Wednesday, November 9, 2011

All bottled up inside.

Research a bottled water company. What is the water source? What is the treatment process? What is the annual sales total (volume or dollars)? What does it cost per liter (1 US fluid ounce = 0.0295735296 liters)? Where (regions, states, countries, etc.) is it sold?

Include links and do not repeat anyone else's response.

Due on Wednesday, November 16 at midnight.


  1. The bottled water company I chose is Fiji water. Fiji's water is drawn from a artesian aquifer that lies hundreds of feet below a rainforest. Apparentley the distance and isolation of the water makes it purer, healthier, and richer. Fiji water treatment process include coagulation, sedimentation, filtration, disinfection. A liter of fiji water costs about 2 dollars. Sold in America, Canada, Japan, Hong Kong and more.

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  3. The water bottle company I chose was sobe water.

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    The water bottling company I choose is Hawaiian Springs Young Natural Artesian Water. It is bottled from an artesian well at the base of Mauna Loa on the Big Island of Hawaii. It seems to need no purification processes, as it is naturally purified while it descends 13,000 feet through newly formed lava. It costs about three dollars for one liter. Hawaiian Springs is sold throughout the Hawaiian Islands, the US mainland, Canada, and parts of Asia. It is estimated that the annual revenue is less than 500,000 dollars.

  7. The bottled water i chose is Le Bleu. The water is taken from many sources. The water is filtered and deionized. Le Bleu water has an annual revenue of $10 to 20 million. One Liter costs $2.50. It is sold in the states.

  8. The water company I chose is Mountain Valley Spring water. The source is a natural spring in Hot Springs, Arkansas. The company has utilized and carefully protected the spring since 1871. The water is tested daily by Arkansas Department of Health, annually by the National Sanitation Foundation, and periodically by other governmental bodies and private companies. The water is filtered and protected with ultra violet light and ozone. Ozone is added to ensure there is no biological contamination. The water is sold in 35 states. One liter of Mountain Valley Spring water in a glass bottle for a case of 12 costs $24.85. That is about $2.07 per bottle. Mountain Valley Spring water generates about $60 million in annual sales.

  9. Nestle Pure Life water bottle

  10. The water company I chose is Deer Park. They get their source of water from a spring. They choose their springs based on studies of aquatic life, soils, wildlife, wetlands, riparian areas and surface waters. The first spring was in Deer Park, Maryland. It is sold within the east coast usually, but in the United States also. They discontaminate the water by micro-filtration and Ultraviolet Light/
    Ozone Disinfection. One liter is around $2.50. So they make around $70 million a year.

  11. my bottle water is " smart water "

  12. The water company i chose is Poland Spring 100% Natural Spring Water. The source of this water is from carefully selected springs in Maine, that the company chooses that are scientifically proven to be usable and have a long sustainability of water. The company chooses Maine because the company's water originates from a 20,000 year old glacier that retreated into Maine. This water is tested reguraly, and is free of BPA* (bisphenol-A). The water goes through a ten stop quality and safety process. In 2005 the annual sales total ia about $406 million to $624 million. ; which is why it's the top selling spring water brand in the United States. The cost on average of a 24 pack is $47.99, thats about $1.99 per bottle (liter). The water is sold all around the USA, But specifically on the North East side.

  13. Smart Water
    Smart waters source of water is the rain. It was inspired by the way that nature makes water, also known as the hydrologic cycle. Before they sell the water in stores they simulate the whole process by vapor distilling the smart water. Then they add electrolytes for faster hydration. The annual investments reached 856 million dollars, and each liter bottle sells for $4.50. They are sold nation wide.

    The bottle company I chose was Nestle Pure Life. It is produced by Nestle Waters North America since 2002. The treatment process is: 1. Receiving and inspecting the water. 2. Removes chlorine. 3. Goes through pretreatment. 4. The process of taking out minerals. 5. Gets stored in water storage tank and gets monitored. 6. Puts minerals back into the water. 7. Removal of particles. 8. Get monitored and placed in UV light disinfection tank. 9. Ozone disinfection tank. 10. Goes through bottle control. Then, 11. Goes through packaging control. The total annual sales of Nestle Pure Life are $3.57 billion. The cost of a one liter bottle of Nestle Pure Life is about $1.25-$1.50 each. Nestle Pure Life water is sold in Canada and the United States.

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    The bottled water company that I chose is Dasani. Dasani’s water source is the local tap depending on the bottling location. The purification process is known as reverse-osmosis filtration. The average annual revenue is approximately one billion dollars. It is the third best selling bottled water in the United States. The cost per liter of Dasani water is about $1.35 per liter. Dasani is sold all throughout the United States, Canada, and parts of South America, Europe, and Asia.


    The Water Company I chose was Summit Spring. Summit Spring gets their water from the highest ground in Cumberland County, Maine, on a bedrock fracture. There isn’t really a treatment for this water. The total cost for a liter of water is $2.39. Summit Spring water is mainly sold in Maine.

