Thursday, October 6, 2011

Air... I have an issue with you!

Millions of things can cause pollution. Choose one source of AIR pollution and describe what harmful gases are emitted into the atmosphere as a result. What are measures to control that form of pollution?

Blogs with grammatical errors and incomplete responses will earn a maximum of an 80. Repetitious responses will not pass (60 maximum). Failure to write original material will be quizzed individually and will receive a 0 (zero) if copy and paste is revealed.

Due on Thursday, October 13th at midnight.


  1. Sulfer Dioxide. . . .I have an issue with you. Sulfer dioxide comes from coal or oil burning power plants and industries, refineries, and diesel engines. They increase lung disease and breathing problems for asthmatics. The gas reacts in the atmosphere to form acid rain. It causes acidic soils, lakes and streams, accererlated corrosion of builldings, and reduced visibility. Some measures to control too much of this sulfer dioxide to get in the atmosphere is to reduce the use of high sulfer fuels. You can do this by using lower sulfer reformulated diesel or natural gas. You can also conserve energy.

  2. Carbon monoxide is colorless, odorless, non-irritating but very poisonous gas. It is a product by incomplete combustion of fuel such as natural gas, coal or wood. Vehicular exhaust is a major source of carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is produced by partial oxidation of carbon-containing compounds. Then it forms, when there is not enough oxygen to produce the carbon dioxide or (CO2), as when operating a stove or an internal combustion engine in an enclosed space. In the presence of oxygen, carbon monoxide burns with a blue flame, producing the carbon dioxide

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  4. Methane gas, I have a problem with you. People can be exposed by inhalation, ingestion, and sometimes even just by touching it. Methanes flammable. Sometimes Methane can get into drinking water, since it's found underground, it can find its way into your water system. Methane is used for many factories, grills, and so on. Carbon monoxide is a byproduct of methan, which is a very poisonous gas.

  5. Carbon Dioxide, I have a bone to pick with you. It's a naturally occuring compound, made of two oxygen atoms, and one carbon atom. Carbon dioxide also can come from combustion; through volcanoes, hot springs, and geysers. Carbon dioxide can be found in some fire extinguishers, especially those designed for electrical fires, which contain liquid pressurised carbon dioxide. Liquid and solid carbon dioxide are important, especially in the food industry, where they are employed during the moving and storage of ice cream and other frozen foods. Carbon dioxide is colorless. At low levels, the gas is odorless. At higher levels it has a sharp, acidic odor. Carbon dioxide is essential to photosynthesis in plants, and is also a prominent greenhouse gas.

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  7. I have a problem with you, Chlorofluorocarbons!!! You contribute to the green house effect, which also leads to global warming. Some of the scientists also believe that you are destroying the ozone. The ozone absorbs harmful ultra violet radiation from the sun. Global warming makes temperatures around the world drop, which is mainly bad in the icebergs area. If the temperatures continue to drop, it will start an Ice age.

  8. Radon are causing air pollution.  Radon gas comes from radioactive decay of uranium and thorium.  This is a radioactive noble gas that is colorless, odorless, and naturally occurring.  Radon gas can cause lung cancer and it is usually in confined buildings or enclosed areas.  It is considered a health hazard because it is radioactive.  Some dangerous things it produces are large amounts of ionizing radiation which goes into the public.  The measures gone to control this are sub-slab depressurization and giving the building more ventilation.  By giving a building more ventilation, fresh air comes in to replace the radon gases that flow out.

  9. aerosol cans we have an isssue with you. Ever since the 1980's you have been causing issues to us and our enviroments.First you caused the issue with chlorofluorocarbons as a way to propel your liquids yea hurting the enviroment there.But you fixed that after 70 nations signed the Montreal Protocol to take your chloroflourocarbons away from you.Today most of you propelants are liquefied petroleum gas.Which is not as dangerous but still poses a threat. This threat is it is a fossil fuel you must get these from the ground and forbid you let fossil fuels leak now you have an enviromental disaster!So while you make the air smell better with your fragrences you hurt the enviroment!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Nitrogen dioxide, I've got a problem with you. Nitrogen dioxide is a gas created by high temperature combustion such as in factories in large cities, small appliances such as gas stoves, or even be found tobacco smoke. It can be described a large reddish-brown cloud with a very distinct and bad smell. Some effects of nitrogen dioxide can be irritation of the eyes, nose or throat. A few steps that are being tried to control the levels of nitrogen dioxide in the air are: finding a more energy-efficient way to burn fuel, and to make electricity power multiple different household appliances.

