Monday, October 24, 2011

It's a sea WHAT?!?!?!

Research newly discovered sea creatures on sites such as the following:

Describe the species discovered, the latin and common names, and what role it has in the ecosystem.

How would you feel about swimming with one? Describe your reaction if you found one yourself.

DO NOT repeat other students' responses and make sure your response is complete.
Due on Monday, October 31 at midnight.


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  4. The recently discovered animal that I have chosen is the Jurassic Shrimp. This animal was found at a depth of 1,300 feet on an underwater coral peak. Scientists say it is part of a species that died out 50 million years ago. The Latin name of this is Neoglyphea neocaledonica. It is also commonly called the living fossil but usually it is referred to as the Jurassic Shrimp. In the ecosystem, this Jurassic Shrimp plays an average role. It is considered a predator more than prey but it does eat small fish and other small organisms. If I was swimming with this shrimp I wouldn’t be too scared but I would be a little shaken up to see it crawling beneath me. If I saw one I would be excited to pick it up and see what it was

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  6. The sea animal I choose would be the Purple Progenitor. This sea crature is blind and very odd looking. It is a living fossil, a vertabrae, with a head and tail. It has no sense of organs, eyes, or even a brain for that matter! It has the basic structure of any animal, but yet it still looks like a giant blob of pepto bismol that has been dumped into the ocean. The latin name for the purple progenitor, is actually the name in itself, progenitor in latin means founder of a family, or ancestor. The role this animal plays in the ecosystem is pretty normal, it usually just flow along, there isnt to much info on what it does exactly. My reaction to finding one would be somewhere along the lines of..."WOW". It would be amazing to even poke it, because it just looks so squishy and flubbery.

  7. The “Yeti Crab” was discovered on the floor of the Pacific Ocean. It was first found during a deep sea dive. This animal lives next to the hydrothermal vents of 7, 540 feet. This animal lives in the area of California. It is called the Yeti crab because it is covered in hair. This hair supports the colonies of yellow bacteria that are around. In Latin it means a hairy crab. This crab protects the critical Habitat and it surveys the planets genetic diversity.

  8. My creature is the sea pig. The scientific name for sea pigs is scatoplanes globosa. They are sea cucumbers belonging to the genus of the deep sea Holothurians, These are marine animals that inhabit the sea floor. The sea pigs may look like slugs. Their body wall skeleton is clearly visible as spiny C shaped rods and are clear cucumbers measuring2-4 inches in length. They have tentacles and large tube feet. The tube feet may appear like two antennas, white other tube feet are arranged in a row at the rim of the bottom. These creatures feed on organic matter. I would be scared to come in contact with these sea pigs. My reaction to them would be to gag.

  9. The recently discovered animal that I have chosen is the A rare Basket Star. This star was found in the middle of the atlantic ocean. Ten new species were discovered during the six week period. Basket stars typically are types of brittle stars. Their cousins use their arms to walk and snare passing prey. The latin name is Ohpionereis schayeri. It would be weird to swim with one if I found one I would freak out.

  10. The creature I found that I thought was pretty cool was the Electric Blue Worm it lives as far as 3,600 meters deep. Its said that it uses its bristly legs to shuffles along the sea floor picking up bits and pieces of things. This creature has scales that flash deep blue hues and lives in total darkness apparently. I think if i swam with one I'd be pretty fascinated and pick it up..or poke it. I found that the latin name for my creature that i found the Electric Blue Worm is " Mauris Suspendisse vermis".

  11. The creature I picked was “Seafloor-Skimming Jellyfish”. This jellyfish was discovered in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge during their recent MAR-ECO . Most jellyfish swim around the middle of the ocean, but this one swims at the bottom, with his tentacles touching the sea floor. I wouldn't be scared to swim with one because they wouldn't bother us because they're at the bottom of the ocean, and I think it would be cool to find one since I’ve never seen one before. The scientific name for this creature is Tchymedusa.

  12. The sea creature that i have choosen is the Promachoteuthis sloani. It is a deep sea squid. It was discovered in the northern alantic by the Norwegian-led MAR-ECO. I think it would be cool to swim with one but i do not think I would want to swimm that deep in the ocean. I think it might bite me with its beak and then that would probably hurt. I want one as a pet.

