Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Now THAT is paradise!

French Dominica is said to be the only Caribbean Island that Christopher Coloumbus would recognize because it is largely undeveloped. I think that tropical island is my kind of place. Being able to go to the beach all year long, grow my own food and no pollution problems seem like paradise.


Find a location that represents paradise to you. Include a link of the map of that location, a description of the biome, ecosystem and relative development in comparison to surrounding areas.

Due on Tuesday, December 13 at midnight.


  1. http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&client=safari&rls=en&q=map+of+las+salinas+nicaragua&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=4541l8841l2l9032l10l7l2l0l0l5l352l1643l0.2.3.2l9l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=1024&bih=839&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl

    My paradise is Las Salinas, Nicaragua. The biome here is a chaparral. This means that there are a variety of geography characteristics. There are rocky cliffs to flat plains. There are a variety of animals that live here such as jack rabbits, coyotes, and alligator lizards. The ecosystem here can be described as a tough one. The conditions can be very hot and dry but the plants and animals have adapted to the climate. This place is definitely a third-world country. In comparison to nearby places Las Salinas isn’t very different. There is not much development at all. There are a few buildings around but nothing compared to New York City, NY.

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  5. The Providencia Island lie off Colombia's coast, near the Border with Nicaragua.It is an empty, tropical, coconut palmed paradise. Providencia is a stunning island of beautiful beaches that are undeveloped and peaceful. It is also the best scuba diving destination and the snorkelling is also great. The sea is multi shaded turquoise.It has green mountains and large coral barrier. Providencia has a preserved ecosystem. I can enjoy the different animals of the sea. Providencia's development is controlled. The beaches don't have many buildings. This is different compared to major citys like New York City, NY or Raleigh, NC. The climate ia hot and sunny. Providencia don't experience hurricanes. THIS IS MY TYPE OF PLACE.


  6. My paradise is Christmas Island. Christmas Island is named Christmas Island because the man who discovered it, discovered it on Christmas Day. Christmas Island resides in the Indian Ocean but is the territory of Australia. It's a tropical rainforest island, with reefs that can be a maritime hazard. The climate is tropical but is moderated by trade winds. This island also experiences monsoons, which are common around the area that it's located. There is a small percentage developed; with a population that has approximately 1,403 residents. The island has sveral "settlements" like Silver City and Poon Saan. The biome is classified as a forest biome due to its significant forest cover. The forest has even become known as a national park. The island has many different animals but it's famous for the Christmas Island red crab; which comes to the island on the cycle of the moon, and its tropic birds which have plumage of silver and gold. Most of the animals on the island are becoming endangered and possibly extinct. The flora is very special because out of its 135 plant species at least 18 species can't be found anywhere else. The island has minumal human disturbance so it has led to a high level of endemism; which is quality of being unique to only one place. This place has a few shops and stores and also has boats and airplanes. This place is nowhere near as major as cities like New York City, Los Angeles, or Chicago. An interesting fact is that phosphate is abundant and is has been mined for many years.


  7. For my paradise island i chose, the Cayman islands. The Caymon Islands are located in the western Carribean sea. The caymon Islands are made up of Three islands the Grand caymon, The Little Caymon, and the Caymon brac. http://www.google.com/imgres?q=maps+of+the+cayman+islands&hl=en&biw=1280&bih=859&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=tvPBqcG2KeieBM:&imgrefurl=http://www.howtoenjoy.co.uk/north_america_caribbean/north_america/uk_territories/cayman_islands/cayman_islands_map.htm&docid=Fb7gRz2-GhXTUM&imgurl=http://www.howtoenjoy.co.uk/maps/cayman-islands_s.gif&w=258&h=213&ei=cJbeTvfaIo6L0QGapIyLBw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=674&vpy=504&dur=1543&hovh=170&hovw=206&tx=111&ty=107&sig=112748061074709728623&page=3&tbnh=154&tbnw=187&start=42&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:13,s:42
    The status of the dry forests and degree of disturbance and alteration are directly related to human population size on each of the three islands. Clearing of natural woodland for roads, housing, tourism, and agriculture continue to be the most significant pressures on the dry forests. Theres no natural freshwater resources; drinking water supplies must be met by rainwater catchments.

