Thursday, November 17, 2011

I Felt the Earth Move Under My Feet...

Research an Earthquake of 5.0 or greater. Report the fault responsible, location of the focus, areas within the epicenter, damage totals and any injury or deaths.

Due on Thursday, November 24 at midnight, but that is Thanksgiving Day, so DON'T WAIT until the last minute!


  1. The earthquake that I chose is the Great Chilean Earthquake.

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  4. the eathquake that i choose is the that struct prince william sound, alaska with a 9.2 magnitude.

  5. On January 12 th a 7.0 earthquake struck Haiti. It was the worst to hit Haiti in 200 years. The earthquake had about 15 aftershocks 5.0 or greater. The cause of the earthquake was the release of seismic stresses that had built up around two tectonic plates. Motions of the plates create strike-slip faults where two sections of earth crust are grinding past each other in opposite directions. The focus of the quake was Haiti's capital city Port-au-Prince. The epicenter was about 10 miles southwest of Haiti's capital. The earthquake damage was estimated up to $14 billion. Many people were killed, and 230,000 people were found dead. Many were missing. It took long days for everyone to find their loved ones stuck under the collapsed buildings.

  6. The earthquake that I chose was the “Great Chilean Earthquake”. This earthquake had a magnitude of 9.5 and it occurred on May 22, 1960. The fault-displacement source of the earthquake extended over the Nazca Plate. The exact fault is unknown. The epicenter of this earthquake was about 60 meters below the ocean floor and about 100 miles off the coast of Chile in the Pacific. The focus of this earthquake was in the Valdivia-Puerto Montt area. About 1,655 were killed and 3,000 were injured. This earthquake also caused $550 million damage in Chile. This earthquake also triggered tsunamis that traveled across the pacific to hit Hawaii, the Philippines, and Japan.

  7. The earthquake i chose was the 1963 Kuril Islands earthquake, of Russia. No stealing please!

  8. The Virginia earthquake is already being called a "once a century" earthquake for the east coast. The earthquake was felt from Georgia all the way up to Ottawa, Canada. It was felt as far west as Cleveland, Ohio. It prompted the evacuation of congressional buildings and the Pentagon. The earthquake actually cracked the Washington Monument and now it is closed indefinitely for repairs. The location it struck was 37.936°N, 77.933°W (this is all it gave me). It had a 5.8 magnitude. It happened Tuesday, August 23, 2011 at 17:51:04. No deaths and only minor injuries were reported.

  9. On October 13, 1963, at 5:17 UTC (coordinated universal time) an 8.5 magnitude earthquake struck the Kuril Islands of Russia. This earthquake actually created another earthquake of a 7.8 magnitude 7 days later. The cause of this earthquake was that the islands have part of an island arc formed above the subduction zone, where the Pacific Plate is being subducted beneath the Eurasian Plate. This convergent boundary has been the site of many large megathrust earthquakes. Including recent ones such as one in 2006 and 2007. The fault is thought to be on a smaller tectonic plate underneath the Pacific boundary. The focus of the quake is actually said to be under the islands, near the plate boundary. Other scientist believe that the focal point was Kuril-Kamchatka; these different opinions are because the islands are so small you can't exactly tell. The exact coordinates of the epicenter are 44.81°N 149.54°E. What's really cooky about this powerful earthquake is that there was no damage, death, or injury. That is thats been recorded. The earthquake created a 4.5 magnitude tsunami that was observed from Canada, Japan, Mexico, Hawaii, Alaska, California and on many islands across the northern Pacific Ocean. The following earthquake created a tsunami that was not given a magnitude but was recorded as larger in the local area, than the other one. This tsunami was only observed from the western Pacific Ocean.