  18. clover valley purified water is mine

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  20. The bottled water I chose was Aquafina water.Aquafina is a brand of bottled water products produced by PepsiCo, Inc., consisting of both unflavored and flavored water. The As of 2009, Aquafina represented 13.4 percent of domestic bottled water sales in the United States, making it the number 1 bottled water brand as measured by retail sales. The Aquafina brand, is derived from local municipal water sources and goes through a purification process that incorporates reverse osmosis, ultraviolet and ozone sterilization it is called HYDRO-7. Beginning on July 27, 2007, a disclaimer was added to each bottle of Aquafina, stating the water comes from a "public source". Aquafina is distributed in 12 US fluid ounces (0.35 l), 500 millilitres (17 US fl oz), 20 US fluid ounces (0.59 l), 24 US fluid ounces (0.71 l), 1 litre (34 US fl oz), 1.5 litres (51 US fl oz) bottles.Aquafina brand rang up $1.1 billion in sales in 2010.It was first distributed in Wichita, Kansas in 1994, before becoming more widely sold across the United States, Canada, Lebanon, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Iran.It is 16.9 fluid oz.The cost is about 99 cents per bottle.

  21. The bottled water brand I chose was Evian. It comes from French and Swiss Alps converge around the Mont Blanc, and the lake side town of Evian-Les- Bains. It comes from an aquifer that dates back to approximately 30,000 years ago, formed by the rise and fall of glaciers. It is fed by rain, snow and melted ice which slowly travels to the natural spring’s mouth through a huge natural filter made of ultra-fine sand. The aquifer is completely insulated from the threat of outer infiltration by dense layers of protective clay. This natural process shields Evian Natural Spring Water from the outside world.It took thousands of years to form. Glacial movement and the fast flow of water and ice created mountains and deltas and made a natural filter for the water that emerges in Evian. Evian is so pure and natural, it is not processed or treated in any way. As given by strict French law, Evian is bottled at its source. About 100 million bottles are sold a year. It costs about $1.79 per liter(If math is correct). It's sold in America, Europe, and The UK.

  22. The water brand I choose would be Arrowhead. This water is taken from carefully chosen mountain springs in California. Because this water comes from rain & snow it is naturally filtered through the ground. One liter of this brand of water is about $0.79 to $1 depending on the store you purchase it from. The annual sales revenue is anywhere from $8 to $10 million dollars.

  23. I chose Voss Water. Voss Water comes from artesian water from Norway. Its source is an aquifer that is protected by many layers of impermeable rock from pollutants. The water is not filtered, it is immediately bottled when the pressure makes the water rise to the surface. Voss is available across the world and will be shipped anywhere. Voss costs about 3 dollars per liter. Their company annual revenue has not been released but a private company selling voss makes around $500,000 a year off of Voss Water.

  24. The bottled water company I chose is Bling H20. It is known to be the most expensive water that you can buy. It was created as a high-end fashionable bottle of water, invented by Kevin G. Boyd. This water is said to be drawn from natural springs in Dandridge, Tennessee. The Bling H20 Company claims to use a nine step purification process that includes ozone, ultraviolet treatment, and microfiltration. All according to the size of the bottle, these overpriced and overdone water bottles cost anywhere from $20 to as much as $75 per bottle!!! Bling H20 is sold at a price of £59 per liter. Right now Bling H20 is only sold in the United States.

  25. The water company i choose was deja blue. The water source for deja blue is an artesian well. The treatment process is pumped from the well and several chemicals is mixed in. Then they pass it though a pipe where all the bad things come out of the water. Last they test it. The annual sales cost is $0.69. One litter of deja blue water cost $3.69. Deja blue water is sold in Texas,California and other places.

  26. I choose Ice Mountain Water. Ice Mountain water is 100% natural spring water! It began in 1976. All of their spring waters under go a rigorous 10-step quality and safety process. Its recyclable and free of BPA(bisphenol-A). Its sold in the Mid-West. Its available in a variety of bottle sizes: 1.5 liter, gallon, 3&5 gallon, 500 mL, 20oz, 8oz, 1 liter, 700 mL, 2.5 gallon, 3 liter. The cost for 1 liter is $1.29. The total annual sales of Ice Mountain water is about 3.38 billion.

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    The water company I chose to research on is called Tannourine. Tannourine is a Lebanese natural spring mineral water that has been used since 1978. They get their water from natural gushing springs, five abundant springs situated within meters of each others tap into the same reservoir but in different places. There are many features of natural purity in the water, but it is constantly monitored at the plant by qualified technicians that makes tannourine water pure, fresh, natural, and free of any chemical additive. The plant is equipped by standards and modern equipments as well as our clean rooms where the water is filled without any chemical treatment, except a mechanical filtration into the different containers the company distributes. A fleet of 60 vehicles and a staff of 200 persons work to distribute more than 5 millions boxes per year, door to door, for our agents & clients, supported by a team of 15 specialized administrators. Tannourine is distributed in countries on the Arabian Peninsula and in the Persian Gulf.