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  14. The sea creature I have choosen is dumbo. It is an octopus that was discovered in late 2010. If I was swimming and found one of these I would go crazy. I would quickly swim away from it and tell someone that some weird creature was swimming around.

  15. The creature i choose was the Dumbo octopi.
    He is named after his ear like fins, just like in the disney film Dumbo a little elephant is named after his big ears, and they could fly.lives on great depths, around 300 and 400 meters below surface. Dumbo octopus belongs to the genus of Grimpoteuthis, a genus which consists out of fourteen other similiar species. There is not known a lot about the dumbo octopus and more research needs to be done.Dumbo octopus moves by using his ear like fins and arms. The reproduction happens by laying eggs and the dumbo octopus doesnt have a special breeding season and it feeds itself with little shrimps and worms.

  16. The Sea creature that i chose is a Isopod. Isopod Crustaceans include both rare and abundant species. For census researchers, trying to sort out which is which can kinda be like a needle in a haystack. The researchers documented many new isopod species from the thousands of specimens collected. Some species were represented by just a single animal. If i was swimming with one, I probably wouldn't notice it judging from how small this creature is. Iso is Greek for, "similar or equal." Pod means "foot." If you put them together you have the isopod. An organism that has an equal number of feet or legs on both sides with all legs similar to one another. Isopods have a total of 14 legs that all function the same. This is distinguishes them from closely related organisms that have legs that are modified to preform different functions, such as walking, feeding, feeling, grasping, and so on.

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  19. The sea creature i chose was a transparent sea cucumber. Off the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico, nearly three kilometres below the sea, lives this fascinating transparent sea cucumber, which bares all to anyone able to catch its glimpse. Enypniastes, as it's known to scientists, crawls at a slug-like pace (less than 2.5 centimetres per minute) in its dark water habitat, and was spotted recently sweeping detritus-rich sediment into its mouth for a quick meal. I would freak if i saw this in the water dead or alive.

  20. My creature is the Antarctic Jellyfish. This species was found after drilling through 700 meters of ice. It is also known as the Antarctic Transparent jellyfish. It doesn't play the same role as usual jellyfish because they feed from light, and this species was found in deep darkness. If I found this myself I would be very startled, but would be excited to come in contact with a new species. It's Latin name is Diplulmaris antarctica.

  21. Cylindrarcturus elongates is a shrimplike crustacean that is pale white with a long pointy nose and lives in the cold bottom of the Antarctic Ocean. It’s very small, about 5mm long and is an invertebrate. The cylindracturus free flows on the ocean floor. It doesn’t have a purpose but to be food for other organisms and I don’t think it’ll be fun swimming with the little tiny crustacean at the bottom on the ocean.

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  23. The sea creature I recently found is called the Hatchetfish. They are generally small in size, only grow up to about 6 inches in length. Even though the Hatchetfish looks ghostly, and kind of scary, the only way to defend them selves from predators is to produce a light, similar to the angler fish, which hides them from predators, and resembles a blade of a hatchet. The latin name is "Gasteropelecus strigatus". I would like to see this fish but be kind of freaked out.

  24. I have chosen the “Swimming Sea Cucumber”. The usual sea cucumber moves on the bottom of the ocean very slow. The MAR-ECO has found a swimming sea cucumber which is very unusual. It was found in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge between Iceland and the Azores islands which is very unusual for a sea cucumber. Monty Priede, a scientist, has stated that the reason for the swimming and moving of the creature is caused by its athleticism. I probably wouldn’t mind swimming with it but I would want to touch it. If I found one I would probably poke it with a stick instead of touching it. Its real name is Enypniastes, but is referred to as a swimming cucumber. It doesn’t have a big role in the ecosystem, just a predator and prey.

  25. The species I chose is the Icelandic catshark. This shark is 2½ feet long and has a cylindrical body with tapered ends and two small dorsal fins set far back and are usually brown in color. The scientific name is Apristurus laurussonii and its common name is the catshark. Its role is to limit the growth of smaller fish so over population will not occur with one species and disrupt the order. I would not like to swim with one because it is very disturbing to look at and could possibly eat me. If I saw a catshark I would run because it is ugly and I would not want to get eaten

  26. The sea creature that I have chosen is called the Blobfish. The latin name for the Blobfish is Psychrolutes marcidus. It is found in deep ocean water off the coasts of Australia and Tazmania. I wouldn't really call it a predator, as it just floats around and eats things that come near, but it has no enemies just because of how disgusting it looks. If I were swimming and found the blobfish, I would probably swim as fast as I can away, screaming the whole time.