  8. The area that i choose to be my paradise is a rather small town not too far from Dallas,Texas the name of the town it Gun Barrel, Texas. It sits on the Cedar Creek Resivoir. It has mostly farm land sitting around it. I love the idea of being able to go out to your back yard at 6:00 every day and feeding your cattle. I also love being able to see nothing but acers acers of open fields and pastures. But the verry best thing that is there isn't the farm land, or the fact that you can just go down to the lake easily. The best thing is the people. The people greet each other and its a small town and everybody knows every body.

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  10. The Federated States of Micronesia is composed of the island states of Yap, Chuuk (Truk), Pohnpei (Ponape), and Kosrae, all in the Caroline Islands. The islands vary geologically from high mountainous islands to low coral atolls, with volcanic outcroppings on Pohnpei, Kosrae, and Chuuk. They are located 3,200 mi (5,150 km) west-southwest of Hawaii, in the north Pacific Ocean.
    The islands, inhabited by Micronesian and Polynesian peoples, were colonized by Spain in the 17th century. Germany purchased them from Spain in 1898. They were occupied by the Japanese in 1914, but American forces seized them from the Japanese during World War II. On April 2, 1947, the United Nations Security Council created the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. The trust placed the Northern Mariana, Caroline, and Marshall Islands under the administration of the United States.


  11. Bremerton, Washington!

  12. http://maps.google.com/maps?q=Bremerton,+WA&hl=en&sll=38.341656,-95.712891&sspn=36.33779,86.572266&vpsrc=0&hnear=Bremerton,+Kitsap,+Washington&t=m&z=12
    Bremerton, Washington is my paradise. Yes it is a cold place and wouldn’t be very many peoples paradise but yet I love it there. I used to live there and desperately want to go back. The temperatures are usually gets up to 75 in the summertime and as low as -15 in the winter. It has large trees and great air and is considered to be a forest type area. Less sunlight more rain but always green and flourishing. Many forest type animals live nearest to Bremerton like: deer, elk, rabbits, bears, raccoons, and squirrels. Plenty of lakes to fish and always amazing to go outside. Water is pure and straight from the mountains even straight out of your faucet. In a valley between two mountain areas, Cascades and the Olympics mountain ranges. Compared to other areas surrounding (Like Seattle) we are higher up in elevation.

  13. http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&tab=wl

    The paradise I have chosen is Fiji. This is a beautiful island nation in Melanesia in the South Pacific Ocean. Its biome is, a tropical rainforest. This mean that the area will have tall trees, and year long warmth. They belong in the tropical wet climate group. Rainfall is around 100 inches per year. Fiji's ecosystem includes: lowland and mountainous forest, mangroves and swamps, many different grasslands and inland waters. The ocean environment includes: coral reefs, lagoons, and deep pelagic areas. Fiji is also home to many animals besides humans. Some of these animals would be: pigs, goats, cattle, and many others. In the water, there are: blue ribbon eels, gray reef sharks, hammer head sharks, hawk fish, scorpion fish, reef fish, anemone, clownfish, lionfish, flame angel, white tip shark, dental shrimp, and many more. Over the years Fiji's development has grown immensely. From a few buildings, to new hotels, Fiji has become a major tourist attraction! I have never been to Fiji, but it is truly a paradise, and I would love to go there one day!

  14. The paradise that i choose was St. Martin. It is located in France. The biome of St. Martin would be the most common thing about the West Indies,it must be much hotter in summer than it is during the rest of the year. In the average monthly temperatures are very stable by being only about 5º Fahrenheit year-round. This brings refreshing breezes from the northeast throughout the year. Summer is actually a great time to visit the islands because lodging rates are much lower and the beaches, roads and restaurants are not crowded. Of course, winter and the Christmas/New Year holidays are the most popular time to go. St. Martin has many buildings and many trees and buetiful waterways with bridges.


