Monday, November 28, 2011

There she blows!

Research a volcano. Report the location, last 3 eruption dates, type of volcano, type of flow and the aftermath of the eruption (effect on the bioshpere).

Due on Monday, December 5, 2011 (interim report day) at midnight.


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  3. I chose Mt. Fugi in Hondshu, Japan. The crater on the flank was created by the 1707 eruption. Mount Fuji is the archetype of the stratovolcano and probably rivals Vesuvius for the best-know volcano. The volcano rises about 3,500 m above the surrounding plain. Fuji has erupted at least 16 times since 781 AD. Most of these eruptions were moderate to moderate-large in size. The most recent eruption was in 1707-1708 from a vent on the southeast side of the cone.

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  5. The volcano i chose is Mount Lassen in California. The last eruptions of Mount Lassen were in 1914, 1915, and 1917. This volcano is a lava dome. After this volcano erupted ash
    rained down as far as 200 miles to the east. Lassen Volcanic National Park was created in Shasta County, Calif., to preserve the devastated areas as they were, for future observation and study, and to preserve the nearby volcanic features.

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  7. The volcano I chose is Mount Merapi. The volcano is located on Border of Central Java / Yogyakarta, in Indonesia. The last 3 eruption dates are November 30, 2010-December 3, 2010, October 25, 2010, and May 13, 2006. The volcano is an active stratovolcano, which is also known as a composite volcano. The flow of the most recent eruption (November 30, 2010-December 3, 2010) was a pyroclastic flow with giant ash plumes and the aftermath was that 353 people died, and it caused major disruption to the area. The flow of the the second (October 25, 2010) was pyroclastic, with hot air flows, and the aftermath was 153 reported deaths and 320,000 were displaced. The flow of the third (May 13, 2006) was again pyroclastic with columns of smoke and ash; the aftermath was 5,000 deaths and at least leaving 200,000 people homeless. This volcano is the most active in Indonesia, and has had eruptions reguraly since 1548.

  8. Klyuchevskoi volcano, Kamchatka, Russia

  9. The Volcano I choose, is called Aso, and it is located in Japan (The Subregion name is Kyushu).The 24-mile-wide Aso caldera- The Type of volcano- was formed during four major explosive eruptions from 300,000 to 90,000 years ago. These produced voluminous pyroclastic flows that covered much of Kyushu. The last of these, the Aso-4 eruption, produced more than 600 cu km of airfall tephra and pyroclastic-flow deposits. This is the Aftermath of the eruption A group of 17 central cones was constructed in the middle of the caldera, one of which, Naka-dake, is one of Japan's most active volcanoes. It was the location of Japan's first documented historical eruption in 553 AD. The Naka-dake complex has remained active throughout the Holocene. Several other cones have been active during the Holocene, including the Kometsuka scoria cone as recently as about 210 AD. The flow type is historical.

  10. The valcano that i chose is Haruna. its located at Honshu-Japan. Its latitude is 36.47, and its longitude is 138.88. The valcano is a Stratovolcano, and it contains a small caldera and Haruna lake. It effects our biosphere whe it makes the land shake, hurting some animals. The last known eruption was c550.

  11. I chose Mount Vesuvius, which is located on Italy’s west coast. This volcano looks over the Bay and City of Naples and it sits in the crater of an ancient volcano called Somma. The last three eruptions occurred in1906, 1929, and March of 1944. Mount Vesuvius is a stratovolcano. Mount Vesuvius has a pyroclastic flow. The most important eruption of Vesuvius was in 79 A.D. and the aftermath of that eruption was very bad. Pompeii and many neighboring cities were destroyed. This affected the biosphere because it killed many humans and animals when the pyroclastic flow blasted through the land nearby.

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  13. The volcano I chose was Mount Shiveluch of, Kamchatka Peninsula; Russia. Its of course located in Russia, and is also know as a historical volcano. The type of volcano Mount Siveluch is, is a Stratovolcano. The last three eruptions occured in 1854, 1956, and 1999, which is still a continous eruption to this day. Mount Shiveluch, has a pyroclastic flow. The flow of the hot lava had found its way coming slowly down the volcano, burning everything it came into contact with. The biosphere was effected as many plants, animals, and poperty was and is being damaged today.

