Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Write a story about your favorite Christmas memory. Make sure you include who, what, where, when and how. It doesn't have to be a novel, but it does have to be more than a paragraph.

Due on Wednesday, December 21st at midnight, but DON'T WAIT until then. You WILL forget and I WILL NOT accept it late. This is the last blog until 2012. :)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Now THAT is paradise!

French Dominica is said to be the only Caribbean Island that Christopher Coloumbus would recognize because it is largely undeveloped. I think that tropical island is my kind of place. Being able to go to the beach all year long, grow my own food and no pollution problems seem like paradise.

Find a location that represents paradise to you. Include a link of the map of that location, a description of the biome, ecosystem and relative development in comparison to surrounding areas.

Due on Tuesday, December 13 at midnight.

Monday, November 28, 2011

There she blows!

Research a volcano. Report the location, last 3 eruption dates, type of volcano, type of flow and the aftermath of the eruption (effect on the bioshpere).

Due on Monday, December 5, 2011 (interim report day) at midnight.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

I Felt the Earth Move Under My Feet...

Research an Earthquake of 5.0 or greater. Report the fault responsible, location of the focus, areas within the epicenter, damage totals and any injury or deaths.

Due on Thursday, November 24 at midnight, but that is Thanksgiving Day, so DON'T WAIT until the last minute!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

All bottled up inside.

Research a bottled water company. What is the water source? What is the treatment process? What is the annual sales total (volume or dollars)? What does it cost per liter (1 US fluid ounce = 0.0295735296 liters)? Where (regions, states, countries, etc.) is it sold?

Include links and do not repeat anyone else's response.

Due on Wednesday, November 16 at midnight.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Drink it in.

In Elizabeth City, it’s hard to imagine not being able to get clean, fresh water. Choose a country (not the US or Canada) and describe the usable public water there. Include average annual gallons used per person, sources, purification processes (if any) and cost (either in local dollars or time invested in retrieving it).
Add your research links to your post.

Due on Tuesday, November 8 at midnight.

Monday, October 24, 2011

It's a sea WHAT?!?!?!

Research newly discovered sea creatures on sites such as the following:

Describe the species discovered, the latin and common names, and what role it has in the ecosystem.

How would you feel about swimming with one? Describe your reaction if you found one yourself.

DO NOT repeat other students' responses and make sure your response is complete.
Due on Monday, October 31 at midnight.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Water, Water Everywhere

If over 70% of the Earth is water, then water is an especially essential resource. Choose a water abuse that would have impacts on the other spheres and explain those impacts.

USE correct grammar, spelling and DO NOT repeat someone else's response.

Due on Friday, October 21st at midnight.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Air... I have an issue with you!

Millions of things can cause pollution. Choose one source of AIR pollution and describe what harmful gases are emitted into the atmosphere as a result. What are measures to control that form of pollution?

Blogs with grammatical errors and incomplete responses will earn a maximum of an 80. Repetitious responses will not pass (60 maximum). Failure to write original material will be quizzed individually and will receive a 0 (zero) if copy and paste is revealed.

Due on Thursday, October 13th at midnight.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Take a reading

Choose a weather instrument and describe what it measures and how it was developed.

DO NOT REPEAT! This will be extremely challenging if you wait until the last minute!

Due on Wednesday, October 5th at midnight.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Atmosphere turns dangerous

Choose an atmospheric phenomenon and describe how it can be damaging. Explain how that particular condition develops and why. Find a historic event that is an example of when it was especially dangerous.

Helpful links:

WRITE all comments using trusted sources, but be careful NOT TO COPY AND PASTE!


Monday, September 12, 2011

Can I get a job?

Research a career in Earth Science. Answer the following questions in your comment:

1- Are jobs open in that field?
2- What is the education required?
3- What is the entry salary?
4- What locations are jobs available?
5- Any other information of interest.

DO NOT REPEAT ANYONE ELSE'S RESPONSE!!!! You may use the following links for ideas:

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Spheres of Influence

Research a current event that discusses recent concerns in one or more areas of Earth Science. Think in terms of the major spheres. Post the source of your article and write a summary paragraph of the topic.

Make sure to read over previous posts so that you do not repeat another TOPIC or ARTICLE.