  15. http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&tab=wl

    My paradise is Miami Becah, FL. The biome here is, tropical and subtropical moist leaf forests. Meaning its hot normally all year round (or at least warm), and rains often. The ecosystem has a wide variety of animals, such as; alligators, snakes, fish, armadillos, lizards, squirrels, opossums, & racoons. Compared to Orlando, Miami is really no different. They both have a big amount of houses, animals, companys, and people. One things Miami has that Orlando doesnt is plenty of beautiful beaches.

  16. My paradise that I chose is Costa Rica. The biome here is great. There are a lot of plants and different species. Some of the species are gorillas, coati, gaudy leaf frog, whiptail lizard, and blue-jeans dart frog. The ecosystem here is wonderful. Costa Rica has a healthy marine environment of its offshore reefs to their different mountains. The development here is different. If you compared Costa Rica to Dallas, Texas it would be a huge difference. Costa Rica has lots of rainforest animals and different plants, and Dallas on the other hand has a big city, which is probably very busy.

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  23. http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&tab=wl

    The virgin Islands are paradise to me, land area is 133.73 square miles, the biome there is tropical rainforest, which means "a vegetation class consisting of tall, close growing trees, their columnar trunks more or less unbranched in the lower two thirds, and forming a spreading and frequently flat crown; occurs in areas of high temperature and high rainfall". Coral Reef are a major component in the shelfs in the Virgin Islands, alot of other things interact with coral reef such as, octocoral hardbottom, sand communities, shallow mud, fine sediment habitats seagrass beds, algal plains, mangrove forests and salt pondsand are considered to be part of the coral reef ecosystem. There is relative comparison to surrounding islands in this area.

  24. My paradise is panama. The biome there is a tropical rain forest. It is located in central America, and has the largest diversity of marine life in the world. There are coral reefs, mangroves, and lots of marine wildlife a few miles off of the shore. This is releative comparison to the surounding countries in central america.


  25. Punta Cana in a paradise to me. The biome is a Coastal Carribean biome. There are alot of things to do in Punta Cana. Not alot of people know about it tho. Punta Cana is known as having the mos beautiful beaches.There is a relative comparison surrounding this area.


  26. http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&cp=11&gs_id=1d&xhr=t&q=bora+bora+map&qe=Ym9yYSBib3JhIG0&qesig=YEDA48LW1gix_w7sgAZ2fg&pkc=AFgZ2tnMSMy6ReG-sces-1u7i8aUUur1EcN2Nx_aTUZrz6iITArZMWltsU45a8nk5rHHf-ue0VpWB3tdFh6PmIbXjJ7Ke82zIQ&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=1024&bih=802&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x76bdbd1be09ae2eb:0x37181822bdfba6fc,Bora+Bora&gl=us&ei=WJTmTofGCcKctwed2bDSBA&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=image&resnum=1&sqi=2&ved=0CCoQ8gEwAA

    My paradise, the Bora Bora Islands, is part of a tropical biome, with year long warmth (average temperature in the mid-80's) and plant growth. The Bora Bora Islands have very diverse ecosystems, ranging from coral reefs and lagoons in the water, to dense forests on cliffs overlooking the water. Bora Bora has an average amount of development, but that is compared to the surrounding islands. In truth, it has only 9,000 residents, which is nothing compared to what we are used to.

  27. Gatlinburg, Tennessee is where my paradise would be. This is my paradise, simply because it was where my grandaddy lived before he passed. Gatlinburg is very 'countrified' place. Lots of plain, but also lots of mountains. It depends on what part you're in. I loved riding horses when I visited. There is very different development in Gatlinburg, because the city is very developed. There are a lot of outlet malls, and stores. There are also museums and family centers. Out in the country part of Gatlinburg, is very small but one of the best parts. It isn't very developed and it has a great view of mountains and lakes. When compared to other places, it's more developed, but if you're looking at New York, or Chicago, it's very undeveloped. There are also wildlife refuges and zoos in this ecosystem. The country-side is low on pollution, and very life-sustaining.

