Friday, October 14, 2011

Water, Water Everywhere

If over 70% of the Earth is water, then water is an especially essential resource. Choose a water abuse that would have impacts on the other spheres and explain those impacts.

USE correct grammar, spelling and DO NOT repeat someone else's response.

Due on Friday, October 21st at midnight.


  1. The water abuse that I chose is contamination from dumping sewage into the water.  Not only is it gross, but it affects many other things and other spheres.  When sewage is dumped the living things (biosphere) in the water can get sick and die.  Dumping also impacts the hydrosphere especially because the water is becoming contaminated and polluted.  The anthrosphere is also affected because the humans have to pay and work to clean the waters up.  In conclusion, dumping sewage affects more than just the hydrosphere.

  2. The water abuse that I chose is organic chemicals. These are materials that pollute water such as pesticides and herbicides used to get rid of unwanted insects and plants. They are washed into rivers, lakes, and streams, and are carried off by sediment runoff. This affects the hydrosphere, biosphere, and anthrosphere. Organic chemicals contaminate the water in the hydrosphere. This leaves the biosphere and anthrosphere unable to use or drink clean, fresh, safe water. We should properly dispose organic chemicals.

  3. The water abuse I chose is oil spills. Oil spills are a release of a liquid petroleum hydrocarbon into the environment, especially marine areas, due to human activity, and is a form of pollution. This causes animals to die because they are suffocated under neath the oil under water. Marine birds, and beaches can also be effected. I think it's to much of a risk to have oil wells out in the ocean because they kill animals, fisherman can't make a living, and takes forever to clean up.

  4. Nutrient Pollution is the form of water pollution I picked. It refers to contamination but with more nutrients then needed in a body of water or just water itself. When nutrients run off on the ground from surface waters it causes algae to grow which is bad for grass and the animals that eat that grass. The things that causes nutrient pollution is run off from farming and pastures, discharge from septic tanks, and combustion that get sent out. It can also hurt marine animals with how much nutrients is in the water. It effects the Biosphere and Hydrosphere

  5. The water abuse I chose is chemical water pollution. Industrial and agricultural work involves the use of many different chemicals that can run-off into the water and pollute it. This can affect the biosphere. Metals and solvents from industrial work can pollute rivers and lakes. These are poisonous to many forms of aquatic life and it may slow down their development. This can also affect the hydrosphere. It affects it because when chemicals get in the water it can affect the water environment and the animals that live in it. One solution to stop chemical water pollution is to reestablish wetlands to act as a buffer zone to run-off and to assist in filtering pollutants.

  6. Dirty water is a big type of water abuse, It is not clean, and may sometimes often carry diseases. When people drink it, often times they will get sick or even die. All the humans live in the Anthrosphere. If the earth was 70% of that dirty water, more and more people would die. This is basically killing the Anthrosphere as well.

  7. Although air pollution and carbon dioxide may not have a direct negative impact on fresh water systems and resources, they do have an indirect impact. The factor that does affect fresh water sources is global warming, which is caused by the carbon dioxide emissions. The global warming causes fresh water to evaporate much faster than the earth can replace it. Some other spheres that may be affected by this would obviously be the atmosphere, because it is thinning out the layers of ozone, the cryosphere, because global warming also melts glaciers, and the anthrosphere, because humans are going to be hurt with lack of fresh water to drink.

  8. The water pollution I picked out would be underground storage leakages. Underground storage leakages may contain gasoline, an petroleum products. These UST's are stored underwater to hold these items prior to their disposal. At some point in time once the UST tanks have aged they will- without a doubt leak, and flow into our aquatic ecosystem. Once these tanks leak and these chemicals flow out, they will effect our anthrosphere and biosphere, by effecting our drinking water and our aquatic life.

  9. The water abuse that I choose is water over use. If we do not conserve water sources in larger cities then there will not be enough water in one place. There is already places in the united states that have day that you must conserve water. On some days you can not water you lawn. People are stacked up in apartments floor by floor. The anthrosphere is effected because we will not have enough water to keep human cicilization alive if we do not conserve water. The Biosphere is effected because we create man made river blocks. This keeps fish from swimming up the river and responing.

  10. The water abuse that i choose is industrial waste water. Industries produce a lot of waste water, with high amounts of pollutants, such as oil, grease, heavy metals, and big amounts of organic compounds. Some industries have pre- pollution plans to treat water, others don't. This waste water affects the atmosphere by partly being heated due to evaporation then adds to global warming due to so much heat. It also affects the anthrosphere because we breath the air, and if the water isn't treated properly we could drink it. The biosphere also suffers from the same conditions as the anthrosphere.