  14. The volcano I chose was Mauna Loa, which is located on the island of Hawaii. Since 1832, Mauna Loa has erupted 39 times; its last eruption was in 1984. This volcano is constructed of a rock type known as tholeiitic basalt. There are no recent eruptions of the volcano, nor has it caused any deaths, but the eruptions in 1926 and 1950 destroyed villages. It also affected the biosphere because it made many families homeless and it diminished their resources.

  15. The volcano that i choose is Fogo. It is in Cape Verde. the Latitude and longitude for it are 14.95°N 24.35°W. The last eruption was in 1995. But the last three time were in 1951, 1955 and 1995. It is a cinder cone. When Fogo eruptes lava flows that destroyes farmland and houses.

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  18. The volcano I chose is Mount St. Helens. It is located in Skamania County, Washington. It is an active stratovolcano with a pyroclastic flow. The last three eruptions occurred on September 2004, 1990, and 1989. The most important eruption for Mount St. Helens was in 1980, when the eruption created the "largest landslide in history", huge mudslides, lava plumes, and a tower of ash that spread around the world. It destroyed surrounding forests, killed 57 people, and destroyed many surrounding cities.

  19. The volcano I chose is Kilauea. It is the youngest and Southeastern volcano on the island of Hawaii. The Kilauea is a shield volcano. they are broad rounded volcanoes that are built up by successive outpourings of very fluid lava. The Kilauea has a Basaltic lava flow. The last three eruption dates of the volcano are April 31 1982, September 25 1982, and January 3 1983. The after math includes huge cracks and lava splatters.

  20. Mount Rainier is in Washington State southeast of Seattle. The three dates I found that it erupted was December 1894, the year 1882, and between 1841 and1843. Mount Rainier is a stratovolcano, which are tall and are cone shaped. They are also active and have explosive eruptions. Mount Rainier had a debris flow and a mudflows and made many floods and harsh conditions. Caused floods, ash and debris build up, and volcanic gases. It effected the biosphere by killing off plants and animals with lack of oxygen because of ash covering and gas build up.

  21. Mount Kilimanjaro is located in Tanzania, Africa. It is a cone volcano. It has no recorded eruptions. But scientists can tell it is active and has erupted over 6 times. Scientist say it would have destroyed anything in a 15 mile radius. Ancient Swhahili tribes have cave paintings of the volcano erupting not far from the area. I dont know if this counts but from what I read it has erupted many times.

  22. The Volcano Stromboli is located North of Sicily, Italy. The last three eruptions are March 15th 2007, October 2009, and April 2011. Stromboli is a Stratovolcano. This volcano has strombolian eruptions. This volcano has caused landslides and tsunamis. The tsunamis hit the villages of Stromboli and Ginostra, damaging buildings and boats and injuring several people.

  23. Volcano Koryaksky is located in the Kamchatka Peninsula in eastern Russia. In 1890 this volcano erupted for the first time. Its second eruption came in 1926 which was only a couple moderate explosions. Koryaksky was dormant until 1956 which erupted for the third time and was even more explosive then the previous. This eruption caused pyroclastic flows. Koryaksky volcano is a stratovolcano. Its worst eruption was in 2008 and caused a huge plume of ash. None of these eruptions caused anything more than lava flows so they did not affect anything in the biosphere.

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  25. The volcano is Bezymianny in Russia. The last three eruptions were Nov 21st 2010, May 21st 2010, and Dec 17th 2009. This volcano has cone shape. There is little damage to cities and towns because the volcano is in a notional park where there are no cities or towns. This volcano has a pahoehoe lava flow.

  26. The volcano I chose to research on was Metis Shoal, which is located between the Kao and Late islands. This is a submarine volcano, which is an underwater fissures in the Earth's surface from which magma can erupt. The last three erruptions have been very spread out. The last erruption was on June 6th 1995, before that was in May 1979, and before that was December 12th 1967. The damage caused after these volcanos were new features being formed out of magma, and areas of discolored water were a result of either erosion or fumarolic activity.

  27. The volcano I chose is called Mount. Tatun. It is located in Northern Taiwan. The last actual eruption was dated back to about 5,000 years ago. But many long and short bursts have been recorded over the past year. These were generally only about 10-15 minutes long. Mount. Tatun is a stratovolcano. Its flows are, andesitis lava and pyroclastic. The aftermath of those smaller bursts concluded in the builfing of 2 nuclear power plants. It also gained a lot more seismic study.