  27. The sea creature I have chosen is the new species known as Nichollssaura, it was called Nichollsia borealis, but Nichollsia was already in use (preoccupied) by a genus of isopods. Therefore it was called Nichollssaura, in 2009. It is what we call a Plesiosaurs. This creature is a fossil, and one of the oldest and most complete plesiosaur fossils ever unearthed in North America. This animal was in the cretaceous period, and was a carnivorous reptile that roamed the sea's about 60 to 250 million years ago. It was discovered in a deep surface mine in Alberta, Canada. If I swam with one I would be swimming for my life. It's a carnivorous predator that would eat me. If I found one I would just swim away very slowly, and hope they didn't see me.

  28. the creature I chose is the benthic comb jellyfish.THe latin name for it is Abyssobenthic ctenophore. It has a glowing white body and is found on the coast of Japan. If I swam with one I would be scared.

  29. I picked the Blind Lobster (As fast as I could). The Blind Lobster has long scary-looking claws, pinkish purplish skin, and what looks like a flowy skirt-like tail. The Blind Lobsters Latin name means “terrible claw” and their name Blind Lobster is the only common name they have. Even though they are blind they still play an important role in the ecosystem by being a filter feeder when they’re in there plankton stage and as a predator when they’re in there benthic stage. I would feel pretty weird swimming with one because they are blind and might just bump into me but I would be pretty surprised.

  30. The sea creature that I chose was the deepest dweller. This animal was found in the Sargasso Sea in the North Atlantic. Another common name for this animal is called the zooplankton. The role for this animal is to survive by eating each other or by latching on to dead fish and other organic matter that floats down from above. If I had to swim with this animal I wouldn’t be frightened because I wouldn’t notice that it was there.

  31. i choose the piglet squid(Helicocranchia). It is one of the oddest-looking sea creatures I have ever laid eyes on. First off, it’s absolutely adorable looking…to the point where you’d probably want it as a pet. is one of the oddest-looking sea creatures I have ever laid eyes on. First off, it’s absolutely adorable looking…to the point where you’d probably want it as a pet. I would just love to swim with one of these things because it is so small and adorable.

  32. The recently discovered animal that I have found is the ghostly white snail fish. The ghostly white snail fish was found September 10 2011, in the Peru-Chile trench in the South Pacific. The depths that the snail fish lives in is 4500 to 8000 meters deep. The role this snail fish has in the ecosystem is that it eats the algae at the bottom of sea floor. I would feel weird swimming with one because its super white, and just looks like it could hurt you. If I found one of these creatures I would get away from it very quick, and tell someone to go look at it.

  33. The recently discovered sea creature I chose is a  box fish. The species was discovers in 2007 in Southeast Asia's Celebes Sea.  This fish has a square jaw and a boney structure. Young fish exhibit bright colors. These fish are also related to puffer fish but have are square in shape instead of round. They also have honeycomb designs on their bodies. Most box fish live in the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian oceans.

  34. The recently discovered sea creature I chose is a copepod.a tiny crustacean collected from the Atlantic abyss.

  35. The recently discorvered species I chose to write about is called "Living Fossil". There is not many of these found, and scientist believe they are a part of a group that may represent an evolutionary link between vertebrates and invertebrates. Which means animals with a backbone or spinal cord, or animals without a backbone or spinal cord. The latin name for this species is Enteropneusta. These things are really small, so I dont think you could really see them. But if I did, I would probably freak out and swim away. The role of this "Living Fossi" in the ecosystem is the evolution of mobile animals, either by crawling or swimming.

  36. The recently discovered marine animal that I decided to research on is the Neocyema. The Neocyema known to be found from the southeast Atlantic Ocean near South Africa at depths of 2000 meters to 2200 meters. The Neocyema is a species of deep-water bobtail snipe eel in the family Cyematidae. If I saw one swimming I would not be scared I would just stare at it and try to figure out what it is.