  11. Untreated sewage (or raw sewage) is all sewage that is not treated sewage - sewage that has not passed through a treatment system. This is sewage that is discharged directly from a toilet into a waterway (in areas where discharge is permitted) or contained in an onboard holding tank. Any untreated sewage that is discharged, in areas where the discharge of untreated sewage is permitted, must first pass through a macerator. Macerated sewage is untreated sewage. This affects the Biosphere because it is contaminating living organisms. This also affects the anthrosphere because it gets into water that us humans have to drink.

  12. I picked disposal of personal care products and household chemicals this includes detergents and various cleaning solutions. This is a serious problem since the releases to water are unpredictable and hard if not impossible to control. It is up to each of us to minimize this contribution to water pollution by controlling our consumption and disposal of such products as well as trying to recycle as much as we can!!!!! :D

  13. I chose Microbiological Pollution.
    This is a natural form of water pollution caused by microorganisms. Most of these microorganims thrive in water and fish, land animals and humans to become ill. Microorganims like bacteria, viruses and protozoa cause serious diseases like cholera. In poor countries, there are no facilities to treat polluted water and hence the health of people are affected.

  14. I chose Effects of Heavy Metal Water Pollution.
    Heavy metals like lead, mercury, iron, cadmium, aluminum and magnesium, these are very present in the earth's water abuse. If these metals are present in the sediment, they reach the food chain through plants and aquatic animals. This causes heavy metal poisoning in case the level in the water is very high. So therefore we have to try and help our planet. This would be very helpful!

  15. I chose dumping pesticides. Dumping pesticides affects the biosphere, and hydrosphere. Dumping pesticides would poison animals and disturb cause a shortage of food. It would also poison the water we can drink.

  16. I had picked nucular water this would be very harmful to the diffrent spheres in earth.Dumping nucular water into the oceans could the animals in the water and contaminate the water.

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  18. The type of water abuse I choose is biomedical waste. There are three forms of biomedical waste. Solids, liquids, and sharps, bio waste is waste that can be a hazard to the health of living things. An example of a biomedical waste producer is a hospital. For example if plastic gloves and medical needles appeared on the ocean’s shore. That would be am example of bio medical waste. This form of waste would affect the anthrosphere and the biosphere. It would be a health hazard for humans and animals. It could cause dieses form contaminated fish. That would affect humans.

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  20. The type of water pollution I choose is suspended matter. Suspended matter is the type of chemicals that can not be broken down. They just stay in the ocean. Humans and animals can be harmed by this. It is a long term issue in Earths bodies of water. After a while the matter falls to the ocean foor and forms a layer of slit. Dead fish are compounded in it. It is unhealthy to have that in any body of water anywhere. It also messes up the structure of the water.

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    The water pollution I chose that abuses our spheres is called Groundwater Pollution. We get alot of our drinking water from underground, and if it gets polluted then we may be harmed. If we consume any of the dangerous things found in contaminated waters, it could lead to major illness. Groundwater pollution is often caused by pesticide contamination from the soil. Not many other spheres get effected from Groundwater pollution, but it is still a very dangerous water abuse.

  23. The source of pollution that I chose that affects our spheres is mining. Mining cause’s water pollution in a lot of ways and it also causes damage to the lithosphere. Mining causes water pollution by exposes heavy metals and sulfur compounds that were previously locked away in the earth. When rainwater extracts these compounds out of the exposed earth, it result in acid mine drainage and heavy metal pollution that can continues long after the mining operations has been done and it affects the lithosphere by destructing rainforest ecosystem.

  24. I choose run-off. Run offs can lead to many chemicals and other bad things being released into the environment and most importantly the water. Chemicals used for crops are not safe to be consumed therefore this is putting anybody in danger that drinks tap water. These chemicals can be absorbed into the ground and also contaminate aquifers.

  25. The type of water pollution I chose is natural catastrophes such as hurricanes, volcanoes, earthquakes, and floods. These events can cause problems for multiple spheres mainly the atmosphere and hydrosphere. Volcanoes cause pollution by releasing ash into the water and air. Floods only affect the hydrosphere by washing chemicals and other man made items into oceans and lakes. Earthquakes only affect the atmosphere by sending massive dust clouds into the air.

  26. The water abuse I chose is the contamination of water on farms from the animal manure or from decomposing animals that have passed away. This can pollute the water when it runs off or under the farm and mixes with other groundwater. These things can also pollute the atmosphere with the gasses released during these processes.

  27. There are other types of water abuse besides pollution (like all the comments above). The type of water abuse I chose was over population. A very good example of this is New York, New York where there is a high amount of people concentrated into one area. This is a problem because it's hard to distribute all of that water fast enough and in the required amount to all of the citizens. This problem affects the anthrosphere and the hydrosphere.