  28. The volcano I chose is the Cleveland Volcano in the Aleutian islands in Alaska. The last three eruption dates are July 19,2011/ September 12,2010/ and May 30,2010. It is a stratovolcano, and the flow rate is effusive. It is around no towns or cities so it cannot harm people. The ash cloud it creates can cause pollution to the air that can be deadly to animals.

  29. The volcano I chose is Mt. Sinabung. It is located in Sumatra, Indonesia.  Its last eruptions was  in 1600 and August 29th and September 7th of 2010. Mt. Sinabung is a  stratovolcano with pyroclastic flow. The effects of the volcano made the Indonesian government have to evacuate around 17,500 people from the region on and around the volcano.

  30. The volcano I chose is Mount Cleveland. It is located in the western end of Chuginadak Island, a remote landmass in the Aleutian Islands of Alaska. The last few eruptions occurred in 2009, twice in 2010, and once in 2011. This andesite stratovolcano’s eruptions are generally characterized by short explosive ash clouds sometimes accompanies by a'a flows, lava fountains, pyroclastic flows, ash and steam emissions, lava dome growth, and the ejection of breadcrust bombs. The aftermath of these eruptions consists of the biggest threat, the ash plume. This can cause damage to sensitive electronic equipment on overflying planes.

  31. The volocano i chose is Mount Iwaki. Mt. Iwaki, an elevation of 1,625 m, is a beautiful, large double stratovolcano located in Tsugaru Quasi-national Park in the western part of the Tsugaru Plain. As for the geology of the mountain body and surrounding area, the mountain top is made of dacite, which is replaced with andesitic lava and andesitic agglomerate around at the mid-slope of the mountain, and the foot of the mountain is made of broken volcanic rock. In the eruption occurred about 3,000 years ago, the Torinoumi lava dome was formed. Since then, there has been no eruption that led to the formation of a lava dome. The last 3 eruptions April 2, 1793
    April 4, 1845 March 23, 1863. The volcano is not active anymore so therefore i dont know the affects it had on earth.

  32. The volcano I choose was Mt. Mazama, Oregon. This volcano type is called an Cascaede type. Its last 3 eruption dates were 1980, 2002, and 2006. It develops from the subduction zone and then flows though the pacific plates and pressure over a period of time makes it erupt.

  33. Tambora was located in Indonesia in the year of April 10-12, 1815. Tambora's last 3 eruption dates were 1967, 1819, and 1815. Tambora is a composite volcano caused by pyroclastic flows. All vegetation on the island was destroyed. Four years after the event, flames and rumbling broke out and were reported August 1819.

  34. The volcano I chose to research was Mount Bulusan. Mount Bulusan is the southernmost volcano on Luzon Island in the Republic of the Philippines. It has erupted 15 times since 1885 and is one of the most active volcanoes in the Philippines, but the three most recent ones where in July-October 2007, Novemeber 2010, and February 2011. It is a composite volcano. It has sediment-laden stream flows in the event of heavy rains. The effect on the biosphere is usually bad for the enivornment, it results in clouds of ash that travel to cities.

  35. I choose the Cabo Cowan Volcano. Cabo Cowan is a tuff cone at the NW tip of Santiago Island in the Galapagos Islands. Its summit crater is breached to the SW, where wave erosion has truncated the flanks of the cone, forming vertical sea cliffs that expose its interior. Its is 284-m-high and was constructed by submarine eruptions where the NW-trending rift zone along the crest of Santiago shield volcano encounters the sea. The Volcano has not erupted or either not been listed online. It is a shield volcano. Since there was no eruptions, or none that were listed, I do not know the type of flow, and it had no aftermath, and no effect on biosphere.

  36. The volcano that I chose was the Grímsvötn. The Grímsvötn volcano is located in Iceland. Most of the volcano is hidden beneath the giant glacier of Vatnajökull, Europe's largest glacier. The last three eruption dates were December 28, 1998, November(not said day) 2004,and May 21-26, 2011. Grímsvötn is a basaltic volcano which has the highest eruption frequency of all the volcanoes in Iceland and has a southwest-northeast-trending fissure system.The Grímsvötn volcano has had many eruption dates so out of all the dates over 200 000 livestock were killed in Iceland and which resulted in 10,000 deaths. The aftermath of volcano resulted in much damage and volcanic ash everywhere. The Grímsvötn volcano eruption discharged pollutants, found in the air, that polluted water bodies that are located nearby the site of the volcano. The Grímsvötn volcano also situated near a major river and sea,and the water supplies for many people were affected it also played a huge role on the biosphere with these factors. The type of flow is called lava flow.