  11. The word smog is a combination of the words smoke and fog. Smog causes a smoky dark atmosphere to rise over cities. Smog is caused by many factors. The smog that enters the atmosphere consists of over 100 chemicals. Particles present in smog include carbon monoxide, dirt, dust, and ozone. To create a smog effect, sunlight, hydrocarbons, and nitrogen oxides have to mix together. Major producers of smog include automobiles, fires, paints, and oil production. One measure to reduce the smog is to not use cars as much as we normally do. Another way is to stop industries polluting the air with smoke. These are two ways to stop the smog from polluting the air.

  12. Acid rain is a type of air pollution that is exactly what its name is, rain that has high levels of acid in it. It has two types of ways it gets to Earth in the atmosphere. Wet ways to get to the earth is fog, snow, and rain. Dry ways that it can get to Earth is acid gases and particles. Ways that you can stop acid rain are: Conserving energy, don’t drive as much, and carpool with a friend to stop the spreading of large amounts of nitrogen oxides that causes acid rain. Acid rain can also harm trees and cars when coming in contact with the acid. It also harms oceans, lakes, and rivers and there animals.

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  14. Fossil Fuels…. I have an issue with you. Fossil Fuels is the largest source that produces greenhouse gases in the world. It contributes ¾ of all carbon, methane and other greenhouse gas. Burning coal, petroleum and other fossil fuels at extremely high temperature is the primary means by which electricity is produced, but also leads to large amounts of pollutants in our air and water. The atmosphere already absorbs a ton of greenhouse gases, but is trapping up to 25% more of the sun’s radiation due to annual increases in greenhouse gases.

  15. Bonfires... I have an issue with you. There aren’t specific laws against having a bonfire, or when you can have one – but there are Acts that deal with the bad things they can cause. It is an offense to get rid of trash in a way likely to cause pollution or harm to human health, including burning it. Burning plastic, rubber or painted materials creates poisonous fumes. These can have damaging health effects – particularly for people with existing health problems, like people with asthma and with heart conditions. If you are having a bonfire, the smoke and smell created by it can annoy your neighbors. Smoke can stop people enjoying their gardens, opening windows or hanging washing out.
    If your neighbor has a bonfire and it affects you, speak to them and explain the problem. They may not be aware of the distress they are causing – and may have not thought about other ways to dispose of the waste, like composting.

  16. Cigarette smoking, I have a big 'ole issue with you. Not only is it harmful to your health to smoke, but it also damages our atmosphere. Some chemicals emitted from smoking are carbon monoxide (car exhaust), methane (sewer gas), hydrogen cyanide (poison), butane (lighter fluid), and almost 4,000 more. Some measures taken to reduce the amount of this pollution are quitting smoking, and making laws saying it is illegal to smoke in public places like restaurants.

  17. Volatile Organic Chemicals i have an issue with you. Not all forms are dangerous. Some dangerous forms are benzene, polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons, Butadiene. All types can cause cancer. VOC's are given off by a lot of products such as paints, cleaning supplies, pesticides, office equiptment, and markers. Measures taken to reduce amount of pollution from Volatile Organic Chemicals are that all new installations go by the Provisions of the directive. They are also setting emission limits for such compounds.

  18. The air pollution I choose was carbon tetrachloride. This pollutin is used in fire extinguishers, cleaning agents, dry cleaning solvents, refrigerant, and in lava lamps. It's a colourless liquid with a "sweet" smell that can be detected at low levels. This air pollution effects the liver, kidneys, and central nervous system CNS. In this air pollution there's methane gases, chlorine, and carbon.

  19. The pollutant I chose is Particulate matter. Particulate matter is a form of air pollution. This matter is particles in the air. These particles can be solids or liquids. Particulate matter comes from a lot of sources. Cigarettes, cigars are one of the most common causes for particulate matter. Why because tobacco smoke. Smoke is a type of particulate matter.
    There are many types of harmful gas in particulate matter like lead, mercury and asbestos. One measurement we can take is to stop the production of tabacco products.

  20. Asbestos I have a problem with you. Asbestos comes from a metamorphic rock. It is not dangerous touching or being near it, it is only dangerous when it is inhaled into your lungs. The fibers of asbestos do not make it into the atmosphere, so it only affects the human body when inhaled. To get rid of asbestos all we have to do is to get it out of our homes if we have it, and ban it in the United States.