  28. My paradise is Santorini part of the Greek islands. Santorini has a tropical biome due to all the rain. The ecosystem could be explained as a hilly one. Santorini is part of a archipelago with other islands that were formed from a volcano eruption. All the islands in the archipelago are around the same ecosystem.

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  30. The island paradise I chose to research on was Boracay, which is located off the northwest corner of Panay Island, and belongs to the Western Visayas island-group, or Region VI, of the Philippines. This is a beautiful island that is generally divided into two seasonal weather patterns known locally as the Amihan and Habagat seasons. Which is is hot, humid weather or moderate temperatures both with much wind. This seems like a very nice place to visit because of the nice beaches and other fun activitie to do there. The development here is not much, there are a few buildings, houses, and resorts but not much. I would love to vacation here some day!


  31. My paradise is Dominican Republic. The biome is tropical.The Dominican Republic a vegetation ecosystem. The island has a lot of trees and grass. I would want to live here some of my family is from their . The island can get up to 104 degrees to the lowest of 32 degrees and can snow occasionally.

  32. My paradise is Puerto Rico. The biome for Puerto Rico is the tropical rain forest,has very few little flat land and few mineral resources. Puerto Rico is located in the Caribbean Sea, about 1,000 mi east-southeast of Miami Flordia. There are mangrove lagoons,coral reefs, along the shoreline. This is releative comparison to the surounding countries.


  33. The place that I chose as paradise is Jamaica.
    Jamaica's climate is tropical, supporting diverse ecosystems with a wealth of plants and animals.
    The climate in Jamaica is tropical, with hot and humid weather, although higher inland regions are more temperate. The climate in Jamaica supports a diverse ecosystem with a wealth of plants and animals. Jamaica consists of a variety of plants and animals. Some plants that are found in Jamaica are bamboo, ferns, ebony, mahogany, rosewood, sugarcane, bananas, and citrus trees. There is not much development.

  34. http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&tab=wl

    The island I chose to talk about is Ester Island in Easter Island, Chile. The climate of Easter Island is subtropical maritime, which means it has hot, humid summers and mild to cool winters. I would like to live on Easter Island because it's far away from everything making it one of the world's most isolated inhabited islands. There are really no trees in this island, so it does not have a biome. The ecosystem is largely populated for a small island. The main animals that live on the island are chickens and rats.

  35. Seychelles Islands is an island country spanning an archipelago of 115 islands in the Indian Ocean, some 1,500 kilometres (932 mi) east of mainland Africa, northeast of the island of Madagascar.It has a humid tropical biome. Other nearby island countries and territories include Zanzibar to the west, Mauritius and Reunion to the south, Comoros and Mayotte to the southwest. Seychelles has a renowned reputation for restoration ecology. Growing public awareness of environmental issues and the development of tourism over the past 40 years focusing on pristine environments as a driver have shifted land-use away from plantation agriculture to tourism-related funding for conservation and restoration.International funding from donor countries and the Global Environment Facility covers the large initial financial outlay in restoring island ecosystems. Seychelles relies heavily on its natural environment for its two main sources of revenue – fishing and tourism, the latter accounting for over 150,000 visitors per year. In recent years, the islands’biodiversity has been marketed to diversify the range of tourism products and activities.

  36. The island I chose was Inagua. The biome it is in is the tropical rainforest. This is the 3rd largest island in the Bahamas. The population of this island is not very high and the land is mostly conserved by interior lakes. Inagua is not as advanced as surrounding islands and is a remote island with only one harbor at its capital. This is my dream island because it is a small town where everyone knows everyone and it is along the beach.

