(my video game buddies) to play online with me. We played for 3 days straight without going to sleep! I was having the best time of my life. But then it broke. Maybe it was a good thing?
    ( not a real story, im not a geek!)

  30. My favorite Christmas memory was when both of uncles came home at the same time. This was my favorite memory because it is very rare for them to be home at the same time because one of them lives in Michigan and one lives on the base in New jerseys. For the family to be together at the same time was the best Christmas ever.

  31. My favorite Christmas memory is going to my Nana an Pa's house to make gingerbread men and gingerbread houses with them and my cousins. We do this every year me and my cousins spend the night the day before and then bake the next day. The gingerbread men are in different shapes, sizes, and toppings.
    Me and my cousins each get to make our own gingerbread houses with my Nana and the other just do what they want until one of us is finished. Last year we ended up with complicated gingerbread villages wich made us made trying to put them together.

  32. My favorite Christmas memory is what we do every year. We smoke ham and cook all day me and my family.

  33. My favortie Christmas was when I was eleven. I was living in Virgina at the time. My nana, mom, sister, brother, dad and I all woke up supper early. My nana had cancer at the time(it was our last Christmas with her) but, she still made us bacon and eggs for breakfast. We ate our food then went to see what our parents and santa got us. I remember I loved writing and my nana got me this smart pen. I also got a ds and other things. Soon after that my cousins and uncles came over. We exchanged our gifts and then went outside. The ground was covered in snow.
    This was deffantily the best Christmas I had. I liked it the most because all I did was spend time with my family. We were all together for once and nothing besides each other was on our mind.

  34. My favorite christmas memory was last christmas when my dad bought a new house. It was our first christmas together in the new house and my dad was very excited. Living in the house was me, my dad, my little brother, my step mom, and my step sister. The night that we put up the tree was the best, because after getting done decorating it, we looked outside and saw that it was snowing that night which made it even more special. My dad had just recently been told of being in remition from cancer, so I think that is why it was so special, because we were'nt spending Christmas in a hospital together or in my grandma's house because my dad couldnt be by himself. So that was my favorite Christmas memory.

  35. I think my favorite Christmas memory was made last year. My mother was in a "Bah Humbug" kind of mood and didn't want a Christmas tree. My dad though this was silly however, and decided to purchase one anyway. He called on the way home to tell us he had gotten the prettiest tree on the whole lot. Naturally, my sister and I were very excited. My dad had also brought home dinner that night.
    When he came inside we all decided to eat and then go pull the tree off the top of his suburban. about two hours after my father had come home my sister went outside to see the tree (which should have still been attached to the top of his vehicle) she came back inside to report the tree was in fact not on top of the car. I went outside and all that was left was one branch hanging from a piece of rope.
    My dad hadn't noticed he'd lost the tree on the way home and swore someone had taken it off of his suburban. We got another tree though.

  36. My favorite Christmas memory was one I’ll always remember. It was three years ago and I woke up to presents all around the Christmas tree. We ran immediately to the tree and ripped the wrapping paper to pieces. Right after we finished around the tree, my parents took me out to the garage. I was the happiest little boy alive, or so I thought. But, the moment I went out and saw my Honda CRF 150 it was confirmed, this was the best Christmas ever.
    My dirt bike was a dream come true. It was red, with a black seat. It had a sick nasty exhaust system, and to top it all off it had a push to start electric start system. I jumped on it, and tried to start the bike, however the battery was not prepared. So, it was completely bummed. But, my dream of riding this bike was not crushed because after I charged the battery it was ready to go. At that moment it really was the best Christmas ever.

  37. My favourite christmas memory would have to be 2 years ago. That christmas was my favourite because that was the last time my family was together and it was the last christmas I had with my grandma before she died. I don’t remember what present I got for that christmas but that’s not the reason that christmas was important to me.
    On that christmas we didn’t do much, we just ate and opened presents, but if I was suppose to pick a favourite christmas memory it would have to be this one.

  38. If I had to choose my favorite Christmas memory it would have to be when I was about eight or nine. It was Christmas eve and all of my family was slowly arriving that day except for one person my favorite uncle who was stationed l. In the army who always came to spend christmas with me no matter what. Considering I never saw him because of how far away he lives away. Well, of course I was sad and cried for while because not only was I sad that he was away. But also that he could also get hurt while he was stationed there so I mopped.

    Well, after the whole meet and greet with my family all the kids fell asleep before midnight even though we attempted staying up. We all woke up from my mom attacking me screaming come on get up you got presents to open. K wasn't enthusiastic as usual because I was still rather sad though I was still thrilled about it. After opening all of the presents with a lot of screaming and hugs we were putting up all the wrapping trash from presents. My mom said oh Kyaisha you have one more present that just arrived for you so I made it. To the front door and saw my uncle step out the car with my dad I started screaming. Then started crying and ran towards him and hugged him tight as I could and I think that by far was my favorite Christmas memory for me.

  39. My favorite christmas memory was last year. Last years christmas was my favorite because of all the fun I spent together with my family and friends. When my little brother woke me up I remember him saying get up, get up it's christmas! We ran downstairs and saw all the presnt's underneath the christmas tree. There was this big box that was wrapped up for all of us, when we opened it it was a wii. We had alot fun playing just dance that day.
    Later the next day I remember my dad bringing home my bestfriend Shelby of to hangout with me! My mom took my brother, sister, shelby , and me to the overpast by my house where we would go sleighing down it. We had the best time playing out in the snow, even though it was freezing cold. After like 2 hours of playing in the snow we went home and warmed up. Then we went over to my grandmas and have a big lunch at her house. That is why that was my favorite christmas ever.

  40. My favorite Christmas memory was last Christmas. My sister had been begging my dad for a laptop the whole entire year. We opened our gifts and my sister opened her last gift and she didn't get a laptop. I came to my last gift which was a 2ft x 1ft box. I opened it up and it was a new laptop. My sister started screaming "I hate you! I hate you!" and ran out the room. I was laughing real hard and my dad was just sitting there smiling. It was great! She told me she hated me every day for the next month. Hope that happens again!

  41. My favorite Christmas memories are the years that me and my family go to both Ohio and South Carolina. We are able to see all of our family in one Christmas break. Its crazy and hectic but it is soooo fun! We don't see our family that much, because they live so far away, but when we do see them, it's like a huge family reunion.
    In order for all of this to happen, we always opened the presents and everything on Christmas Eve. Then after that we had to pack and leave early on Christmas morning!!! We are exhausted by the time we actually get in the car, but it is all definetely worth it in the end:) This year we aren't doing all that, but we are going to see some of the family in Ohio. I can't wait!!!!


  42. My favorite Christmas memory is when i was six and me and my siblings got up earlier than my parents. We werent ever allowed in the living room before my parents. That morning we got up ad decided to sneak into the living room we saw all the presents on the couches. We were quiet for the most part but we didnt think about checking to make sure my parents were still asleep.
    While we were playing with our gifts my parents got up and we all got caught. we didnt really get in trouble my parents werent too happy. Every year since then they made sure we didnt walk in there.

  43. My favorite Christmas memory was when i was very little. Every christmas we would go around the neighbor hoods looking at the christmas lights. We would even go to virginia sometimes just to see them. But when we came home, and we walked in the house we saw him. We saw SANTA CLAUS. We were all excited to see him. But my oldest sister was curious, so she walked up to him and pulled his beard down! Me and my sisters laughed histarically, While my mom and dad just starred and gave us the look. We knew that we were all in trouble, but it was all worth it!