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  11. The earthquake i choose is Magnitude 7.9 - EASTERN SICHUAN, CHINA 90 km (55 miles) WNW of Chengdu, Sichuan, China and 1545 km (960 miles) SW of BEIJING, Beijing, China at 12:28 AM MDT, May 12, 2008 (2:28 PM local time in China).At least 69,195 people killed, 374,177 injured and 18,392 missing and presumed dead in the Chengdu-Lixian-Guangyuan area. More than 45.5 million people in 10 provinces and regions were affected. At least 15 million people were evacuated from their homes and more than 5 million were left homeless. An estimated 5.36 million buildings collapsed and more than 21 million buildings were damaged in Sichuan and in parts of Chongqing, Gansu, Hubei, Shaanxi and Yunnan. The total economic loss was estimated at 86 billion US dollars. Beichuan, Dujiangyan, Wuolong and Yingxiu were almost completely destroyed. Landslides and rockfalls damaged or destroyed several mountain roads and railways and buried buildings in the Beichuan-Wenchuan area, cutting off access to the region for several days. At least 700 people were buried by a landslide at Qingchuan. Landslides also dammed several rivers, creating 34 barrier lakes which threatened about 700,000 people downstream. A train was buried by a landslide near Longnan, Gansu. At least 2,473 dams sustained some damage and more than 53,000 km of roads and 48,000 km of tap water pipelines were damaged. About 1.5 km of surface faulting was observed near Qingchuan, surface cracks and fractures occurred on three mountains in the area, and subsidence and street cracks were observed in the city itself. Maximum intensity XI was assigned in the Wenchuan area. Felt (VIII) at Deyang and Mianyang; (VII) at Chengdu; (VI) at Luzhou and Xi'an; (V) at Chongqing, Guozhen, Lanzhou, Leshan, Wu'an, Xichang and Ya'an. Felt in much of central, eastern and southern China, including Beijing, Guangzhou, Hefei, Nanjing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Wuhan and Hong Kong. Also felt in parts of Bangladesh, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam. Seiches were observed at Kotalipara, Bangladesh.

  12. An earth quake with a 5.0 magnitude occurred central east pacific rise. There were no reports of injuries or deaths at the time. This earth quake was at a depth of 10 km, and occurred on Friday September 23, 2011. The epicenter was 1981 km north of Hanga Roa Easter island.This earth quake was caused by high slip rates, and high fore shock effects.

  13. The earthquake I chose was on the Offshore of Guatemala. The magnitude of this earthquake is 5.2. The fault for this earthquake is Offshore of Guatemala. The exact fault for this earthquake is unknown. The epicenter was on the surface of the earth and a depth below the point. The total deaths and injuries for this earthquake is unknown.

  14. The earthquake i chose was the 1889 Kumamoto earthquake..Please don't steal! D:

  15. The earthquake I chose was the 1889 Kumamoto earthquake in the western part of Kumamoto. The fault that was responsible was a combination of the Tatsuda fault and unsuccessful volcanic activities. The earthquake was mostly located in Japan near Kumamoto and around it. The areas near the epicenter were the foot of Mt. Kinpo. Twenty people died and hundreds of houses and parts of Kumamoto were destroyed. Its waves were recorded at Potsdam, Germany. A few houses were affected by fire since the earthquake occurred at midnight. Aftershocks were active for 5 months, and some people had to sleep outdoors.

  16. The Northridge earthquake was a massive earthquake that occurred on January 17, 1994, at 04:31 Pacific Standard Time in Reseda, a neighborhood in the city of Los Angeles, California, lasting for about 10–20 seconds. The earthquake had a strong moment magnitude of 6.7, but the ground acceleration was one of the highest ever instrumentally recorded in an urban area in North America. The death toll came to a total of 57 people, and there were over 8,700 injured. In addition, the earthquake caused an estimated $20 billion in damage, making it one of the costliest natural disasters in U.S. history. Which measuring 1.7 g (16.7 m/s2)with a strong ground motion felt as far away as Las Vegas, Nevada, over 270 miles (435 km) from the epicenter. This earthquake will not be forgotten from the ones who lost their loved ones. I truly pray for them still today.

  17. The earthquake that I chose is the New Madrid, Missouri Earthquake of 1811. This earthquake was estimated at a huge 7.7 on the Richter Scale, being the largest earthquake in the middle of the United States ever. It occurred on the New Madrid Fault Line. Not much damage was caused, as not many people lived in the area at the time. Also, because of that same reason, only one death was known. Shocks from the earthquake were felt on an area of over 2.5 million miles.