  21. Haze, I have a problem with you. Haze is formed when smoke, dust, and other pollutants come together (usually in cities). It is a dangerous pollutant to inhale because its made up of many different pollutants including fossil fuels. To stop this dangerous type of pollution we can reduce the use in cars and the start of fires. We can also become more conservitive when we do use our cars and we could also walk/ride our bikes, more often.


    Dust particles in the atmosphere that rise from many sources such as the soil lifted up by winds of volcanic eurpution, and pollution. Dust particles can be found in homes, offices, and any other type of human enviroments. In these enviroments they contain pollen, human and animal hairs, paper fibers, outdoor dirt particles. The Dust Collector is a system used for collecting dust and other particles. A dust collector system consists of a blower, dust filter, a filter-cleaning system, and a dust removal system.

  23. Nitric oxide is the source of air pollution I chose to talk about. Nitric oxide is a gas found in the atmosphere. It is one of the gases that are needed to form both acid rain and ozone. Ozone can also be called photochemical smog. The burning of biomass and fossil fuels creates nitric oxide. Humans create about 30 to 50 million tons per year and 10 to 20 million occur through natural causes. Nitric oxide is one of the gases capable of destroying the ozone layer in the stratosphere. Nitric oxide will stay in the atmosphere for days. This is not to be confused with nitrogen dioxide NO2, or nitrous oxide N2O this is nitric oxide NO.

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  27. Wild fires I have a issue with you! You are causing air pollution everyday! You release smoke and carbon monoxide. You can't smell,see,or feel carbon monoxide. It is a deadly gas that could kill humans and animals and messes up our atmosphere! It rips our atmopshere into pieces. Earth could survive without a atmosphere.

  28. Liquid Propane... I have an issue with you! Liquid propane is the fuel that is commonly used for trucks and some cars. This is not a non-renewable source because it has a petroleum base. This mean it’s not good for the environment and when burned it releases toxins and pollutants (not as much as gasoline). Many are okay with using liquid propane because it’s made in the United States and you can save more money on gas. Although, its long term effect is far more important than a few dollars on gas. A good way to eliminate this problem is to use electric powered cars or a green fuel that won’t release any pollutants or toxins. Therefore I have an issue with liquid propane.


    Insecticide is one source of air pollution. One type of insecticide is fumigation. This fills the air with lost of gases to kill off bugs. Some chemicals in fumigation are phosphine, chloropicrin, methylisocyanate, sulfury fluoride, formaldehyde, lodoform and ethylene oxide.
    One chemical that is in fumigation is Ethylene oxide. Ethylene Oxide is a carcinogen, a carcinogen is a cancer causing agent. Ethylene Oxide also causes acute poisoning; this causes dizziness, vomiting, headaches and many other symptoms.
    We can reduce the effect of this pollution source by not using as much insecticides to kill bugs. We should use more eco-friendly ways.

  30. Nitrosomorpholine I have A problem with you. Nitrosomorpholine is a federal hazardous air pollutant and was identified as a toxic air contaminant in April 1993. Nitrosomorpholine is a yellow crystalline solid. It is soluble in water and organic solvents and is sensitive to light. When heated to decomposition, it emits fumes of nitrogen oxides. By analogy with N-nitrosodimethylamine, photolysis of N-nitrosomorpholine is expected to be the dominant tropospheric loss. The atmospheric lifetime of N-nitrosomorpholine is estimated to be less than one day. The reaction products are expected to be aldehydic ethers, and nitric oxide

  31. Hydrocarbon pollutant is produced by unburned fuel and are emitted mostly by cars. this also contribute to smog. are compounds made of hydrogen and carbon. They are released from gasoline engines and the evaporation of paint and solvents and are also produced naturally from the decomposition of organic matter and by certain types of plants. Hydrocarbons can contribute to the formation of ground-level ozone. Recently there has been efforts in stopping hydrocarbon water pollution, but still each year about 157,500,000 gallons of oil and hyrocarbon emmisions are being dumped into our lakes and oceans, and seeping into our ground water. Added to this number is the amount of hydrocarbons reaching water from atmospheric fall out. Hydrocarbons... I have a problem with you!!

  32. Mr. Greenhouse, you're in big trouble, mister! You release fluorinated compounds into our air. Flourine is more common on Earth than in the solar system or stars. It is the 13th most found compound in the crust. They are very poisonous and corrosive. They are slightly heavier than air. It can be found sea waters, rivers, and springs, and it has even been linked to solar explosions! To reduce the production of these chemicals you can stop using these chemicals in the first place. We can also reduce the usage of greenhouses.