  37. Grand Bahamas is an island off the coast of Florida. It is home of exotic fish, crystal clear waters, great hotels, and nice restaurants. It is a little bit of old and new considering it has one of the deepest ports and harbors. The climate is warm all year round but slightly warmer in the summer months. It is well developed compared to other Bahama Islands. It is home to a lot of wild life such as:wild donkeys, wild boar, and horses. Smaller animals would be raccoon and hutia. Many varieties of fish and water mammals. http://www.bahamas.com/grand-bahama-island/map

  38. My paradise is Chicago. The biome is a temperate grassland. There are around 50.2 million trees in Chicago, Illinois. It has shade, lower summer air temperatures. Lake Michigan is a big part of Chicago. Chicago is a very high populated city, has many tall buildings and many buildings in general. The Sears tower is the tallest building in Chicago.


  39. The place I have choosen for my paradise is the Outer Banks. It is a coastal ocean biome, and the ecosystem is a coastal ecosystem. There are seagulls, crabs, sharks, and many other sealife or coastal creatures. The Outer Banks is built up pretty nicely compared to surrounding areas. They have everything you would have in a regular city.


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  41. My paradise is Tasmania. It is the island underneath the right side of Australia. It has developed places, especially in the middle of the island, but the coastlines stay undeveloped. There are mountains, valleys, beaches, and other geographic features on this island. Because of these different features there are a lot of different animals on the island. All of these different features would keep this island interesting and an amazing paradise.


  42. My paradise is Fernando de Noronha Brazil. Fernando de Noronha Brazil is a tropical island, 545 km away from the coast of the Brazilian State of Pernambuco, some of the most beautiful beaches in the world, a bit more than 2,000 inhabitants and where the tourism is developped in a sustainable way, creating the opportunity of an equilibrated meeting between man and nature in one of the most important ecologic sanctuaries of the world. For enjoying the numberless natural attractions and experiencing a little bit of the history of their colonization, a trip to Noronha requires at least 5 days. There are countless activitiy and tour options, which satisfy different people and offer to the visitor the chance to see all natural beauties of the islands.


  43. My paradise would be the Atiu Cook Island. One unique characteristic about this island is that it continues to rise up from the sea. It began as an underwater mountain but over time the sea floor fault kept moving causing the land to rise forming the Atiu Cook Island. This island is a very well developed island. They have many businesses such as stores, restaurants, bakeries, and many others. Some of the things that attract tourists are their beaches, caves, diving, fishing, coffee, and birds. The Atiu Cook Island is a beautiful place for relaxation and adventure.


  44. My Paradise is Hamilton, Bermuda. Why I believe this is Paradise is because of all the pictures Ive seen of all the baby blue water surrounding this island. it is so amazing and I would love to go there in person one day, just to stand and look at the water. All day. Watch the sun rise, and the sun set. I would absoulutely love that. Bermuda is located in the Atlantic Ocean about 700 miles off the South Carolina coast. While many people mistakenly believe the island is part of the Caribbean, Bermuda is actually hundreds of miles north of the Bahamas. The Bermuda grass originally came from the savannas of Africa and is the common name for all East African species of Cynodon. It grows in open areas where there are frequent disturbances such as grazing, flooding and fire. Bermuda is divided into various "parishes," in which there are some localities called "villages" such as Flatts Village and Somerset Village.


  45. http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&qscrl=1&nord=1&rlz=1T4TSND_enUS411US415&q=map+of+oahu+hawaii&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=1140&bih=516&ion=1&wrapid=tlif132383368085110&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x7c006794f9df7d37:0xe7021f692be8fd1f,Oahu&gl=us&ei=UhnoToKnJdKgtweX-6XZCg&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CDcQ8gEwAA

    The biome of Oahu Hawaii is a Tropical Rainforest. It has many areas of dense forests. It has many tall trees, a hilly surface, is very humid, and gets a lot of rain. It is home to many different plant and animal species. 70% of its species are trees. It has the 2nd most amounts of plant and animal species in the world. Oahu also has areas of development. The densely populated areas like Honolulu and Waikiki have many tall buildings, hotels, and restaurants everywhere. The other islands also have densely populated and developed areas but not as much as Oahu. The some of the developments are around the ecosystems like the rainforests, the beaches, and the Diamondhead crater.