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  19. The earthquake I chose is the Andreanof Islands of Alaska Quake with a 9.1 magnitude.

  20. The earthquake I chose is the Andreanof Islands, Alaska Earthquake of March 9, 1957. With a magnitude of 9.1 on the Richter scale, this earthquake was centered at 51.5° N and 175.7° W, just south of the Andreanof Islands, a subgroup of the Aleutian Islands. Local damages from the Andreanof Island Earthquake included the destruction of two bridges on Adak Island, as well as ruined houses and roads. Mount Vsevidof, a volcano that had been dormant for 200 years, also erupted as a result of the quake. Most significantly, the Andreanof Islands Earthquake resulted in a 15 - 16 m tsunami that, in addition to hitting local coastlines in the Aleutians, continued on to Hawaii and caused over $5 million worth of damages. Villages on the Hawaiian islands of Oahu and Kauai were destroyed before the tsunami continued on to San Diego Bay, California; Chile; El Salvador; Japan; and many other areas of the Pacific Ocean. Amazingly, no lives were lost in either the earthquake or the tsunami.

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  22. The earthquake that I chose to write about is the one that struck Prince William Sound, Alaska it had a 9.2 magnitude. It occurred on a thrust fault. Location of the focus was Prince William Sound, Alaska. Areas within in the epicenter were between Valdez and Anchorage. The earthquake Caused 311 million dollars in property loss and damage. There was a total of 131 deaths and countless injured.

  23. The earthquake I chose is the Xingtai earthquake. It was a series of major earthquakes that took place between March 8 and March, 29 1996. The first earthquake had a magnitude of 6.8 on the Richter scale and was followed by five other earthquakes above a magnitude of 6 on the Richter scale. The epicenter was located around 37°04′N 114°29′ECoordinates: 37°04′N 114°29′E. The total death were 8064 and 38000 people were injured.

  24. The earthquake I chose is the great east Japan earthquake. This earthquake was a 9.0. The epicenter was approximately 43 miles east of the Oshika peninsula of Tohoku. The earthquake resulted in over 300,000 displaced people in the Tohoku region, and shortages of food, water, shelter, medicine and fuel for survivors.

  25. The earthquake i chose is the Ontario, Quebec. This earthquake was a 5.0 The epicenter was 49 km from Cumberland, Ontario. The city closest to the epicenter is Ottawa. There are no injuries or damages reported. But people had to leave buildings. It was likely caused by isostatic rebound.

  26. The Earthquake I chose is in the eastern Turky region. The Magnitude of it was a 5.6 and the location 38.42N 43.22E. The Fault it was on is unknown and only 7 died.

    2011 October 14 03:35:15 UTC
    plz no stealin!!(:

  28. my earth quake is 1906 san fran

  29. On October 21, 2011 at 05:57 a massive 7.4 earthquake struck the Kermadec trench area. This Kermadec Islands region earthquake occurred near the Kermadec Trench where the Pacific Plate begins its decent into the mantle beneath the eastern edge of the Australian Plate. At the latitude of this earthquake, the Pacific Plate is converging with Australia in a westward direction at a velocity of approximately 61 mm/yr. The preliminary mechanism and depth of the event suggest it ruptured a reverse fault within the oceanic lithosphere of the Pacific Plate; the initial location indicate a source slightly to the east of the trench, outboard (seaward) of the subduction zone itself, so, not on the thrust interface between the Pacific and Australian plates. The October 21 earthquake struck in an oceanic region with few nearby populations, approximately 500 km south of Tonga and 700 km north of New Zealand. This region of the Tonga-Kermadec subduction zone experiences reasonably high levels of seismic activity, with nearly 50 events of M 6.5 and above over the past 38 years, and 5 greater than M 7.5.