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  29. The water abuse I choose is construction sites. At a construction site many different types of paints, clues, diesel, oils, other toxic chemicals, and cements. Its immediate effect creates turbidity in the runoff water. It also affects ground water and surface water.

  30. Global warming is a type of water abuse that affects the biosphere and hydrosphere. The death of many aquatic organisms can be caused by an increase in water temperature, due to global warming. These deaths may disrupt several marine habitats, causing major problems. The death of an aquatic organism can lead to more deaths of another aquatic species.

  31. I choose Marine Pollution for my water abuse. It occurs when harmful effects enter into the ocean of chemicals, or the spread of invasive organisms. Most sources of Marine Pollution are land based which means they mostly occur on land. This pollution comes from nonpoint source like agricultural runoff, and windblown debris.

  32. The type of water abuse I have chosen is called, oxygen depleting. This is basically when too much biodegradable material (can decompose without harming the environment)is made, and microorganisms increase rapidly, causing a decline in oxygen. When this happens, anaerobic microorganisms form. These are organisms that can produce toxins that could be potentially harmful to humans, animals, etc. These organisms give off sulfides (compound of sulfur with an element).


  34. Large landfills are an example of a place you can find water pollution. When it rains, it's also over the landfill and the water runs off then infiltrates into the ground as groundwater. That is where the water is infected; in the landfills. The water is also infected by humans by incorrectly filtering the water when pulled from groundwater that is close enough to the landfills to be effected.

  35. The water abuse I chose is animals 'using the bathroom' in oceans, lakes, rivers, etc. It leaves fecal matter behind, which can contaminate the water, leaving it undrinkable, not being able to use it. You want fresh clean water, not contaminated water. The fecal matter is filled with many unwanted harmful chemicals, and spreads across the body of water, it's no longer safe. It could greatly affect us.

  36. The water abuse i chose is Thermal Pollution. When water is being ran off from businesses it gets in the earths water and causes the water temperature to go up. In streams the temperature goes up and it makes the water more turbid. It changes the dissolved oxygen level in the water. Some organisms can be killed by sudden change in water temperature. It can greatly affect the organisms on earth.

  37. The water pollutant I picked is plastic. Plastic is a major pollutant because when the plastic gets into the water it breaks down releasing all these chemicals into the water. Animals also mistake plastic for a food source.
    This affects the biosphere because animals get the chemicals soaked in through their skin and also eat this. It affects the anthrosphere because we eat those animals that have been affected by those chemicals. It affects the giosphere because when the contaminated water is evaporated it picks up the chemicals and is later precipitated as acid rain. This quickly erodes the rocks and land. The cryosphere is affected by the water freezing and it affects how ice melts.

  38. The water abuse I chose is acid rain. Power plants let out lots of harmful chemicals that really makes us abuse water. Once the chemicals are let out they build up and condense. Then they precipitate as acid rain. Acid rain ruins water because it is like dumping bleach in your water. Humans need to make for a greener planet so we don’t abuse the precious water that we have.

  39. The water abuse i chose is Toxic Waste. waste material that can cause death or injury to living creatures. It spreads quite easily and can contaminate lakes and rivers. The term is often used interchangeably with “hazardous waste”, or discarded material that can pose a long-term risk to health or environment.

  40. choose Coliform bacteria which are a commonly used bacterial indicator of water pollution, although not an actual cause of disease. Other microorganisms sometimes found in surface waters which have caused human health problems include Burkholderia pseudomallei and many others.this may cause the disease melioidosis. High levels of pathogens can cause a poorly treated sewage discharges. This can be caused by a sewage plant designed with less than secondary treatment. this can effect the biosphere and it can effect the hydrosphere.

  41. The type of water abuse I chose is Agricultural water pollution. Agricultural water pollution can have variety of negative effects. Not only do substantial environmental problems result, but many of the pollutants produced by farms (minerals, chemicals and pathogens, are exmaples) can make water unsafe for human consumption

  42. The water abuse that I have chosen is animal waste. Animal waste such as dirty water from farms affects the well being of people. Animal waste carries many diseases and can spread through water ways after rains. It even affects the fish that we sometimes eat giving us diseases such as; Toxoplasmosis, Leptospirosis, Giardiasis, Cryptosporidiosis, Campylobacteriosis, and strong migraines.

  43. The type of water abuse I chose to write about is biodegradable substances and how they affect the water. This can cause a problem to the water because it increases the anaerobic microorganisms that are in the water at that time. This affects the biosphere because the biodegradable substances that are in the water let off chemicals and the chemicals are harmful to animals that are in the water.