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  34. i choose Radioactive radiation from outer space. which can create very high ,dangergous levels of radiation from nuclear weapon testing, nuclear power plant radiation leaks, and bad disposal of nuclear waste materials. radioactive radiation can also change DNA , leading or causing birth defects, and it could even cause skin cancer and burn tissue and possibly death.

  35. Lead, I have a problem with you. Lead is natural to our enviroment but harmful when released from aircraft fuels. Recently although the emissions of lead have been decreased due to the EPA. Today you will find the most lead emissions at either metals processing plants or aircraft.

  36. Nitrogen oxides i have many problems with you. Nitrogen oxides are produced during combustion. They are believed to aggravate asthmatic conditions, react with the oxygen in the air to produce ozone, which is also an irritant and eventually form nitric acid when dissolved in water.When dissolved in atmospheric moisture the result can be acid rain which can damage both trees and entire forest ecosystems.

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  38. Gasoline exhaust fumes I have a problem with you! The effects of inhalation of such pollutant gases on platelet function and blood viscosity have not been sufficiently investigated, even if these parameters seem to be in strict correlation with cardiovascular function. It can be concluded that gasoline exhaust fumes could have been responsible for the observed alterations. It is a disgrace to the air pollution world!

  39. Nitrous Oxide i have a problem with you! N20 you are bad for this earth. I know you are a natural component of the earth`s atmosphere and important in the greenhouse effect and causes nitrogen loading. Humans inputs 6 million tons per year and 19 million ton per year nature. the residence time in the atmosphere about 170 years. You N20 comes from nitrogen based fertilizers, deforestation, and biomass burning. Another name for Nitrous oxide is laughing gas or sweet air. This gas is named after its sweet odor and taste. this gas is a major part in air pollution and global warming causes.

  40. Natural gas……. I have an issue with you! Natural gas is a fossil fuel that has its own major environmental hazards. Natural gas power plants are bad pollution sources. They release bad chemicals in the air like greenhouse gas methane, which traps 25 times the heat of carbon dioxide. Because American companies are not required to report the amount of greenhouse gas emissions, we cannot know the quantity of the emissions from natural gas.


    Roasting Coffee Beans... I have an issue with you! Coffee beans may seem like a silly source of air pollution, but it is actually a common activity that leads to air pollutant emissions such as particulate matter (particles in the air), volatile organic compounds (gases from certain sollids or liquids), and many others. Actions we can do to stop this pollutant, is just stop roasting them. If we found a new way to roast coffee beans that is better for the earth, there would be much fresher air.

    Volcanoes, I have a MAJOR problem with you! Volcanoes release many harmful gases into our atmosphere. This effects the air we breath! Some of these gases include: sulfur, chlorine, and ash particulates. It is virtually impossible to get completely rid of air pollution. With volcanoes, it is especially difficult. This is because, it is a natural geographic feature, and we don't ever know when it can go off. We can take a few steps to make our air cleaner though. We could start by, reducing the number of vehicles on the road. Cars can emmit some of the same harmful gases as volcanoes. Although the chance of people getting rid of their cars is very unlikely, they could still buy eco-friendly vehicles. This is just one, of the many, that pollutes our air today.

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  44. The topic I chose to talk about was land and land forest fires. In several different countries, farmers or plantation owners often use fire to clear tracts of land for planting crops. This can be especially dangerous for the atmosphere and air we breathe. It is dangerous because the smoke rises into the atmosphere and combines with fog, creating smog. Smog can affect small children and senior citizens greatly. It can be even more dangerous to people with emphysema, bronchitis, and asthma.

  45. The topic I chose to talk about is combustion engine. Combustion engine is any type of automobiles. Automobiles is one of the most pollutant thing there is. When automobiles are just sitting idling in a traffic jam that is when the most air pollutant is happening, even the people are getting poisoned.

  46. Diesel fuel....I have a problem with you!Diesel is used throughout the world in different ways. It powers trucks that deliver products to us, buses that carry us to school and farming equipment that plants and harvests
    our foods. Also some backup generators that can provide electricity during emergencies. It is supposedly cheaper to run in most machines
    than gasoline engines or other sources of power but it has up to 40 contaminates in it. The exhaust from these engines contains substances that can pose a risk to us.

  47. I choose Particulate matter which is a combination of soot, dust, and aerosols that are trapped in the air we all breath. It's measurement is in microns this matter can get right into the lungs straight into the bloodstream. It's caused by the burning of fuels from things such as woodstoves, diesel trucks, and buses or coal-fired power plants. Along with construnction, mining and agricultural practice it effects young children and old people. Its estimated that over 4,700 premature deaths happen each year in just nine cities.