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  31. I chose a 7.5 magnitude earthquake that occurred August 10, 2009. This earthquake was felt 1700 miles away from its epicenter. The epicenter of the earthquake was on the Indian Nicobar Islands. There were no deaths or damage reported. This caused a tsunami warning for many countries. Occurred along a tectonic subduction zone in which the India Plate was being subducted beneath the Burma micro-plate, part of the larger Sunda plate.

  32. I have choosen the Shaanaxi Earthquake. The main reason that i choose this one was because that it has been given the title "The Worst Earthquake Ever". It has gotten that title beacuse of its hight death toll, 830,000. The main reason for being this high is that the people of the town mostly lived in caves in the mountains. It happened in China 1556. There was a 520 mile radius of destruction. The rating of the earthquake was recently discovered as a 7.9. The main fault involved was the northern Piedmont fault of East Qinling.

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  34. The earthquake I chose is the earthquake that struck Christchurch, New Zealand. The epicenter was located approximately 10 km south-east of the Christchurch area. The epicenter goes down 5km. The total amount of deaths is reported to be over 200 dead. The fault is unknown.

  35. My Earthquake is the Eastern New Guinea Reg, Papua New Guinea. The magnitude is 6.5, on October 14 at 3:35 UTC. The location of the Earthquake is- 6.626°S, 147.927°E. And the Depth of it was 45.4 km (28.2 miles. The Location uncertainty was horizontal +/- 14.3 km (8.9 miles); depth +/- 8.5 km (5.3 miles. The article did not say if anybody passed away in this Earthquake. Neither did it say what the damage total is.

  36. The Earthquake i coose is in the TONGA REGION its a 5.0 magnitude and it occured on 11/17/2011 15:33:37 it was 37.1 kilometers

  37. Feb 28, 2010: I chose the earthquake in Chile with a magnitude of 8.8. This earthquake killed at least 708 people and 1.5 million Chileans were affected and 500,000 homes severely damaged. A tsunami caused by the quake swept across the Pacific killed several people on a Chilean island and communities near the epicenter. The epicenter was located about 200 miles away from Santiago. Six zones were affected: Valparaiso, Metropolitana, Libertador O'Higgins, Arucania, BiobĂ­o and Maule. 100 people died in Concepcion, the largest city near the epicenter with more than 200,000 people populated it.

  38. On May 31st in 1970, Peru experienced an earthquake which caused tremendous damage in the coastal depart of Ancash. Over 20,000 people died in falling buildings, and 20,000 buried in snow. The earthquake's focus was about 15 miles off the coast of Peru. It was the most deadliest earthquake South / North America has seen. 80,000 lives were claimed.

  39. A 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck the San Francisco bay area in 1906. The epicenter was 2 miles of shore and was 8 km in depth. 375 deaths were reported at the time of the earthquake. This earthquake was along the San Andreas Fault. The expenses of the earthquake’s damage to rebuild were roughly $400 million.

  40. The earthquake i choose was ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN,ALASKA The earthquake was a 5.6 and it happened in Nov, 19,2011. There was a reported 234 deaths apporximentaly. There wasnt that many damages it cost about $1millon. The location was 53.101°N, 174.090°W.

  41. The earthquake I chose just occured on the 9th in Fiji it was a 7.2 magnitude. There were no deaths or injuries in this quake because it was offshore about 50 miles. There was a tsunami warning for this quake but it reached too shallow of water and died out luckily. Two offshore faults created the quake.

  42. The earthquake of 1906. It stuck in San Fancisco. There it had devistation. It was 7.8 magnitude.The epicenter was in the Pacific Ocean just 2 miles west of San Francisco. It happend on April 18th, 1906. There was one foreshock at 5:12 am pacific time. the quake it self lasted 45-60 seconds.

  43. On the 29th comment i called this earth quake i did not copy blake hawkins so please give me the credit

  44. The earthquake i chose is the 2011 Miyagi Earthquake in Japan.......

  45. The earthquake I choose is in the Banda Sea of Indonesia. This monster earthquake had a magnitude of 8.5. This happed February 1st of 1938. This massive earthquake didn’t clam any lives that day! It was reported that there was a total of 0 deaths wow. The fault of the earthquake occurred over the Australian Plate. The location of this earthquake was 200 km south of Ambon islands, and 445 km north east of Dill, East Timor.