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  38. The volcano I pick is El Chichon. This volcano is located in Mexico. This volcano released a cloud of dust and sulfur dioxide during its eruption. This eruption happened in 1982. This eruption killed 2000 people. The heavy ash polluted the air. The recorded eruption dates where on March 29, April 3 and April 4, 1982. This volcano had a pyroclastic flow.

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  40. The volcano I chose was mount Cotopaxi. The volcano is located in equador, 75km away from the city of Quito. It is a stratovolcano known for it's symmetrical, cone-shaped peaks. This is a very active volcano which erupts pyroclastic flows which are very dangerous. The last three eruptions were in 1975, 1904, and 1877. The eruption in 1877 was a mojor eruption. The ash and debri reached the Pacific Ocean through rivers and streams. The volcano has destroyed many villages and has even ended a war because of the eruptions. Right now the volcano is not dormant but it isn't dangerous. The volcano is very popular with tourists now and it gets on average 100 hikers per day.

  41. The volcano I chose was the Acamarchi, it's a steep sided andesitic dacitic with slopes that reach about 45 degrees. This volcano is located in Northern Chile. Acamarchi is a Stratovolcano volcano. The last eruptions were "unknown" said by scientist. The summit crater contains a lake about 10-15 m in diameter, which is the second highest Crater Lake in the world. This volcano didn’t affect much. There are no known lava flows, therefore the volcano might be extinct and there are no signs of aftermath or effects on the biosphere.

  42. The volcano I chose was Mauna Loa. Mauna Loa is located in Hawaii. Mauna Loa is rising gradually 4km above sea level. Mauna Loa is the largest volcano on our planet. Mauna Loa is Earth's most active volcanoe, that has erupted 39 time since it's first eruption in 1843. Its most recent eruption was in 1984. Mauna Loa also had a eruption in 1950. This volcano is a type of Lava eruptions, Mauna Loa is silica-poor, and alot of fluid eruptions. lava flows covering 806 km2 (310 mi2) of the Island of Hawaii. A little more than $2.3 billion have been invested in new construction on the slopes of Mauna Loa, and the amount increases daily.

  43. The volcano i chose to write about is Mount LLiamna. Its last 3 eruptions happened in 1947,1952,and1953. The volcano is a stratovolcano. The flow of its last eruption was pyrocastric the aftermath was the death of 32 people. This affected the biosphere because it killed humans and animals.

  44. The volcano i'm writing about is called Pico de Orizaba. It is a stratovolcano. It's last eruption was in 1846. The flow of the eruption was down the mountains. It didn't affect much of the biosphere because it only destroyed greenland.

  45. Mount Etna is located in Sicily, Italy. Its recent eruptions were on October 8 and 23, and on November 15. Mount Etna is a stratovolcano and has a pyroclastic flow of lava. There isn't much of an aftermath because Italian engineers have built barriers to slow down the lava flow but the volcanic ash still pollutes the air.

  46. The volcano i chose was Lascar.this volcano is located in chile. the last three eruptions was on Thursday, Jul 26, 2007 , Wednesday, Mar 21, 2007 and Wednesday, Sep 06, 2006. The type of volcano Lascar is stratovolcano. the flow of Lascar pyroclastic. The aftermath the last three eruption was no signs . It effected the biosphere.


    The Volcano I chose is called Sangay. It was in central Ecuador. It is a strato volcano. The most recent volcanoes is 1-7-02 / 12-19-02 / 1-8-04. Some aftermath is that it produced large debris avalanches that almost reach the Amazon. This affected the Biosphere by putting many chemicals in atmosphere, and killed many people. This volcano has been very active for hundreds of years.

  48. I chose Mount Etna, located in Italy. The last 3 eruption dates are 12th January 2011,8th April 2010, and 7th November 2009. It is a shield volcano, and has a summit and flank flow. It has damaged many cities around it, killing many people. The type of lifestyle volcanoes have, it produces a very hard habitat for any part of the biosphere to survive in. Mount Etna has a particularly severe eruption.