  29. The water brand i have chosen is called, Sohat. Its source of water is is a mineral spring. It is then has dissolved salts and substances added to it. It is purified by passing through various geological layers, starting with the melted snow that seeps through the soil, then reaches a deep layer where it is stored before splashing up to the surface through natural features. It is reasonably priced. It is sold at the equivalence of two U.S. dollars. It is sold in Lebanon.

  30. I have chosen Volvic water which claims that it is from a volcanic aquifer. It says; Drawn from over 300 feet beneath the surface, Volvic water is transported directly from the volcanic aquifer to the bottle. It is the water that is conveyed through a stainless steel pipeline to the plant where it is bottled immediately without any exterior contact. I could not find the price per liter but if you buy one bottle they donate money or 10 bottles to Africa. You can buy it online and in some stores such as Participating Walgreen's.


    The brand of water I chose to talk about is Crystal Geyser Alpine Spring Water. The source of this company is from aquifers. What makes Crystal Geyser different from others, however, is that they are the only major bottled water company that bottles the water right at the spring source, whereas most companies truck their waters from different sources. For the treatment process they use a double disinfection process, when only one is needed, without taking any healthy minerals from the water. It is sold in the United States and being one of the only companies to be authorized to sell in France. It is almost about a dollar per liter.

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  33. The brand of water I choose is called Crystal Springs. Their logo is, "It's that good". This company maintain a Bottle Water plant from the National Sanitation Foundation. Or the NSF. So far, this Company is the ONLY Bottled water Company in the State of New Mexico to recieve NSF Certification. They bottle their pure spring water next to their never ending water supply with water delivery offered throughout the continental U.S and Canada.

  34. Clover Valley purified water comes from tap and it is purified from there. It is sold all over the united states

  35. Ozarka Spring water gets its water from a spring. This brand only uses water that naturally goes through the water cycle. They collect the water from the spring without going through a treatment. It is a part of Nestle Water that sells across North America. It’s a green alternative and made from recyclables.


    The brand I chose is Ty Nant. They get their water from an aquifer thats been around since the silurian age. They purify their water by keeping their water source clean. This company sells to most of the United Kingdom.

  37. The brand i chose is Hildon Natural Mineral Water. The county you will find this type of water in is England. Hildon Natural Mineral Water comes from beneath the chalk hills of the beautiful Hampshire countryside in the South of England. The water is wholesome, naturally filtered and crystal-clear. It is free from pollution with a stable composition, being naturally low in sodium. The water is bottled at source and whether it is Delightfully Still or Gently Sparkling, has a distinctive, delicious taste.

  38. The brand that I chose was Galvanina. There source of water is 1,000 feet above sea level on the hill of Rimini, at the foot of the Apennine Mountains in Northern Italy. The brand of water is sold in Italy. As it rain or snows and falls on the Apennine Mountains and as the snow melts, the water goes through a long course in which it runs through a channel of mineral rich rocks which are totally pure and uncontaminated. The melted water takes over two years to complete one full journey through the rocks. After going through all those rocks, the after becomes mineral rich and pure crystal clear mineral water flows out of the peak of San Lorenzo Monte a hill which is also known as Paradise Hill.

  39. The water brand that I chose is Zephyrhills natural spring water. The treatment process of this water is a 10 step quality and safety process. The water source is naturally selected springs. This water is sold in the states. 1 liter of zephyr hills water costs $2.09 without tax.

  40. The brand i chose is Jamnica Natural Mineral Water. They get their water from a spring. Their annual revenue is $130 million dollars. The cost of the water per liter 1.99 dollars. They clean their water and add minerals.

  41. The water brand i chose was deer Park. Deer Park water company provides natural spring water. The Deer Park company was founded in 1873 in Maryland. Spring is a source for clean refreshing drinking water. The treatment process allows water to pass through the filter. The annual sales total is $3.86 billion. The cost per liter is 16.9 fl.oz. Deer Park is sold in Maryland.


    The water bottle company I chose was Evian water the region this water is sold is in northern French Alps. their purification process is. An aquifer they have that is fed by snowmelt and rainfall they don't have any other purifying process that's used. It's cost per bottle is $1.49/9 oz then for the price per gallon is $21.19.

  43. The water bottle company I chose was Sobe life water. Sobe water is all natural, with all natural flavors. The annual sales total for this brand is $350 million. This bottled water cost $2.49 per liter, and is sold in most states in the U.S.

  44. The water brand I choose is Drench. It is made form spring water that is filtered through sandstone. The annual sales for Drech is $337 million. The cost per liter is $2.35. It is sold in the US and the UK.