  46. I chose the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake. It is mainly known as the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake.It occured on December 26, 2004. The fault that was responsible is in the Himalayan Region. The location of the epicenter was 3°18′58″N 95°51′14″E / 3.316°N 95.854°E. It focused mainly around Indonesia and also affected Sri Lanka, India(mostly in Tamil Nadu),Thailand, Maldives, and the Eastern coast of Africa (mostly by tsunami). The damage totals to where it shook the whole earth about 1 centimetere. 9.1–9.3 was the magnitude, and caused 227,898 deaths. It costed at least 14,000 dollars for humanitarian aid.

  47. I choose Costa Rica earthquake

  48. I chose the earthquake of Costa Rica which happened in 1991. The have been a few others that have occured in Costa Rica. It was caused by a process called liquefaction. This is a process when clay-free soil deposits temporarily lose strength and behave as a bad liquid besides a solid. The actions in the soil produce Seismic waves, primarily shear waves, and passes through saturated layers. It caused mostly damage to bridges and railroads due to ground failure and had a hundred injuries and some casualties. 200 hundred bridges collapsed in Costa Rica.

  49. The Earthquake I chose was near the east cost of Honshu , Japan . This Quake had a Magnitude of 6.1. This Quake occurred on 2011/11/23. Over 20,000 citizens dead or missing due to this earthquake. The center point was the northeastern coast. No damage has yet to be reported.


    The earthquake I chose to research on was the earthquake in Beni, Bolivia and was that of 6.6 magnitude and was on November 22, 2011. The location was 15.46 South and 65.22 West. The epicenter was located at 60 km SSW of Trinidad, Bolivia and 342 km NW of Santa Cruz, Bolivia. There were no reports of damages from this earthquake. The fault responsible was not stated.

  51. On Saturday November 19, 2011 a 5.5 magnitude earthquake hit Kuril islands. It's location focus was 46.624 degrees north, 151.476 degrees east the ares within it's epicenter were Kuril'sh, Kuril islands (318 km), Severo-Kuril islands (566 km), and Tokyo, Japan (1559 km). There weren't any injuries or deaths from this earthquake that are known.

  52. The earthquake I have chosen to do is called the Euskirchen earthquake. This was located in Germany. It occured on March 14th, 1951. Shortly after 11 a.m. It had a magnitude of 5.8. The fault is unknown. Its epicenter was near Cologne and Euskirchen. Its damage caused 11 deaths, and minimal home damage.

  53. The earthquake I chose was the one off the east coast of Honshu, Japan. This earthquake magnitude of 6.1. It's depth was 33.3 km. Its date and time was 11/23/2011. The website I found this earthquake on did not report any deaths. Many earthquakes happen on the coast of Honshu Japan.

  54. The earthquake I chose is the devastating 8.9, Miyagi prefecture, Japan quake. It is located at 38.297°N, 142.372°E near the coast of Honshu, Japan. This earthquake occurred on March 11, 2011. Up to 10,000 deaths are feared to have happened in Miyagi prefecture. Up to 250 aftershocks have happened since the earthquake and it has caused a lot of ruin in the area.

  55. The earthquake I chose was a 7.2 in California. It caused 90 million dollars in damages and killed 230 people. Aftershocks at magnitudes estimated around 4.3-5.4 could be felt in many surrounding ares.

  56. The earthquake I chose was a 5.0 that hit in Baja California. It's location was32.020°N, 115.199°W. The earthquake hit on September 14, 2010 at 3:52 a.m. about 50 miles in the south of Mexicali. About 3 people where killed and 100 where injured. There have been thousands of aftershocks that have occured afterwards.

  57. The earthquake I chose effected off the coast of Ecuador. This earthquake was a 8.8 and happened in January 31, 1906. The time it happened was at 15:36. The number of deaths are between 500-1,500 people. The areas witin the epicenter were 1.0 N 81.5 W. The greatest damage occured on the coast between Rio Verde, Ecuador and Macay, Columbia.