  37. The recently discovered species i chose to write about is called "Sea Spider". The Latin name pantopoda or Pycnogonids. The it plays no role in the ecosystem is none. It is not a real spider it lives under the sea. this spider can be dangerous.
    I would not swim with the sea spider. If i founded one my self i would scream kill it then give it to scientist for research.

  38. The creature i chose is the Golden Copepod. This strange, magnificant creature is a newly discovered copepod, a tiny crustacean( Any of various widespread arthropods of the class Crustacea that live mostly in water and have a hard shell, a segmented body, and jointed appendages. Crustaceans include crabs, lobsters, shrimp, barnacles, and copepods)collected from the Atlantic abyss. The latin name is aurea Copepod. They eat algae and things like that. One of its enemies is the American eel. If i swam with this id be pretty creeped out!!

  39. The creature I chose to talk about is the Pancake Sea Slug. On a recent expedition of the Philippines, this new deep-sea swell shark was discovered along with hundreds of potentially new species. It is named this because it can suck in water to swell up and frighten predators. The biologists spent 42 days surveying creatures of the land and sea. This creature doesn't necessarily have an important role in the ecosystem. I would not want to swim with one because they seem harmful. If I ever found one, I would be amazed and try and keep it as a pet.

  40. The recently discovered sea creature I chose was a Enteropneust Acorn Worm. It is also called a Pink Link. The MAR-ECO team captured three likely new species of the primitive worm, each in a different color which are pink, purple, and white also with different body shapes. This creature is said to be the first backbone animals. The creatures are being sent for DNA analysis to see if they are indeed key evolutionary links between spineless animals and those with backbones. If I had to swim with this animal I would cry because i don't do good loosing. Just kidding. If i found one i would go crazy!

  41. The recently discovered creature I have chosen is called, a Hydromedusae. It was discovered in the Bering Sea in early 2005. Its latin name is Hydrozoa. It is classified as a type pf jellyfish. It plays and important role because, like most jellyfish, it slows down the process of eutrophication. If i saw this creature swimming in the ocean, i would freak out, and get as far away from it as i possibly could.

  42. The sea animal I chose is the Teuthowenia pellucida also known as the googly-eyed glass squid. This funny looking creature can be found in the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian oceans. The googly-eyed glass squid is a blue transparent organism with noticeably larger eyes. It has eight shorter tentacles and two longer ones. This interesting creature was discovered around the time of 1910, but because of technology not much was even known about it at all until 2007. If I were to see this creature in the water swimming with me, then I would probably be curious upon why it is swimming in water that’s close to the surface. I think that the googly-eyed glass squid is a very interesting looking creature and I don’t think that I would be very intimidated if I ever saw one up close.

  43. The animal I chose to write about is the scale worm. Scale worm is a small worm like animal with twelve overlapping scales. The Latin name of the scale worm is Lepidonotus melanogrammus. The scale worm role on the ecosystem is just food for other animals. If I was swimming with one I would freak out and get out of the water as soon as possible. The reaction I would have if I found one myself would be shock.

  44. The sea creature I chose was the comb jelly. The unusual species of the comb jelly is caught searching for prey during last month's MAR-ECO Atlantic survey. The Latin name of the comb jelly is Mnemiopsis leidyi. The role for the comb jelly's ecosystem is to help find chemical traces in the water that give them permission to locate food, and many of them are equipped with gravity structure that is called statocyst , it gives them a kind of sense up and down in the water. If I had to swim with one i was freak out and start swimming away as fast as i could. If I found one my reaction would be curious and excited.

  45. The animal that I have chosen was recently found and is called an Alvinellid Worm. This worm lives in very hot ocean hydrothermal vents in the Pacific Ocean. It can get up to a max of 350°C also known as 660°F which is extremely HOT in those vents!! We burn in 120°F in about five minutes. These animals may help us study and enable the worms to explore the mats of bacteria growing in conditions that other animals cannot handle.

  46. The Multi-Colored Psychedelic Frogfish was discovered in 2009. Its common name is the Psychedelic Frogfish and its latin name is Histiophryne Psychedilica. This fish moves along the bottom of the ocean and uses its legs and gills to move itself foward. This fish has a lot of brown, orange, and white swirls and patterns on its body. I think it would be fun to swim with one of these fish. If I saw one of them just out in the ocean i would probably go near it to see it but wouldn't touch it. They are not very scary looking but do look odd.
